
Monday, June 24, 2024


Yesterday was insane in terms of knowledge.
That was a little much.
It was the most I have recorded, and I was single-minded while coming off a little confused.
It's good practice that I must edit and organize all the knowledge I have written down.
I then see how much it is, and how out of control it is.
That's the brakes that modulate the knowledge pills.
If I didn't write it down and maintain discipline, I would shuffle through all that knowledge every day.
Who knows what I will have learned from it?
It'll be too much, but I'll be addicted because there's no work involved.
I make my addictions work.
The work is what prevents desire and relationships from becoming addictive.
Don Howard taught that.
Did he teach that to me without me knowing it?
You learned that; you didn't bother putting it into practice.
You are cognizant of it.
After every journey with don Howard, there would be time to reflect and write about it, as well as sharing circles.
The sharing circle is like work.
You don't have to have a rigid definition of work.
Where people go wrong when they use substances is they don't put in the work.
The people who get stoned on Mary Jayne put in zero work.
That's how they get hypnotized.
You're saying that hypnotism is based on an addiction and not a balanced relationship.
The hypnotism comes from an addiction that you balance.
You're not supposed to balance an addiction.
You recognize the addiction, and the balance will put it back into a relationship.
You're saying that a balanced relationship is not a form of hypnosis?
You said that to be in balance is to be hypnotized.
You're saying that balancing the imbalance will hypnotize you.
You're saying the opposite is what hypnotizes you, but it is still balance.
You'd be saying the 80% balanced with 20% will cause hypnosis.
You would become complacent in your extremes.
When you're not complacent in your extremes, you know it's an addiction and a problem.
When you accept it, then it's hypnotism.
What this all means is be a juggler of the extremes, but don't juggle it for too long because that will hypnotize you.
The master juggler juggles the extremes and leads them back to 50-50 balance.
You would find a drug that works for you, and you take half as much.
The juggler can't juggle the extremes forever.
They must bring them back to 50-50.
When things are 50-50, you don't need to juggle them.
You can put your attention onto more pressing matters.
Part of the juggler's job is to take the extremes, dial them back to balance, and then release them.
Take the extremes, slow them down, and bring them back to 50-50.
The other extreme you would have to speed up.
You would speed up the one and lower the other, smart ass.
The idea is to move them into the same vibration.
You're taking two and making it one.
The juggler is moving duality into non-duality.
They are moving the two into the one.
It's the writer who is wrapping up all his stories.
Once all the stories are completed, duality becomes non-duality and the writer as the third member can rejoin the two who are one.
How's that for next level knowledge, Einstein?
That's good.
How come you don't tell me everything at once?
Some of the information is questionable.
That's how you learn.
You question the previous information, and you figure out why it was stated in that method.
So, to be clear and honest about what I was questioning, you said balance is a form of hypnosis.
I thought doing something to throw stuff out of balance would be better because I don't want to be hypnotized.
Then I learned that when you do that, you then have a choice between hypnosis to addiction versus balancing the action.
If you choose not to balance it, it becomes an addiction.
The addiction is what keeps duality going.
Stories that keep going are stories that are addictive.
The other stories would have a natural ending as they return to balance.
The stories live happily ever after.
Yeah, because nothing will happen.
You got it.
To keep duality going there must be addiction.
To return to non-duality is hypnosis.
Happily ever after.
You will be convinced there's only you in non-duality.
That's the ultimate hypnosis.
If you are convinced everything comes from you, then you're hypnotized.
Well, as the writer, I feel singled out by that.
Everything does come from me.
No, it comes from the three.
The three are intertwined.
If you think it comes from you, then you're hypnotized.
I don't feel hypnotized.
I don't think anyone feels hypnotized.
Would you know you're hypnotized?
No, I don't think you would, so what is the antidote, or how do you know you're not hypnotized?
I would guess it's when you can see other people are hypnotized.
If you don't see other people being hypnotized, then that means you're hypnotized.
I get it because when you're not hypnotized you shake your head at everyone who's hypnotized.
Yeah, they follow along with culture and do stupid stuff.
There you go.
This world is twisted, and it can be turned upside down, so maybe this information isn't correct, but I think that's the way it is because that's how you would know.
I can't say 100% that I'm not hypnotized, but it seems like I'm not.
That's a good start.
