
Monday, May 27, 2024

god is the biggest asshole

You are being watched is one of your seven stories, though you try to deny it.
That's what makes it a good and balanced story.
I deny I'm being watched but it's obvious I'm being watched.
Maybe you're an exhibitionist?
It could be what the main idea of the story is about.
You're not really an exhibitionist, you're a showoff.
Aren't all good actors?
The key is to be a showoff and pretend you're humble.
That would make me the best actor.
I'm not that bad after all.
I must show off in my story and I pretend that I'm being watched.
Yeah, that's a big part of your story.
Okay, cool.
Honestly, nobody gives a fuck about you.
In my story that's true.
The audience loves the story though.
The best part is you're God and nobody gives a fuck about you.
You pretend they're watching you.
Do you think any other human has had a conversation like this with themselves?
If they have, it hasn't been in a long time.
I think in the old days they had priests convince you that you're God.
They wake you up every morning and tell you that you are God.
I can see how that works because it's all about belief.
You hire a bunch of priests to tell you that you are God and that would work.
It would work for the King.
Anyone else would be a little suspect.
The closest we get nowadays is the priest.
They can tell one of their own he's the Pope and that he's God's mediator to us humans.
That's as far as we allow it.
In order to now claim God for yourself you must do it yourself.
You must believe in it yourself.
Nobody can do it for you, which is how they used to do it.
They would do it that way because nobody before could get to God by themselves.
Is that what I'm doing?
I think you've done it.
Now, you're just wandering around trying to rationalize it.
That's a good twist.
I mean who'd write that?
The candidate gets to God and then must rationalize it.
It's absurd.
Yeah, but it's not out of the question.
It's a psychological thriller.
You like those stories that challenge the mind.
With a twist.
Get to God; don't even realize it for a bit.
Finally start to realize it, and then you wander around wondering if it's true?
That sums it up.
You've always had it as an idea.
That's why people would be wondering if you are God.
You had a vibe.
Well, imagine my vibe now.
It's off the church.
Charts, but I like church.
People know I'm God, but they don't want to admit it.
You can't even tell them, or they will think you're nuts, or they'll get pissed at you.
They will follow you if they accidentally realize who you are.

On the way into the forest, they are watching for me.
There's a meaning in feeling I'm being watched.
I think I'm important and I think they're spying on me.
It's because you're a narcissist.
You think you're important.
That's not a bad thing.
You are important.
Psychologically, you create the illusion that you're being spied on.
The paranoia that you're being surveilled is the result of you thinking you're important.
That's correct.
The crazy part is you are important.
You don't know why you're important.
You are manifesting that energy because it is what you are conjuring.
The opposite action of manipulation works as well.
You conjure the result and then it would play out in what you want.
Does that make sense?
I almost fell over.
Okay, let me explain this differently.
You see people who it looks like are watching you because you are an important person.
Yes, and the opposite is true if you want to feel like you're important.
You pretend people are watching you.
Pretending is belief.
You can pretend that other people are interested in you.
I think I already do.
What a fool believes.
I'm deluded and fooled enough to think that others think of me.
Thinking of something can lead you to perform an action on it.
Yeah, I know.
It can be good or bad.
They can either want to be with you or want to get rid of you permanently.
It's a gamble.
You're teaching me how to do magic and get what I want.
You're also warning me that the outcome is a fifty-fifty gamble.
Yes, that's the teaching.
You'd want to come to be balanced.
You don't want all the gravy, or that will kill you.
You don't want the totally negative result because that would devastate you.
You take it slow and try to even it out.
People will see the negatives in you.
Plus, the positives.
Some of your dark traits are good, so it balances.
Some of your positive traits contribute to the realization you're an intolerable know-it-all.
You're balanced.
Don't throw it off balance by getting desperate at either end.
You're teaching the fundamentals of magic, cautioning that you don't cast a spell that will 100% work.
You go for fifty-fifty.
Sometimes magic works, sometimes it doesn't.
Magic is just a coincidence.
I know; that's what's funny about the whole thing.
It's all one big fool.
It's based on flow and balance.
Yes, so if you believe magic is believable, despite some failures, then magic is real.
It doesn't work all the time.
That seems like an excuse.
Well, that's what belief is, it's an excuse.
An excuse for what?
The belief that beliefs make up this reality.
There's only a fifty percent chance they're true.
This is absurd.
And it makes sense.
You see, if you're important, there's a chance they might want to get rid of you.
It's like the atheists who want to get rid of God.
Yeah, he's too important.
There's also a chance that if you're a big asshole they want to get rid of you too.
You can't go around telling people you're God.
I can hint at that.
You can't beat the biggest asshole.
If I'm not God, then I can't be the biggest asshole.
That's one of the fundamental ideas of this story.
God is the biggest asshole.
See, if you want to be God, you must be the biggest asshole on this planet.
He is also a disappointment.

