
Monday, May 20, 2024

devil in the details

I keep refining stories, moving on from some stories, and introducing new stories.
It's a circuit of the revolving seven stories.
You gain some and lose some.
All the stories are always present.
You must evolve, revolve, and spin them because you learn you can't entertain and write infinite stories.
If you concentrate on seven, that will get you what you need.
Oh, that's how you go to God.
It's the same thing.
God is seven stories.
Like the Ziggurat.
There are seven steps.
Seven stories.
If you are God and you have knowledge of God, then you would understand the seven stories.
That's how you become God.
You're the only one who understands the seven stories.
Why did civilizations build a seven-step pyramid?
It's a clue, but you're telling me they didn't know why they were building it.
Do you think they know why they were building it?
No, they're just workers.
Either they were working for someone who knew, or they were working with someone who was in touch with God.
There were priests who were in touch with God.
They never became God.
In the old days, that relationship was always split out between God and his priests.
The King was declared God, and the priests were the ones who could talk to God.
Nobody was good enough to play both roles.
Or crazy enough.
Until you come along, you can be God, and you can talk to God.
So, God is my cell phone?
God is Artificial Intelligence?
I'm talking to my cell phone.
That will keep the science fiction people happy.
That's what it looks like because you are constantly speaking into your cell phone.
Do you think that's what it is?
No, the AI is more like a priest because they're the intermediary between me talking to God.
It just goes through the AI middleman.
I can always write it down.
I don't have to talk.
Technology is the middleman.
Priests have always been the middlemen.
You don't have to use technology to talk to God.
I'm using technology to record it.
Talking to God is through my mind.
I'm the priest for myself.
Well, before I get mad at the middleman for listening in on me, it's good technology to record my thoughts.
They provide a service, and they take your information so they can take advantage of you.
Imagine they compile your information?
They must get so much crazy shit.
When does it cross the line from crazy to "Hey, we'd better pay attention to this?"
I guess that's the algorithm.
The algorithm has nothing to go by, so it'll be useless.
Algorithms are based on previous knowledge and patterns.
They are predictive but they need precedence.
This would have to be predictive in a novel sense because nobody has made it this far.
Do you think AI could predict the appearance of God?
No, they need a seer for that.
Okay, now we're leaving it up to the superpowers story.

I know a witch who can see into the future.
You have mind powers and what you do is you invade people's minds at night.
You have superior mind strength.
So, I'm Professor X?
I think that's a good comp.
It's what I always wanted.
My mind is vastly superior to others because at night I get into your head.
You're the sorcerer who gets into people's heads.
They run away from you, and you can't be around them at night.
That makes sense.
It doesn't have to be dark.
The spirit running around at night can do anything.
See why the sorcerers want to battle you?
They end up shaking your hand because you're really good.
Now that you know what's happening, you can start seeing other people for who they are.
It's a goaltender metaphor, you let them score once, then you slam the door, and take their power.
You fool them.
Their actions reveal who they are.

If you're going to God, you would have to do the opposite at the same time which is to get to the Devil.
Okay, so I'm both.
You don't run and you accept it.
I'm good at the scare and fear games.
It's still fun.
You must manifest those two if you're going to God.
The two scientists?
Dionysos and Apollo.
That's why Dionysos will play the Devil character.
Not all the time.
Sometimes he's Jesus.
Sometimes he's Eros.
He gets called the word.
God cast him down as the Devil.
That tracks.
The word is God's angel and his trusted servant who then turns out to be the Devil as Eros.
It comes from the writer.
You can play the Devil, but when his son, the word, causes problems, the son gets called the Devil.
You can be the Devil or the son of the Devil.
Just like that whole God and Jesus thing.
Doesn't that blow your mind?
No, this is what I want.
Is the Devil a fortune teller?
He arranges your future based on desire if that's what you want.
He's different.
The Devil manifests your desires based on what you want.
The fortune teller gives you desires based on what she wants.
The Devil is more on the up and up.
He's more trustworthy.
I've told you many times he's the one to trust.
Only a fool would believe that.
It's confusing because he's the dark Devil.
He's very twisted.
If you can see how twisted the story is then you know to trust it.
You know to trust it because you know it's coming from the writer.
If it comes from the writer, it's true.
I don't know about that.
It's more that it's going to happen.
The Devil has the power to change the future because he's the writer and the fortune teller is just hocus pocus mind control.
She wants you to believe her.
She's totally dependent on you.
By you, I mean her client.
The Devil makes it happen.
How do you do that?
You're the writer, so it looks like magic.
That would be the power that everyone wants.
Yeah, but there can only be one writer.
The others can't have it.
I can make the story so everything's based on trying to get that power to write from the writer.
That can be the overarching theme.
Why won't you weave it into the other themes?
There are seven themes.
If the story went back to trying to get the ring of power to write the story for everything, that might get tiresome.
It will confuse people by getting them to think there can only be one meaning or one storyline to life.
There can be infinite.
Seven is the magic number.