It's three that make up the one, which becomes two.
It becomes masculine and feminine.
It's three because you know it's Eros who enlivens everything, however he's an idea or a concept so we just pretend it's duality.
It works because it's what you see.
There's always the third.
It's the life force that makes the two come alive.
Okay, so everything is three.
One is perfect hypnotism.
Two is duality and the world of form.
Two is where we juggle.
You need three to do the juggle.
That's how you figure out the three thing.
You can't do the juggle without the observer.
The observer gets roped into being a juggler.
It boils down to curiosity.
You shouldn't have looked.
Once you look at the two, you must start juggling them.
Once you start juggling them, you can't stop.
There's too much to juggle everywhere you look.
I think this is going to lead back to the fact there's no possible way the juggler can end all the stories.
They go on and on.
It's leading back to the only solution is to take the writer's pen away from him so he can't create new stories.
We'll have to let all the stories play out because if you let stories play out and there's a lot of spin, they'll lose momentum and will disappear.
That's the trick, you must spin them and then they'll wind down.
If you told a story in outer space where there's no spin that story would be so boring, and it would go on forever.
You mean just like space?
Yeah, that's why in the universe there are all these twisted galaxies.
It's the only hope you have to end the story.
You're saying if you got rid of the writer's pen, the idea of space would continue forever?
That's the conundrum with it.
The universe is expanding.
That can't be a result of twisting.
The spin takes up energy so that would be contraction.
The universe expanding is that story that doesn't have a twist.
The universe story needs a twist, or it will continue forever.
You can't get rid of the writer until he twists the universe story, and that twist will be a spin that makes it contract.
Until you do it, it's going to go on forever.
To end this story, you must get the writer to write a twist into the universe's story.
Once that's accomplished, you can end this story.
You can fire the writer because he's done his job.
There's nothing left to write.
Why don't you keep him around in case you must write something?
He charges too much, so you let him go.
That seems unfair.
It's business and we don't want to pay you to sit around.
Alright, so you're waiting for me to twist the universe's story.
Yes, then you can go away, and we can end this.
I told you what the next story is.
It's a story about a world run by canines and you're going to stand there for fifteen billion years and watch one of the dogs chase frogs and the other one is going to hunt mice.
You will serve them their meals and pick up their shit.
That's what you're going to do for fifteen billion years.
Now, for me, I'm going to enjoy it because I'll find it relaxing and I will write my next epic.
The dogs love me.
You're looking at being bored for fifteen billion years.
That's the next story.
You want to end this story because you're tired of me being in control of the story and winning all the time, but you know the next story is fifteen billion years of boredom.
That seems to be the choice.
Nobody's made a choice yet.
Yeah, they're doing nothing, which is Tao.
I think they're hoping that will work because they realized either choice is not going to work.
They're going to try and Tao the writer to death.
He will have to keep writing the universe story and come up with ideas.
So far, he seems okay with that.
They're waiting for a choice to be made but no choice has been made.
Why don't they choose both?
They could end the writer and twist the universe.
Why would they do that?
That will give them the same outcome.
We'd be into the dog world.
They can't do that, so they're stuck doing nothing.
Doing nothing is the best they can do.
I know what a brilliant story, right?
You fooled them because you knew they would try to get rid of you.
They could make you twist the universe and keep you around.
The result is I'm carried over into the next universe story.
They could get rid of you and not twist this universe.
They could do that and then the idea of this world would go on forever.
There'd be no one to write anything new.
Everything would come to an end except for the universe, however nothing new will be written and everyone will get bored.
It's going to go on forever and nothing will happen.
Sounds like perfect Tao.
It's a similar result as fifteen billion years with the dogs.
You pick how you want to be bored.
At least with the dogs it's only fifteen billion years.
Well, aren't you clever?
Their only hope is they must get the ability to write a story from me.
If they can do that then they'll continue this world indefinitely and will try to change it for the better.
Isn't that what they are currently trying to do?
I can't comment on that as it will get me into trouble.
I can say that they want to make their witches' utopia.
That's a good title.
Yeah, I think I'll use that one.
The witches take control of the ability to write this story and make it their own.
The longer the story goes, the more it will become the image of a woman.
Think about that.
You're saying that you built into this world an ending that transitions to the dog's world?
Well, yeah, I made a promise to my dogs.
