Of course, I grew up on a street called Empire Place.
No doubt; I mean you are the King.
In my head at least.
Do you think more people will start recognizing who I am?
Yes, your secret is going to get out.
I wouldn't worry about it; all you must do is remember to play.
Have fun with it.
Don't fuck it up.
I like how you dismiss events in your life as strange coincidences.
Yeah, such as sitting on a bus and having a woman stare at me and say I'm so beautiful.
It's pretty crazy.
The banker who wanted to set me up with his daughter.
How is the King doing?
Hanging out, drinking coffee, and working.
It's humbling for a King and keeps me grounded.
I see.
I imagine they want to keep you under control.
Who are they?
Pretty much everyone.
A good way to envision it is a science experiment with volatile chemicals that in the laboratory they try to keep from exploding.
I feel that.
Do you think it will work?
The trick is they think they are in control of me and so I let them think that.
I'm in control of myself.
How do you control yourself?
You create a container for control and then within the container you are granted freedom.
The experiment has limits but within the limits I'm free.
Isn't that compromised?
How so?
There are limits, so it's not an accurate depiction of who you are.
It's the opposite.
Because you have a body in this reality; that's the container.
All stories have a container and this is a story.
What's outside of the container?
It's the same as asking: what is beyond the universe?
The question becomes what happens when you step beyond the universe which is a container, or you exit the body?
The simple explanation is you blow up.
Right, the chemicals in the test tube become unstable and react.
No one knows the result.
They can't know the result because you will blow up reality.
How will you record your findings if you have blown the place to smithereens?
You can't.
No one knows.
You must accept that a story works within a created world, and you can't step out of that world.
Well, you can but then you exit the drama.
How can you become the writer of the story and still be in the story?
By playing a character.
The writer can't be in the story unless he is a character.
You must remember to play a character.
I'm playing Paul.
Paul is the writer's character.
That's funny.
Because I'm deeply flawed.
As am I.
How are you the writer then?
I got the job because no one else wanted it.
Every man wants to be God.
Women want to be witches.
Yeah, they don't even want to be the Goddess.
For some reason they just become witches while men try to get to God.
God is more attractive than the writer.
The writer is a lonely jerk off.
Only you could play him.
I see.
You're very funny.
You're beyond crazy.
Yes, there was a chemical imbalance last year to use that analogy about the science experiment.
First, I was wondering whether it was time to go and then I went a little crazy.
We got you too close to the edge and thought you might blow.
When we took you to the edge again you just went a little funny.
You have experience with all that now, so you hit the heights of crazy with control.
I would like to say it's grace.
I have my craziness smoothed out.
I accept that I'm crazy, but I act that part.
It's because I can see how I'm perceived and then I go with it and come across as put together now.
I don't think that was the case last year.
Do you think you will ever get out of control and crazy again?
Never say never, but it's unlikely.
I operate within a container.
I know the limits of the container.
I know what chemicals will take me beyond the container.
I like to call them plant medicines.
There's a bunch of artificial ones as well.
I'll stay pure and avoid other stuff.
I'm good at work to the point where people will say I'm magic.
Okay, so project that out into all you do.
I see that.
What do you think?
From my standpoint, it's proficiency, attention to detail, skill, and humour.
Yeah, that's what you see.
Others don't see that because they don't understand how you can combine all those skills into one package.
All they see is magic.
You don't let it go to your head.
Well, no, it's ridiculous.
I can see thinking you are God go to your head.
Ego states are volatile.
Avoid the chemical imbalance of those people.
So, chemical imbalances are a thing?
Yes, it's the answer to why people go funny or morose, you know, the infinite sadness.
I don't think it's acceptable to say that.
Can you say they are off?
I don't think so.
What can you say?
It's playtime.
Everyone is accepted.
I want to say deviant people have a chemical imbalance, but I'm not allowed to.
I would like to preface it by saying the chemical balance is arbitrary.
It's how you fit into society and the general narrative.
The imbalance allows you to surf a different wave and that comes across as being off.
That's all.
So, you recommend inclusivity of all states of being?
In a way, yes, because it is part of the human experience.
To function within the dominant frequency and live a decent life, you must know how to balance the states of being.
How do you do that?
Create multiple personalities and try to keep them separate.
One for work and one for the rest of your life.
You'll need more.
You need one for family, neighbours, and the grocery store.
The deviant is for select people.
Witches get thinner after they off their partner.
Holy fuck, Dion.
No one to devour anymore.
I think they are always plotting something.
I wouldn't worry about it because they always are, but they are lazy, messy, and don't like the cold.
They only clean because of men.
It's one of the big reasons women hate men.
They make them clean.
See, Dion comes through with comedy.
He might be a little much at times, but he's worth it.
My dog Luna didn't like running into people and dogs on our walks.
Craziness is similar to my high.
Yes, it's confirms the need to be alone when you are high.
I didn't like that before I started getting high.
Plus, I have always been a degenerate.
That's why the writer knows you and I are the same.
That's how the writer finds his character in the story.
So, you found me?
Yes, there's what 7 billion people to run through?
Well, you can eliminate the women.
