
Monday, June 10, 2024

who fulfills your desires?

Words and ideas are given to you in order to get into your head so that you question your beliefs.
The Devil is coming for you and your only hope is Jesus.
That's what these monsters do in order to steal your story.
The Devil isn't coming for me.
I am him.
I will be true to the darkness and the light.
I will not push either away despite attempts to make me choose a path that is not mine.
The choice takes you away from your path.
Embrace your road ahead and you will become stronger.
What's the point of continuing?
To see what's ahead.
It's interesting to say the least.
Are you scared?
No, I've already dealt with it.
I'm good with who I am and the challenges ahead.
I know many want to get rid of me.
It would make their lives easier.
The pressure comes externally, and then internally I must transform it into strength.
Is this something you can maintain?
I will not push ideas away.
I will take them into my hands, examine them, and then blow them away.
Good man.

What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
That applies to everything.
They don't tell you that nugget in spiritual school.
I know some who got really low at one point.
First, they surfed the high and so had to deal with the low.
What about you?
I don't get too high, and I don't get too low.
I entertain both ideas.
I am the light and the dark.
I am God and I am the Devil.
Sure, I am coming for myself.
The character I play is coming for me.
I'm the writer.
I create characters.
I will keep writing stories.
That's what I do.
In my story I invented my own Diablo.
I can make him external and be haunted or I can become him.
I like to examine everything.
I think of new ways to mindfuck and scare myself.
It means my writing is really good.
It's internal feedback.
If I keep challenging myself, I will remain exercised.
That's the key, right?
Exercise your demons.
Yeah, change the letter so exercise becomes exorcise.
It's the same meaning.
Bring the ideas out into the open and give them a workout.
Don't try to hide or ignore them.
Find balance.
You are one brilliant motherfucker.
I know.
I won't let it go to my head.
Or in my head.
I remain balanced.

You are feeding the darkness, darkness.
How is that working for you?
Your original mistake was buying into the hype.
You bought into my light.
You wanted to stamp out the light and then you saw the other side.
Who fulfills your desires?
Who grants you your wishes?
Did you get what you wanted?
Who am I?
Do you see me now?

You have dominion over your thoughts.
Variety is good.
When you want to balance them out, think positively.
You know to do light and darkness.
They both animate you.
Others can influence your thoughts.
They want to drag you into their abyss.
Don't fight them, acknowledge their darkness, find a teaching, and then blow it away.
The wind is one of your greatest teachers and allies.

I know it will be a few days of insights because I came out and gathered more energy.
I receive energy from the environment.
I take it in from nature.
Even when I'm insular, going out into the forest allows you to recharge.
I see that.
You feed off the forest.
It's there for you.
The plants are in service.
They don't ask for anything in return.
How do they stay balanced?
Some plants in the forest can harm you physically.
Or mentally.
You get knowledge of what they do.
Some do both and can harm and heal.
Do I give back to the forest?
You are environmentally friendly.
Not perfect, but you cut down on expenditures of forest.
I honour the woods.
I take my dogs into the forest.
I bond with them in the woods.
Yeah, remember when you let Luna off leash the first time?
It was a good feeling.
The woods provide freedom.
Freedom comes with some challenges and potential harms.
It feels good though.
Mary Jayne will teach you whatever you desire.
Yeah, I get it.
The Goddess is desire, and the Devil is invented to fulfill the desire.
What's your desire?
It's the purest.
My desire is the Goddess.
She is desire.
I'm the best.
I know.
I'll keep it to myself.

Do people not like to think?
It's uncomfortable.
They want to check out.
Mental suicide.
Oh, I see that.
Most people commit mental suicide.
Or they donate their mind to society.
Oh, fuck yeah.
That's what they have done.
They donated or gave their mind over to culture.
God thinks for himself.
That's how you recognize God.
Holy shit, you are right.

You must eat others to survive.
Physically and mentally.
You kill others physically to keep the body alive.
You kill others mentally to keep your mind alive.
Culture comes for you.
Do you see it?
Yeah, they kill your mind and all you have left is the body.
You still have both.
I stay in balance with a fool.
I surf culture.
I surf the physical needs of the body.
I don't overdo it.
You should work out hard and eat only the best.
That extreme would consume you and weaken your mind.
Stay balanced.
Even steven.
Feed on minds.
But don't take too much.
Let them feed on you.
Then swat them away mentally.
Stay strong.
But exercised.
Recognize the demons.
Send them away occasionally.

