
Monday, June 17, 2024

what you see is your story

You get addicted to the stories.
You keep telling stories and want to learn more about them, so you go back for information. 
Do you get addicted to knowledge?
Yes, that's the addiction.
Is it bad?
Only if you want total knowledge.
Then it's out of control.
Do you want to know everything?
No, some stuff is beyond what I want to know and who gives a fuck about celebrities. 
That's how I balance it.
I know the important stuff.
Spirituality and magic.

Reflection is about the idea that your story is reflected into the world.
What you see is your story.
There is the idea that you see what is close to you as part of your story.
Zoom out a bit and you will see more of the story.
Zoom out far and you see into all of what's going on.
The totality of your life is zoomed out to reveal who you are.
The movie studio idea of the world drama combined with production lenses.
I thought of the world in the same way, where the world is a reflection of who you are.
The world you have created is who you are.
The world at large is who humanity is.
Remember that saying about how the stock market is never wrong?
The price that's fixed is the truth.
The same goes with the world.
You might think the world's good or you're being too hard on this part of yourself.
How it appears is the truth.
We call good acts humane, and we appeal to the good in humanity when we can see what humanity is by the condition of the world.
Each of us contributes to the outcome.
Your world contributes to the main story.
Everyone can affect the main story.
It's like voting where the odds are stacked against your vote even counting.
This leads to people voting for the main ideas that are given to them because they want to feel like their vote counts.
You join into culture, so you feel like you count.
That's why there's advertising and there's narrative control.
It's all about getting people to buy into the story to create an illusion.
The illusion is that everything's great and people aren't suffering.
It's only a few people who aren't suffering.
To create these conditions in the world at large there must be a lot of suffering.
There's a big advertising campaign to get you to think there isn't as much suffering as there is because the suffering is appalling.
It's people wanting you to buy their story.
It's a marketplace of stories.
Nothing is for real.
The game is to get you to buy their story.
You went for the ultimate story.
Your own story.
The one where you get people to believe you are God.
Nobody's going to believe that.
If you convince a few people, it's going to be so powerful you'll win.

People are lost in the illusion, and they think it's real.
That's why they must support their stories, though it doesn't matter.
It's energy and it's not matter.
If it did matter there'd be matter.
Matter is mother.
Matter is just energy.
Stories are just energy.
It's the truth.
I'm not shitting you.
Energy doesn't suffer.
Energy is looking for balance after a bounce.
If they don't get the bounce, then it's peaceful.
Suffering is something that comes from a bounce.
Lose your balance so you get a high and a low.
Suffering is the mirror image of the same people who want to get high.
They're now low.
Stories are a drug and people get high and low.
It's called tripping.
It's the state of the energy and the stories show the result of getting high and low.
You're seeing how energy manifests.
There are people who are getting what they want and people who are suffering.
That is the result of the story drug.
A story for all.

Mary Jayne is different for everybody.
Most people want to get stoned.
MJ would give everyone what they want.
You wanted knowledge and she continually gives you knowledge.
There must be what you would perceive as an addiction to knowledge because you know that's how drugs work.
You would become addicted to stories and knowledge.
That's what MJ gives you the most.
You're so fucking weird you would get addicted to stories and knowledge, instead of the usual pleasure receptors that other people get addicted to.
That's the weird thing.
It ties in with wanting knowledge and the game where they're trying to find a way to hypnotize you.
The witches?
They are trying to get you to the Devil's orgy.
I see.
The last resort is to use MJ to get you addicted to knowledge.
They figured you must have one weakness and that weakness is knowledge.
I do like knowledge.
I mean they tried the sex thing.
That's like the easiest one.
Do you think you'll get addicted to knowledge in the stories?
To be honest it gets tiresome.
I like it, but I must take a break every so often.

Okay, so life is all an illusion and you're trying to figure it out and get off at the same time.
Yeah, it doesn't matter.
It's all a porno.
It's made up and the suffering is not real.
The suffering must be real somewhere.
The suffering is part of the illusion that your stories are creating.
Also, fear is an illusion because it comes from stories generated by you and the rest of humanity.
I think we've already established that humanity is a piece of shit.
I'm not arguing that, but did they become a piece of shit because of the writer or because of their greed?
The writer writes the story, and that story should be a reflection of him, however he gave free will to the actors and the actors are allowed to petition the Devil to change their story.
As a result, this world that the writer has created might be more of a reflection of the characters he created than him.
Yes, because everybody wants to change their story at some point, so everyone has changed their story.
The only people who haven't changed their story for sure are the ones who have suffered in service.
The rich could have gotten lucky but most of them probably changed their original story to get rich.
Well, I would say the kids of the rich people figure out that's their story, so they probably stay true to their story.
Yeah, that's a good one.
So, the only people in the world who haven't changed their story are the rich kids and the saints who suffer while being of service.
They're both saints in my estimation.
Rich kids are the greatest saints because they didn't change their story.
You can't argue that.
That is absurd.
Paris Hilton is one of the biggest saints to ever walk the planet.
You should worship her.
Fuck, you're clever.
The only person in the world who would not change their story for sure is the writer.
Every other motherfucker wants to change their story.
Especially when they get in the inner circle with the writer, then they want the writer to write them good shit.
Pretty much every story I write for people they change.
Like I said, the only fucking decent people who don't change the story that I write for them are these fucking rich kids.
The saints who devote themselves to service and suffering, they're just playing it up.
I wrote them a story of service and suffering because that's what I thought they wanted and they're those actors who will take on any part and play it to perfection even if it kills them.
What I'm telling you is people who are of service and are suffering, are the biggest fucking showoffs in the business you'll ever meet.
Saint Teresa was one of the biggest showoffs.
She's intolerable.
Fuck you.
How twisted and absurd that is.
Yeah, but it makes so much sense.
You can see the rich kids are one-dimensional actors and they don't question their part.
They just play it.
As the writer, that's all I want.
This has been your story all the time.
I never changed my story.
I followed Tao.

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