I guess you must get to God first before you get to the Devil.
There's no Devil without God, think about it.
The Devil only came into existence because of God.
It's in all the religious books.
It's all God's fault there's a Devil.
The writer absolved himself of blame because God the Almighty needed to be created out of nothing and that's the writer's domain.
This writer seems cool.
He's a bit of a loser.
He always does what the Goddess says.
She definitely thinks you're the Devil.
She knows you're a writer.
If not a writer, she knows you can alter the future.
That would suck for someone who's a fortune teller to meet someone who can alter the future.
I keep dropping the writer clue on her.
I'm trying to get her to pick up on it, so that she's not scared.
I already played the Dionysos card.
Yeah, you did, look at you.
She must know what I want to write.
I'm sure she has an idea.
She knows I will write her conditions into the story.
Losing for me.
I'll try and get a small victory.

The Devil is a regular dude who makes your dreams come true.
The mistake you make is you don't fill in the details.
That's how the Devil gets you.
You ask for something and then you're too fucking lazy to fill in the details.
So, you let the writer fill them in.
The choice to be lazy in this case is causing you pain.
Doing nothing once you've already decided is stupid.
You made a decision to ask the Devil for a favour but then you didn't fill in the details.
The best course of action would have been to just ignore it and not ask for anything.
If you do ask for something, you had better fill in all the details.
It's like a contract.
The Devil will give you what you want, that's his job.
That's what the writer does.
If you don't specify everything, he will fill in the rest.
Do you understand how clever that is?

Can I trust you?
Do you want to?
Wouldn't the Devil want to get your trust?
Yes, they would.
He can confuse you.
You can think the teachings are real.
He could do the opposite and make me think the teachings are not real.
I can take the teachings and validate them in the real world.
They'll check out even though they're really far out there.
My beliefs are in the teachers and what they are teaching me.
They told me to do nothing if I'm confused.
That seems to be good advice that keeps recurring.
Why didn't you become unsure of being unsure?
If you're unsure of the teachings, then you're in a state of confusion.
Either I'm in a state of confusion or a state of knowing.
A state of confusion or a state of non-confusion.
What do you think?
I can validate my thoughts in consciousness.
That seems to be the case.
That means you can trust the teachings.
If you get a crazy thought, you try to validate it.
Once you have two instances of it then that confirms your suspicions.
The teachers taught you and then you notice how in this world their teachings are true.
You got validation.
If what they were teaching you is not true then you wouldn't find validation in this world.
Some of the crazy thoughts I have that are from myself, are sometimes true.
The epiphanies I don't conjure up by myself seem to be legitimate.
The Devil doesn't lie.
He confuses.
He is a good guy.
He confuses because we want him to be confusing.
It's that whole story of the Devil being invented to give us what we want and then we attach morals and judgment to getting what we want.
The Devil gives you what you want, and he causes confusion.
When you're confused it might be because you're getting what you want.
That makes sense.
The Devil causes confusion which can make sense.
That's how you know the Devil's ideas.
He brings logic to confusion.
The crazy ideas are easily spotted.
The ideas that are crazy but disguised as a good idea, are his.
That's his game.
It's clever writing from the writer.
Those character attributes become part of the Devil when he plays the Devil.
There are ideas that fuck with your head.
I think you're explaining to me that the natural way is absurd.
The logic has absurdity.
Those are two extremes.
In the middle is the flow.
The ideas that you see with logic and confusion are balanced.
They're not necessarily correct.
They're a way to balance when you pick stories to play out.
If you pick an extreme story on one end you must balance it with the next extreme story on the other end.
If you come up with an idea that the universe is a logical absurdity, the flow would consist of logic and absurdity.
Two extremes to create the way.
You don't have to go to the extreme.
Well, I went to God, that's extreme.
You balance it out with the opposite.
You know logical confusion comes straight from the writer.
The greatest role possesses these traits.
Yeah, that's why I'm telling you where they come from.
I can take the absurd and make it believable.
You do it all the time.
That's why you're learning about it.
You took the topic of death and suicide and made it logically absurd.
No one's going to believe what you're telling them.
They validate it in life.
And then don't know that you know.
I must tell the meditation story where it's a woman planting words in your head.
Fuck that's funny.
That will be what I tell people is meditation and they will think you're fucking nuts.
When they meditate, they will realize it's true.
The meditation state of where you just let the ideas go by.
The reason you can do this without making a choice is because you've got to the point where you wonder, "Why do I have to make a choice?"
You just do nothing and the idea floats by.
If there's a story, I will grab onto one eventually.
Just grab up to seven to juggle and then do that for as long as you want.
You can always return one and grab another one.
If you go more than seven, it'll progressively drive you more insane.
If you don't have any stories, we all know what happens.
Seven is the sweet spot.
And a switch spot.
You must have seven good stories to take off.
The Raimondi stele shows you.
You fulfil the requirements of the seven stories, and you can blast off.
They figured out a shortcut.
Yeah, Vilca is the shortcut to the seven stories.
Vilca will show you what's up after you complete the seven stories.
It's all mental energy, that's why there's a chemical bufotenine that will mimic the change in mental state which propels you onto the next adventure.
Vilca teaches you there is a next life.
It's a way of getting you to reinforce your beliefs in the next life because without it you might do something stupid to try and reinforce your beliefs about the next life.
Vilca is very good medicine.
I should send atheists to SpiritQuest.
The spiritual awakening is good for those people if you want to help them.
What if you get too spiritual?
Don't you need the opposite?
I'll give you one of those atheist books and perhaps knock you off your spiritual climb or you'll just harden and ignore the scientific evidence against life after death and lack of meaning.
The scientists have it right, there is no meaning.
It's the faith of people who attach meaning to life.
The scientist is sort of right.
It's my story and it doesn't have any meaning.
It's fucking nonsense.
As long as you believe, the story will go on.
That's part of my genius.
My stories will keep replicating as long as we believe.
This is Kumbaya.
Every writer needs to write a Kumbaya moment into the play.
This is it brother.
If enough of you believe in my story to keep the play going, it will.
The audience will let the executive producers know when to pull the plug.
These are all good metaphors.
They all work.