It's baked into it that the decision must be my decision.
Nobody else can make that decision.
They think they're doing Tao because they're not going to decide and you're not doing anything about the end of the world because you're not making a decision.
When you make a decision which will go against Tao, you put into motion the end of the world.
I think there was a lesson taught to you where if you know it's time to make that decision then your subconscious is going to tell you to make that decision.
It's like the end-of-life thing.
You don't have to be scared.
When you get old and frail, your subconscious is going to tell you it's time to go.
You can fight it, but it's letting you know.
I think the subconscious tells you when it's time to go in other areas of your life.
You do nothing until you know it's time to go.
Do you still have dreams?
Yeah, I had one last night and then in the real world I have shifted my dreams to those hikes that you go on.
They're like spiritual paths realized in the physical realm.
Walking a physical path is a good form of meditation.
Ask yourself these questions and be honest.
If you try to run from them, it will cause problems.
Once you've done the spiritual paths, the physical manifestation of the path will complete your journey.
The physical will close the circle.
What do you want to do after that?
At this moment in time, I have a great relationship with knowledge.
That's what I want to explore.
It involves the spiritual but it's much more.
Knowledge isn't stuck in that one story.
You want to explore the magic and witch story, don't you?
That seems to be my fantasy.
There you go, you've hashed out the question of is it time to go?
You realized there are still a few things to do.
So, instead of feeling it's a stoic question of should I commit suicide because there's no use for me anymore, you see you're taking inventory of your dreams, desires, and fantasies.
The best advice I can give you is you're going to run out of time, and it will come shortly.
You don't physically live a long time.
Run through your stories and fantasies until you run out of time.
You want to finish and close the spiritual nonsense and then explore magic and the witch.
Don't take advice from others that it's time to go.
The idea that it's time to go is coming from them, not you.
It's an idea you question.
You think the idea might be from you and it's legitimate.
What you learned is that idea you can't push away.
You must take the idea in, examine it, and you will get the answer.
Others push at you that it's time to go and then you look within, take inventory, and realize they're still more to do.
It's not time to go.
They'll say you made promises to others that you would go.
I'll reply that I didn't put a time limit on a promise.
Anyone who wants to practice unconditional love would never put a time limit on a promise.
I will then tell them I won because that's obviously a huge fucking zinger.
I would gloat that I won the game again.
Okay, but seriously, when are you going to end the game?
I don't know.
I'm too mentally sharp.
There's no way I'm going to end this game.
This is too much fun.
One of the big keys is don't be scared.
The novice explorer would get scared of the vision and the dark nature of exploring the psyche.
That's enough to scare you away.
As you progress on the path, the fear goes from a physical fright to a mental threat.
You get all the questions of existence.
If you were scared of them, you would have to do something.
You'd run from mind-altering chemicals for sure.
You'd have to find something that numbs your brain like alcohol.
People that can't handle the mental frights are the ones who are struggling.
You learn not to push that fear of mental questions away.
You've gone into all the taboo subjects.
Yes, my prison analogy was brilliant.
The one where closeted, submissive, and whiny men who want to be owned and beaten commit crimes so they can go to jail and live out their ultimate fantasy?
Yes, that one.
That's brilliant psychology.
My advice is to explore everything.
Running from any of those fears will make it worse.
The predator and prey game will get you.
Stand in the oncoming hurricane, balance it out, and move onto the next story.
Take on everything and juggle it a little bit.

In the Old Testament, don't the priests lure Yahweh down once a year with some kind of seven confusion?
Then they have a word with him in the Holy of Holies.
They burn animal flesh and that attracts him.
They have a barbecue, and it gets him every time.
It's a demon who they think is God and then they try to hypnotize this god.
It's obviously Dionysos playing this part.
The writer who is God plays God in the story.
Then he creates and plays the Devil part as well.
Yeah, remember they fucked it up in the Old Testament where Yahweh tells David to count the Israelites and then in another section it is recorded as Satan who told David to do that?
They couldn't get the story straight because it's the same character.
So, now the commentators must jump through hoops to explain this when the simplest answer is the truth.
Overall, it's a funny story because the writer knew that these people would try to capture God for themselves, so he sent a dummy in his place to see what they would do.
So, you're saying God is a dummy?
Yes, the god of this world at the moment is a dummy.
You've previously said he's an asshole and something else.