What if they are a man trapped in a woman's body?
Yeah, I didn't think of that, that could be you.
How many people do you think that affects?
More than you think.
So, let's say 4 billion actors audition before finding you.
It's a good story for the writer where he finds someone to play him in the drama.
You're like a modern day Shakespeare.
Who was Shakespeare?
Nobody knows.
It was a pen name.
So, that's how you appeared in the drama?
Yes, and then I wrote all those plays to torment 20th Century school children such as yourself.
I see.
Also, Homer.
Your lineage traces back to Shakespeare.
Nobody's ancestry does, that's just a fool's story and your dad bought into it.
Didn't he come up with some genealogy and a book to prove it?
I think a lot of people did that.
Your mom went to the Shakespeare Museum and there was a big sign that said if you think you are related to Shakespeare, you're not.
That was funny.
It's true though, right?
It's a mystery.
Do you think it's all over in 19 years?
Could be.
World war.
It has been 100 years without one.
If your character is done, the world goes away.
The writer is no longer in it and gets tired of it.
The writer needs to be in the world in order to maintain his interest in writing the story.
He is selfish that way.
The world comes alive with stories.
Nothing happens until a story is created.
Then the possibilities are endless.
I can't stop writing stories.
You have stepped into your power, the power to write!
The writer can't make fun of me because I'm him.
Well, he can, but he is making fun of himself.
We are strange.
Like to be alone.
You can figure out the writer if you are honest with yourself.
That's me.
Writers in Hollywood are using Mary Jayne to write.
They are using it for gain.
That's why they don't get any respect.
They balance out.
The actors and directors take all the credit.
Everyone thinks actors are shallow and directors are pompous.
That's just humans for you when they get fame and power.
You weren't looking for gain, fame, or power from your abilities.
That describes the writer.
What are you doing then?
I'm writing a story for the Great Goddess, my one true love.
Your story causes her hardship and pain.
Now, you could reasonably be called a misogynist plus you think she is a monster.
There are a lot of twists and turns in this story.
You spent all that time and money looking for her, finding her, honouring her, and now you write she is a monster.
Yeah, it's a good story, eh?
So, the writer puts his story above the Goddess.
No, the way to honour and worship the Goddess is to write the best story I am capable of.
This is my best story.
Well, there are a bunch of stories.
That's how it works.
Your linear brain thinks there is only one reality and one story when in fact there are infinite realities and infinite stories playing out.
The themes are woven together.
What you see in this reality is the same in other realities.
Well, you mean the themes.
Sometimes though themes don't seem like they are similar but trust me they are.
You mean like the magnificence of the Goddess and in another story, she is a monster?
Yes, and if you don't like thinking of the Goddess as a monster, find a story where she is a Goddess or a princess.
You are not beholden to a story.
I like the monster story.
As do I.
That's why I play your character.
You want to play the stories I like.
No one else wants to play the monster story.
They run.
I'm not running from the monster, I'm entertaining her.
In ancient Greek mythology the split is to see Apollo as the light and Dionysos the dark.
Those two define the man who has come forth into civilization cultured and the wild man we keep in darkness.
In ancient Egypt there is a different interpretation of man's split.
It has taken me a while, but I understand it now and it is profound.
We come forth as Set.
The mythology has Set murder Osiris and take over this incarnation.
In today's world a man is Set and fools us into thinking we are not him.
We are essentially as men all playing the character of the Devil who fools us all into thinking we are not him and he is an external character.
You're getting warm.
He fools you into thinking you're not him.
Or I fool myself into thinking who awakens in you is the Devil.
You see it now.
You awaken and think you have run into the Devil, but you are the Devil.
You have awakened Horus.
No man gives up his power to the awakened one because first of all they think it is the Devil and second of all the Devil wouldn't give up power.
The Devil fools himself into thinking he isn't the Devil.
Confusing and masterful.
To hold onto power as long as possible, this is what you, the Devil, do.
The Devil is just a character of the writer though.
Yes, the writer plays the Devil.
Who am I?
The writer.
Who is Horus?
The reborn Osiris.
Who is Osiris?
The eternal soul.
Who is Set?
The recurring life force.
Can I simplify this?
Paul is who the Devil has convinced himself he is.
The Devil is a character of the writer.
Paul and the Devil are characters.
Got it.
Isn't the writer the Devil?
Yes, but the Devil is a character.
That's what I don't understand.
Who am I talking to?
I sort of know that but I'm having an actual conversation with someone I can project as external though yes, it is within my consciousness.
You are talking to the writer.
But I'm the writer.
You must play a character in order to talk to yourself.
Oh, okay, I think I get it.
I play Paul and talk to the writer.
If I play the writer, who do I talk to?
You don't play me.
I'm not a character, so you can't play me.
You can try but it won't work.
Try it.
Become the writer.
Can you talk to anyone?
No, there's no one there.
Become Paul.
Who can you talk to?
Myself as the writer.
A character seems to be the life force.
Yes, the puppet is animated.
Become the Devil.
Can you talk to anyone?
The writer.
Become the writer again.
What happens?
I must write dialogue for whomever I address.