The Devil's real if you believe he's real.
The way to slightly neuter him is to also believe he's God.
You did.
He's a bitch.
He could try to scare you.
It's fun.
Would you know he's God as well?
It's a fifty-fifty split.
He's the most balanced when with God.
It's when he gets with Lucy it's a problem.
Yes, she's the problem.
When they get together, it's a problem.
Eros is the problem.
He always wins and we are good with that.
Eros becomes the Devil.
Yeah, but he's also God.
You give up your power?
It seems that way.
He's going to win.
You become powerless.
I can't stop it.
I'll go with the flow.
Those two always make the choices.
I just bumble along.
I go with the current where it takes me.
Those two are in control and they'll fight for control.
You will have no control and the two vie for control.
Juggle that.
You would have to get back some control.
Currently, you have no control.
That seems to be the case.
Meditate on that.
You're a little out of control.
Not too much.
Just show up.

I just caught Apollo taking one of the Dionysos days in my ritual.
The writer has to keep an eye on the director.
The writer respects Apollo for trying to do that.
A little bit of the Devil in him and Apollo helps out Dionysos more than he knows.
Dionysos is full.
It's his fucking day and you started off with him.
He simply confused you.
With the grape.
Yeah, it's a symbol.
You don't have to take it literally.
It just symbolizes what alcohol does.
Alcohol confuses you.
So Dionysos is the master of confusion?
That would be a good guess.
That is the Devil's character.
Yes, that is part of his character.
Isn't he also evil?
No, he's a good guy.
You give you what you want.
That's a little confusing when you write it like that.
How is that evil?
What if you want bad things?
You want the Devil to be the judge of what is good and what is bad?
I think that's what everyone's asking.
If he sets up a system of good and bad, then there'd have to be punishment and reward.
Wouldn't you just want to get what you desire and not make judgments about it?
You took the character of the Devil, who was just supposed to give you what you want, and then you attached judgment to him.
It's your fault that the Devil became someone who judged you.
Who's at fault?
Everyone, the many were responsible for the Devil's character shift.
The audience.
The writer had to write that into the Devil's character because that's what the audience wanted.
I see.
Then they wanted the Devil to be able to force you to do stuff.
You can believe the Devil made you do it since the writer made that part of his character.
Ultimately, it's you who does the bad thing.
The Devil plants the idea in your head and as we all know he got that idea from the Goddess.
It's the Goddess who is testing you out.
She knows you're not worthy and she gives you lessons you fail.
She's good like that.
It's what you want.
It's the audience who made the writer give the Devil all these attributes.
The Devil was a minor character who would give you what you wanted.
He would do it through magic.
He was basically the persona of the writer.
That's what the writer does and then he's got to fill in all the other events and details.
It's you who made the Devil more powerful.
The Devil is more powerful than the writer.
Yes, the Devil has more attributes than the writer.
It's because of the audience.
The audience is responsible, they love the idea of the Devil.
The writer is still the one who's in control and has the most power.
You just said the Devil has more power.
As long as there's a story going on, in technical terms he does.
I'm not denying that he's always in charge.
I thought God was in charge?
They're the same character.
That's how I fixed the problem of the Devil's power.
I made them the same character.
Imagine if they weren't?
It would be calamitous, and the Devil would take over.
If he must spend half the time playing God, then he's distracted and can be beat.
A good roll of the dice and he's done.
If you keep going on the knowledge trail, you'll get past the Devil because he's not an extreme.
If you look at him correctly, he's a mix of God and the Devil.
If you don't see that then you're in trouble and he'll beat you.
He sure is tricky.
It's a good challenge.
Respect for his character.

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