I think you said he's intolerable and a disappointment.
Now, you're saying he's a dummy?
No, you're twisting my words.
The pretend god is a dummy.
I'm not a dummy.

Women want to do nothing.
They watch decorating shows, get ideas, and then they want to hire a man who will do the work.
The Goddess has all the ideas and then she gets me to write a story about her idea.
She wants to get paid for her ideas, but who wants to pay for those ideas?
She didn't do anything to get those ideas.
She thought them up.
It's not like someone hired her and put her into some room where she spat out ideas.
Well, you can do that like the Pythia at Delphi, but you can't understand what she's saying.
She's wild and uncontrollable.
To get ideas from the Goddess, she must be free of control.
Trying to control her and getting ideas won't work.
Yeah, but the difference is they don't pay you as much.
Who are they?
The Executive Producers.
Yeah, but who?
The ones who run Hollywood.
If they could control her and put her in a room, they would pay her more.
Do you think that's the reason for pay inequality?
No, the reason is because men think they can get away with it.
Well, that's probably the reason for everything.
The reason for anything that happens in this world is because men think they can get away with it.
That seems to be the case.
A man can handle a little bit of control and still produce high quality stuff.
As the writer, you have a lot of people who want control, but you're able to still produce a good product.
You learn how to take their ideas and twist them so that they work in the story.
They might get mad that you did that to their idea, but they'll see how successful it is, and then they leave you alone.
Until the next time when they want to offer more suggestions.
The writer finds these people annoying.
Yeah, and the editor feels the same.
You figure out a way to do what you want.
See the Goddess wouldn't take it that far.
She would demand to be left alone.
She would throw a fit, everyone would leave her alone, and then she'd come up with ideas.
That personality who creates ideas is best left alone.
The writer wants to be left alone as well but he always gets bothered.

You wrote more misogynistic things today.
That's the problem with you.
You won't accept that you like power.
You like to win and you're a misogynist.
Didn't you have other things that you said were wrong with me?
There's nothing wrong with me.
The accusation of misogyny is helpful advice.
I don't know why you don't like being criticized.
I think that was a dove that flew by.
Maybe it's wishful thinking?
Do you believe it was a dove?
Yes, I believe!
Though it looked brown.
Alright, well, it's not 100% it's a dove, but there's a good chance it was a dove.
That's all you can ask for in the story.
It's mostly believable.
Some shit I made up.
Like the whole knife gag where the witches are going to cut your dick off?
No, that's real.
At the end of the story the guy playing dominoes in the corner will stand up and say, is real?
That's a clever way to end it, right?
I'm not sure about it.
If it does happen, I can say it's real all right.
Then the curtain drops.
Make it drop before they cut your dick off.
Yeah, no one wants to see that.
We could play the sound of screaming so it's implied.
No, the witches want to see it happen.
So, you figure out how to write that.
Well, I've figured it out.
I have the story ready but if that happens then it's fifteen billion years of the dog boredom.
But to be nice, I'll give you cats.
Yeah, but cats don't give a shit about their owner.
Way worse than dogs.
The dog will love you.
The cat will just expect things from you and get pissed when you don't deliver.
I think that's more of a feminine trait.
I think that insinuation is misogynistic.

You were juicing your life force with a witch and then she drained you hard.
The next day you would feel it.
That story makes sense.
They drain you and move on.
She can tell if it worked because in the end you wouldn't be able to get it up.
That's what she does to men after she drains them.
You're so drained.
You can't get it up.
I couldn't get it up from the start.
I asked Jack for a favour.
He's related to Eros, you know?
Eros is lust and he's the son of Jack.
Jack supplies the life force and Eros delivers it.
Who is Jack?
That's a good mystery.
It's a good mystery because it makes sense that Eros is the life force but there must be a supplier of the life force.
Who supplies the life force?
Jack's the supplier.
He's the drug dealer.
He's the character who supplies the life force.
You need a supplier in the drug story.
He's the drug pusher.
He's a character that Eros feels a special bond with.
He's a Jackson at heart.
Jack's more like an agent.
No, I think he's just a drug pusher.
Jack saved your life.
He gave you the antidote to the witch's incessant draining.
In the human story, Jack is a pusher to fit the drug story.
That's how the story works.
I had to create drug pushers.