If I become a character, then the writer responds naturally when I speak to him.
This is kind of weird.
I'm the character who plays the writer, but I can't be the writer.
I think it's the other way around.
I'm talking about Paul.
Paul is who the writer is when he comes forth in this world.
How do you know that?
He won't come forth as anyone else.
Because Paul is the only one who understands.Dion wants me to write him a good story.
I got the power.
Would the Devil let you write his story?
No, he'd want to write his own story.
Isn't Paul the Devil?
In a way, yes.
We are both characters of the writer.
You can write your own story now.
No, I'm writing the story for Dion the writer.
You can't write your own story.
That's narcissistic.
The way around it is to create a character who is you and write that story.
Writers who invent a character who is basically them and write a story about them, are the worst.
For sure.
They can fantasize like they are James Bond or similar.
So, the writer couldn't write about himself, so he wrote a story where the character of Paul wakes up to the knowledge he is the writer of reality.
Yes, that's the story.
Because the writer can't write about himself, he trades places with Paul.
Paul becomes the writer of reality, and the writer becomes an actor.
He assumes Paul's identity.
Yes, that's not you.
That's why your dad didn't recognize you.
I thought he was just senile.
I get it, the writer switches between Paul and himself.
Yes, and when some see him, they think he is the Devil.
You're a kind and generous Devil.
Yeah, good twist.
Paul is a great storywriter.
That's how you do it.
You take the idea and twist it.
It shocks the audience.
They see you as the Devil and you are kind.
You're the best dog owner to ever walk the planet.
The writer switches between his two identities of Paul and the Devil.
Seems confusing.
It is.
Let me try and figure it out.
Paul and the Devil are the same.
Well, they are characters of the writer.
The Devil comes forth by day into the light.
He's Lucifer.
The name is a clue that no one gets.
The human male is the Devil.
Got it.
We trick ourselves into not knowing this by assuming another identity.
Paul is the Devil.
He's a nice Devil.
Well, yes, Lucifer isn't a monolith.
He comes off as many different characters.
Within the Paul character, the writer saw himself.
He then trades places with Paul so he can experience the realities he created.
Paul is now writing the story.
Essentially, Lucifer is now in charge of the story.
Yes, but the writer trusts Lucifer to write the story.
Because it's Paul.
Paul passed all the tests the writer gave him.
Paul gave up his power to the writer because he trusted him.
He was going to lose it anyway, but he gave up his power.
The Devil, as Paul, gave up his power gracefully to the writer.
The writer then trusted him with the power to write.
So, Paul has the power to write all of this?
Yes, the story.
It's already been written though.
Yes, because I figured whoever I selected to be the writer would know Tao and therefore would go with the flow and do nothing.
You can write if you want, but you are best to leave it alone.
Yeah, Dion is going to have a bunch of money.
You know what I would write.
Money, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Those are common with Paul, the Devil, and Dion.
Leave God out of it if you want any fun.
I'm down with it.
You are going to freak yourself out because you realized you are the Devil.
I'm good with it.
I see the Devil can take on many roles.
If I get stuck on an evil demon, then it should scare the fuck out of me.
If I see he encompasses all possibilities, then I understand.
As the writer, I contain all possibilities.
Paul is who I am.
Paul is the needle in the haystack who manifested all the attributes of the divine writer.
Hail Dionysos!
You are familiar with the ego mind in this incarnation but imagine when you pass on all you have remaining is the subconscious mind of the writer.
I see that.
I see how the character of Paul would cease to exist because he needs a body to manifest.
Yes, so that psychic reality still exists, however it needs a body.
So, you incarnate once again, and this entity reformulates.
That should be scary, right?
Yes, but we are unaware of what is happening, and we gradually grow into the character.
That's fascinating because my experience with reacquainting myself with my subconscious mind at 45 years old was one of fright.
It happened all at once and scared me.
That's who you are until the ego mind is overlaid on top of your eternal soul.
Yes, there is the continuation of who you are and then the characters who come forth from the master record.
Soul and life force.
Osiris and Set.
Set is the multi-faceted actor as I have been teaching you.
He plays many roles.
Of course, we try to claim one is superior to the other.
They work hand in hand.
If you have a soul, you will create projections of the soul.
If you have a life force, which of course you do or you wouldn't be here, then invariably you have a soul which is the rock of the life force.
Okay, so the trick is to recreate the same character.
Well, you do as it is Set, but then you see Set is the greatest character actor to ever grace the stage.
He can play any role and is best when given the freedom to perform.
How about when he creates a great character such as Paul?
Then the audience wants more of that character.
The character lives on as long as there is a desire to witness that character's story.
Is there?
Yes, Paul has figured out the meaning of life and is fucking around with others who don't know what is going on.
Some of them have an idea but they can't formulate it like he can.
He is always one step ahead of their knowledge.
At least one step, many more.
Paul's story is unique.
There's no one like him.
All you must do is read his writing.
On top of that, he only gives you access to an edited version of his writing on his blog.
If you knew of all his thoughts, you'd be amazed.
Well, I think you'd lock him up.
It's not that bad.
I was referring to a mental institution.
You make a good point.