They need to lock you up.
Mentally or physically?
The weird thing they do is they lock up mental patients physically.
Physical patients are locked up mentally in a cell.
The mental health industry doesn't help, they make it worse.
The best solution is the lobotomy.
Get rid of it all.
Their minds are crazy.
People think they can help them but they just make it worse.
Not only do you think too much, but these fucking therapists make you think about thinking.
They make the problem at least twice as worse.
Then they offer you a solution.
The solution is their story.
Who are these people?
Stay away from therapists.
They are masters of confusion.
They overwork your brain and then they'll take your story.
They're like dark vampires.
Yes, story stealing is taking your energy.
That's what they try to do.
Stories are energy.
They're the manifestation of energy.
Someone who's trying to accumulate energy and wants the purest energy, they would try to find God and then somehow capture God's energy.
That would be the ultimate.
So, if you're God, then you're playing a game against these energy vampires?
Yes, but once you see who they are, then it's easy to play that game.
There's other games that are going on.
They're just disguised differently.
It's the story people who want to be the main story.

Years of thought experiments.
You could make the mosquitoes go away for the summer in the woods.
You would do a spell and it would have a fifty percent chance of coming true.
I guess if it didn't work, you could just do it again.
I might wait until late summer then they just disappear, and you would think it worked.
You'd be fooled.
I think it's all a fool's space and dumb belief.
Astrology is a belief people believe, so it's true.
Whatever the truth is.
Say your mosquito spell worked and the mosquitoes disappeared because someone launched a nuclear bomb and killed everything.
That's an awful chance to take on relying on poorly thought-out magic.
You wouldn't want to practice that spell.
With magic, you're saying if you're going to do that mosquito spell, you would have to also include all the reasons and consequences.
Yes, and they all must tie together.
You would have to do seven stories of magic.
The consequences are infinite.
You can't possibly do infinite spells.
Obviously, I've tried before and through trial and error I came up with seven.
That's the scientist in you.
Seven comes from scientists.
It's Apollo's number, so he knows that you do seven stories in order to have a magic spell not have any consequences.
There will be consequences, but they won't be the big ones, right?
Before you do a magic spell, you would have to figure out seven outcomes.
They're the biggest ones because you can see and interpret the vibration.
You could do that spell and you would know the results.
That's how you do it.
The results could be good or bad.
You'll get what you want, and the results are fifty-fifty.
Everything becomes fifty-fifty.
It keeps going, so you keep juggling.
The juggler must get involved, so you're actually in a three-way juggle.
It's like a three-way fifty-fifty.
There's the initial perception of the fifty-fifty.
Then you become part of the equation.
Eros is the observer of God and Goddess.
Yeah, and then he brings them together.
Eros or his parents' story?
His parents are a fifty-fifty split.
I think that's how genetics work, but I can't really process that right now.
The meaning is in there.
I think this is teaching you that you shouldn't have made a choice because the initial choice started the whole fifty-fifty game that never ends.
Do nothing.
However, there's no fun in not choosing.
If you hadn't made that initial choice, then you wouldn't be here now wondering about the choice.
Everyone makes a choice.
That's why you are here.
You learn in the game not to make a choice whenever possible because making a choice increases the workload and you already have enough to do.

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