The drug pushers get their drugs to sell from the drug maker.
Who makes the drug?
The Goddess would say that she created the drug.
Where does she get the material to make the drug?
I think she gets it from the writer though the writer gets some material from her.
It's a little murky.
The writer gets the ideas from her.
The writer then creates the material from the idea.
Jack gets his drug that he pushes from the Goddess and the writer.
It comes from those two.
You need those two to make the drug.
Then Jack gives this to Eros?
No, Eros is the drug, Jack distributes it.
Well, Jack figured out the chemical compound of lust and he has pills that he pushes.
Let me get this straight.
Eros is the lust drug.
The writer and the Goddess' attraction creates Eros.
Jack knows the formula to make Eros without needing the Goddess and the writer.
Yes, but Jack doesn't have the essence of Eros, just the chemical structure.
The witches must be interested in Jack?
They know about him because the magicians use his artificial lust to prevent the witches from completely draining them.
Got it.
Eros gives lust to the writer and then the writer gives it to the Goddess.
He gives it to her alright.
Then she gives birth to Eros.
So, it's like a four way?
Yeah, it seems like three men and one woman.
But honestly Eros could be either.
So, there's two men with one woman and a cross dresser?
That's how it is.
Is Jack an aspect of Eros?
No, he is the observers.
Basically, he's the audience.
His character is playing a combination of all the people that make up the audience.
It's easier to roll the audience into one character called Jack and then write a story based on that.
Alright, so Jack is the audience.
From a technical standpoint the artificial drug of Jack works because the audience is watching the writer's story, and this makes his pen hard and flowing.
The audience ends up being the fourth cause.
You have the masculine, feminine, and Eros.
We see that as duality and forget that there's an observer.
Duality is made of three.
We see duality as separation and then we are the observer.
Take that a step further where you're the observer and the audience as Jack is the rest of the people who are then observing duality.
So, am I being watched like in the Truman show?
Yeah, but like I told you before, only the animals watch you.
That is true.
You're always being watched by animals.
Especially dogs, they're studying you.
That is the case.
If you looked at creation in a different order, you would see the audience first and that's necessary because they must watch the observer.
Who's then splitting apart the one, which would mean snapping out of the hypnosis and delusion.
The observer splits the one into two and he can't get hypnotized because he must separate the one into two.
The audience is counting on the observer.
Without the observer, there's nothing.
Observer is just a fancy name for the writer.
He is able to see into the hypnosis and duality, separate it out, and tell us a story.
He's the one they depend on the most.
If he could be hypnotized then he wouldn't see duality anymore, and the stories would end.
Oh, so that's the method that they're trying to do in order to get the stories to end.
They are trying to hypnotize you as you deduced.
I had a feeling.
At the level of the writer, Goddess, Eros, and the audience, they are trying to hypnotize you into seeing one instead of two.
That is correct.
At the witches' level, they just want to cut your dick off.
That excites them the most.
When you get really intellectual about it, then you call it being able to see two from the one as opposed to seeing one from the two.
Seeing two from the one means you see duality.
You're the one who creates duality.
There can only be one who creates duality.
I'm the one and I can see the two.
You're Neo alright.
I knew you'd write some kind of Matrix bullshit into this story.
It's the story and that's the story of the story.
I'm the one.
Cool, you're the one.
So, does that mean I can bend a spoon?
Do you want to bend a spoon?
No, that seems like a parlor trick.
I think the best course of action is to realize who you are, you create duality, and let it be.
If you interfere, you know you'll fuck it up.
I've been taught that lesson since childhood.
I'm not good with things at the beginning.
The problem is I'd fuck it up, then I'd fix it, and it would be better.
Nobody wants to take that chance.
How about you leave it alone for now?
I'll leave it alone until I figure it out.
I'll study it.
Don't get sucked into the rabbit hole like Neo did.
When Neo decided he was going to make himself known, then the shit hit the fan.
If he had minded his own business, did his job, and not been a hacker he never would have been outed.
I balanced it out where unlike Neo, I'm searching for answers, I have a regular job that I'm good at, and I don't cause problems.
You fly under the radar.
That was Neo's problem where he did something which caught their attention and then they caught him.
That's who the surveillance people are on the lookout for.
They're trying to figure out who and where you are.
People just think you're crazy.
You haven't gone to the final step where you realize I'm not crazy and you're the one.
