
Monday, June 3, 2024

getting close to the goddess

Who would have thought the goofy recreational plant would be the veiled greatest teacher plant?
I am confident in saying I have made it closest to the Goddess.
Nobody gets this far.
Except me.
Is it worth it?
Others may disagree.
Why don't women get close to the Goddess?
They get sidetracked by the witch.
They love that character.
They get a taste of power, and they stop exploring.
I got a taste of that power from a witch.
I was able to figure out the two sides of her and not be scared.
Witches want your knowledge.
The Goddess doesn't need your knowledge.
I get my knowledge from her.
Spiritual knowledge.
Medicinal and life advice.
The witches could get spiritual knowledge from the Goddess, but they don't know how to do it.
They see you with that knowledge and they want your knowledge.
So, they're trying to get to the Goddess?
Yeah, just like men try to get to God.
Why is it so difficult for them?
When I wanted to find the Goddess, I started out on the path and then she let me know where to find her.
It took some initial study, but it wasn't that hard.
It's the same for God and Goddess.
It's not that hard to get to them.
We just make it hard.
It's hard for a woman to get to the Goddess because she puts all these conditions and blocks in the way.
Oh, she must do what I did.
Just declare it.
Say you're the Goddess.
That's really all you must do.
Does that apply to you?
Do you need others' validation?
I can't accept it; I find it strange.
I'd prefer just to know.
I don't need others to tell me.
Sometimes, they see it.
It manifests in different forms.
Different people see different things.
I don't take myself seriously.
However, I do know thyself.

Use your time wisely at the Hotel California.
The Goddess shows you how she is accessible to all.
Some want to remember her charms.
Some want to run away.
They can leave but she will always be there.
She wants you to try and get away from her.
You can't and so she traps you.
Instead, you play her game.
She can't leave you.
You made sure of that.
It is chess, right?
It's something.
Prisoners of the mind.
Your downfall is thinking you are the victim of a witch.
The other side of the coin is you are who the witch was afraid she'd eventually run into.

The Goddess can put dark thoughts into your head.
Since you're the champion player you balance them.
The idea is in your head, so you play with it.
You know your limits.
A good sub knows their limits.
If not, the predator will kill them.
The poison is the idea then you write the story.
The royal serpents use poison that feels good at first.
You know it won't be good for you, however you don't do anything about it.
Then it eats at you from the inside.
You recognize the poison.
If you can recognize the poison, then you stop it.
You can be fed a similar poison from two diverse sources or more.
That's why the poison was strong even though you are good at the game.

What have you been thinking about today?
I am thinking of the Goddess and her myriad of problems.
She's got a lot of problems.
They are irrational.
I can't even offer solutions.
I think I just have to show up.
I think if you're there providing support that's what they want.
Women don't want you to solve their problems.
Their problems are insoluble.
I'm a problem solver.
That's my best attribute at work.
If you're the best problem solver in the world then you would attempt to solve the Great Goddess' problems.
Good luck buddy.
I'll see you later.

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