
Monday, May 6, 2024

the way

Lessons abound.
Go with the flow.
Let it be and what will be will be.

Eventually, you kill the instructor.
The teacher will take you to the gate's entrance.
The teacher doesn't know the definitive answer and so they will leave you confused if you do not remove them.
You can worship Buddha, or you can kill Buddha.
That's a choice.
Do nothing?
What if you do nothing?
It is ignoring.
Is ignoring a form of choosing?
If you do it consciously, yes.
If you are unconsciously ignoring, then you are in Tao.
The way is to ignore Buddha?
If you latch onto Buddha the only way out is to kill Buddha.

It's best to ignore these teachers.
They are inviting.
You read about their philosophy.
Maybe they know?
You join their outfit of spiritual seeking misfits.
You're stuck in the mud.
Too bad for you.
I didn't ignore them.
I read about their philosophies.
They were exceptionably good.
Very intellectual and appealed to me.
I never joined.
I went my own way.
Is the way your own way?
Do you think so?
How does someone else find your way?
They can't.
The only way is your way.

The ancient Egyptians had an opener of the ways.
Of course, he is a canine.
He shows you the way.
He opens the road ahead for the King.
My way is into the forest and coming to terms with self.
Who led you there?
My dogs.
A dog-headed saint leads the way for Jesus.
St. Christopher.

What is beyond madness?
You realize you have gone mad.
This means you have transcended societal norms and expectations of thought.
It pisses people off, so it's best to keep to yourself.
The temptation is to tell everyone you know.
They will think you are crazy.
That is the result of telling people you know the meaning of life.
You must deal with the fallout of being told you're nuts.
To bypass that problem is to shut the fuck up.
By shutting the fuck up you can continue your journey.
This is the same template for going beyond the darkness.
You hit the spigot and run into the Devil.
He scares you and you pause.
You see who he is, tip your cap, and continue further on the way into the depths.
The same is to be performed with madness.
You hit the first checkpoint.
Shit, I'm fucking crazy.
Do you feel crazy?
Keep going, you got this.
The feeling of being mad means you are walking your path.
Keep going.

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