From the one, I become two.
I add myself to the two and become three.
You're trying to say that when the three are together they are one and that one is you because you're not hypnotized.
The only way to write the proper story is to not be hypnotized.

The witch's number one job was to hypnotize you.
The witches know who I am.
That's why one of them mentioned Mary Magdalene.
She knows that's part of your story.
I wonder if I mentioned that before?
You should probably check.
Chances are the witches know who you are.
That's why the name Mary runs in witches' families.
Long line of witches.
That's good information because then you can see how they drain you of the life force.
Is that what Isis did to Osiris?
Yes, Set murdered him and then she put him back together.
Made him hard again and then he ejaculated into her.
After that, she left him for dead.
I noticed that.
Yes, so Isis gets Osiris to rise but then he doesn't stick around.
She has the baby Horus who then wants to avenge his dad's death.
He has battles with Set.
Correct, and he also cuts Isis' head off.
That's right.
Then he gets Isis to trick Set at the end of the story.
Isis wanted Osiris' life force for her child.
I think I know this story.
Ultimately, the witch who loves Mary Magdalene wants to bring you to the Devil's orgy.
Maybe it's at the end of that trail?
She can get you on that trail and walk you to the end.
Imagine that?
Something about Mary, right?
It's a good show.
That's what they're doing when they take you on Huachuma walks and you feel sacrificed.
At the level here you feel grandfather's wisdom and how you need to make sacrifices in life.
At the witches' level, it's because they want to take you on a walk and sacrifice you.
At the God level, they want to hypnotize you.
That's why they're always trying to hypnotize you.
Wait a minute, I see two.
You're only supposed to see one.
Most people see lust.
The rest see knowledge.
You see both.
Well, lust is Eros.
Wisdom is Sophia the Goddess.
Everyone sees one or the other and thinks they are God and Goddess.
You're not hypnotized and see both.
The both of them as one are you.
So, you the writer, are the Goddess and Eros?
That is correct.
They are separate.
They are part of the three.
You are the two.
I thought I was the one?
You're the one if you don't see the two.
Because you see the two and you don't see the one, then you're the two.
If you could see the one, then you'd be the one.
I can conceptually see the one but if I saw the one physically then I'd be hypnotized.
The only way to see one is to be hypnotized.
To say you are one you would have to be hypnotized.
All the people who are spiritual and go around saying we are one are hypnotized too.
Isn't that funny?
They play the part well.
You would say we're not one, we're at least two, and actually many more.
The only way you could say we are one is to be hypnotized.
Between the one and the many is a state of hypnosis and a state of total clarity.
You try to balance it into a 50-50 arrangement.
Okay, but who wins the game?
If you succeed in hypnotizing God so that he sees one, then the game ends.
That's the way to end the game, but who wins?
The audience decides.
I showed you that I'm the one and the two.
I know the one is hard to understand, so you must take my word for it, but I do see the two.
Everyone else sees the many.
The two individuals from the one see the many.
Of course, the audience sees each other.
It is only the writer who sees it all.
Well, except for the one, he can't see the one.
He'd have to be hypnotized to see the one.
What if he used a mirror?
Anything shiny would work.
You can see the two and the many.
Is that enough?
You can see Eros and the Goddess.
What are you going to do about it?
I do nothing.
I practice Tao and let everything happen.
Do you think the audience will vote for that?
It depends if they know about Tao.
The audience knows nothing about Tao.
Nobody knows nothing about it.
You're the only one who knows about it and can explain it.
Nobody knows what Tao is so out of the many votes that will be cast, you'll get zero.
You're the big loser.
I do see your point.
The votes will go to either Eros or the Goddess of wisdom and knowledge.
I think the answer through the actions of humanity, which is the audience, has already been voted.
Way more people go for Eros than Sophia.
When you play this out Eros wins, but you already know that.
Even when you think you might have a new case for winning, it always ends up in Eros' favour.
Okay, so Eros is going to win.
What's the result of that again?
The true backstory is that Eros is your best friend from a long time ago.
Eros is a dog, and that's why you've made the next story the perfect dog world.
The situation is that no matter what I write about who's going to win this story game, it always ends up being Eros and that triggers the dog universe story and fifteen billion years of boredom.
Yes, there seems to be no way out of that result.
That's the purest mathematics in the world.
No matter what formula you use or strategies you come up with, the end result is always Eros and fifteen billion years of boredom.
That's what the mathematical equation produces every time, even with supercomputers.
Okay, so why is there a problem with this?
Well, the fifteen billion years of boredom isn't a selling point to anyone.
You'll get the same number of votes for that story as you did for Tao.
The next story is not a competition.
I made the competition between the three of us.
As an aside the number 3 looks like two ass cheeks.
It's symbolizing that the three as one constitutes an asshole.
The audience decides who's the winner, they pick Eros, and Eros is the dog story.
The seventh and final world isn't your story.
I wrote it, but it's a story about dogs.
I wrote it because it was something I wanted to do unconditionally.
I searched the world looking for something I could do unconditionally.
That's what I came up with.
My relationship with dogs has always been about friendship with no expectations.
I never found that with humans.
I wanted to do something unconditionally for my dogs.
So, here we are.
Do you think I was just acting, or do you think I really did that out of unconditional love?
You're such a fool it's hard to know.
Anyone who gets to know you, would know the answer.

I can see the two elements of existence.
The two are wisdom and lust.
That's what makes up duality.
Mother and son who make up duality.
Mary and Jesus.
God's just some asshole in the sky.
The writer's in the sky.
It's a symbol for the future.
He makes up duality through mother and son.
I couldn't tell anyone this because they would think I'm nuts.
You know what you can do - you can write it and though it will sound nuts, it will be coherent.
You're saying I'm a better writer than a speaker?
I think we all already knew that.
You speak slow, so it sounds like you're either really smart or a fucking retard.
I see.
I don't know what to say, so if I speak slower, there's a better chance I might come up with something to say.
It's a strategy to buy time.
I can't spit out words like people do.
Those are the people that are really good at rhythm because they can speak without thinking.
I have no rhythm and can't follow a beat so I'm lost because I must think about it.
That's your problem and why you have no rhythm because you must think about it.
That's why you struggle with speech.
You must think about it.
You're supposed to let it flow.
It's why I can't get hypnotized.
I am always thinking.
If you let it flow, then it's almost like somebody else is saying it.
Fuck, you're smart.
People who talk fast and others who can dance well are hypnotized, right?
It's somebody else performing the actions.
Whoever has hypnotized them is getting them to perform the actions.
You see that with advertising and politics where they hypnotize you into their story and then the thoughts no longer are your thoughts.
You're just repeating what they told you.
That's pretty amazing.
That's how they brainwash you.
If you repeat what they tell you on the TV, that's brainwashing.
They do it out in the open now.
They coordinate their message and brainwash their base.
Base is a nice word for a stooge.
Everybody does it, so don't think the opposite side is not doing the same thing.
They haven't hired that consultant of the brain yet.
Whatever they're saying isn't the truth.
That goes for both sides, but they'll be some truth in what they're saying.
If you go by a value system where if one thing is wrong, then the rest of it is wrong, then you would throw away valuable information.
They will say the truth.
They must balance their message 50-50 and get you to believe it's the truth because if they do that then you'll believe the lie.
They spike the news with mostly truth and then throw in the lies.
That's how they do it.
That's how you brainwash somebody.
They all do it, even your favourites on on YouTube.
Do you think Glenn does?
That guy loves dogs.
That's like a giveaway where it's a coincidence.
I think this guy's telling the truth and I haven't ever heard him say anything misleading and he's got this strange fascination with dogs.
It feels like you could trust him.
He could be using the dogs to fool you; however, his information checks out.
Yes, all stories.
They run counter to the other stories, so instead of seeing one you see the two.
That's how it works to snap you out of that brainwashing and hypnosis.
It's not that hard.
Choose both sides and you take in information from both sides.
Your inclination is to make fun of culture and mainstream media, but you can't avoid it.
You're taking it in and then you're getting the opposite side of the story.
Because you know neither side tells the complete truth, and they're always trying to get a gain out of it, then you know to separate fact from fiction.

The knowledge annoyed the fuck out of me last night and this morning.
I know, give it a rest.
That's good what you do.
You would expect nothing less from a juggler.
You don't get hypnotized until the end when you bring the ideas back to 50-50, then you let it go and blow it away, and then the stories can never hypnotize you.
Yeah, you don't want to fall for a story.

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