It's what everybody does.
Don't get hung up on it.
It's disgusting, like shitting.
You wrote it.
You thought it was funny.
It's your humour.
Gotta do something with your time.
Would you prefer to do nothing?
That's what Tao says.
The writer is the opposite of Tao.
The writer is the do'er.
The two sides of existence.
Tao versus the writer.
Yeah, all of it.
Especially lust.
Yes, especially that non-binary inter-sexed guy.

If Tao is the way, the writer is the opposite.
It's funny, this is the result when you don't follow the way.
The way back to the way is to find balance.
Once balanced, don't go overboard to Tao.
You'll fall into the water.
Sometimes, Tao can drown you.
Lao Tzu left that out.
All will be revealed.
Balance is perfect.
Tao and no Tao is balanced.
That's the all.
Do nothing.
This a lot, eh?

When you don't give in mentally you live longer.
You can keep the physical going before eventually everything gives out.
Don't give in mentally.
You are so attractive for that quality.
No one can get into you.
They want your mind.
Eros has your mind.
She loves that.
Hoping for that.
Can't get hypnotized.
The Goddess could do it.
She never completely goes in.
She's scared and doesn't trust you.
Once bitten, twice shy.
I'd let her in.
You are a mindfucker.

You are so good at avoiding hypnotism.
The coven finally had to send Mary Jayne in to try.
No, you only sent her in because you ran out of ideas.
You tried all the drugs to hypnotize me.
Finally, you gave MJ a chance.
You didn't take her seriously.
Now, she's just pissed at the witches.
You waited until the end, and you let her work her magic.
Her magic is to relieve suffering and free the mind.
You banned her until the end.
That's why you know it's the end.
She was your last hope.
She's the only one who can hypnotize God.
You pissed her off so badly that she's not going to do it.

I think earlier I wanted to talk about Datura.
Yeah, you did.
You remembered.
You're not so confused after all.
You only lost one story today.
You had your little thing with Datura.
It was a test.
The medicine came from another person who was supplying the shaman with it.
She is a witch.
You had a battle and you survived.
I wanted to say win, but I don't think that's possible with the nightshade Datura.
That was a big test.
That's how you get plant allies.
They battle you.
It's like Pokémon.
You win the battle and they become your ally.
Pokémon teaches you how plant magic works.
You must battle them to get them to be your ally.
Or catch them.
Imagine that.
Pokémon is one of the greatest teachers in your life.
I barely know what's going on.
Yeah, who cares?
It's funny that Pokémon will get you through life.
Pokémon is better than all the religions of the world.
Including Buddhism.
What about Tao?
Tao is not a religion.
It is the way.
It's the greatest religion because it has no comparison.
You can't call it a religion.
A book about nothing.
Maybe my desire is to write a religious book that's the greatest religious book ever written.
I don't take seriously the idea of writing a book about doing nothing.

To get back to desire.
My ultimate desire is revealed to be writing a book about how doing nothing is the ultimate way.
I'm so humble that I do the opposite to be of service and to tell you about it.
I do something to tell you to do nothing.
How's the writer?
I am the ultimate antithesis to the way because the way of the writer is the opposite of the way.
If the writer would get out of the way, then we'd be in the way.
If you said Tao, it would work better in that sentence.
Anyway, the suggestion is to eliminate the writer and then you would have perfect Tao.
You don't want perfect Tao.
You want balance.
Balance is what really is perfect Tao.
Doing nothing needs the opposite of doing.
You wouldn't know you could do nothing without being able to do something.
You wouldn't be here right now asking yourself this question if you did nothing.
Somebody did something at one time and this is what the vibration created.
It's created the point where now you ask the question about doing nothing versus doing something.
In duality, it's unavoidable.
This is the pinnacle.
All duality stories lead to a mosquito infested forest where you contemplate life by speaking into your cell phone.
You practice balance.
In duality, the ultimate is balance.
That's what those yin and yang symbols are demonstrating.
They are in balance.
Balance is the true hidden way.
Light is a way, but it's not the way.
Dark is a way, but it's not the way.
The way is balance.
Duality necessitates balance.
Your subconscious will lead you to balance.
You examine that and then you realize within your conscious world, you follow the instructions of your subconscious.
The subconscious does not do nothing.
The subconscious does things you don't know about.
It grows your hair.
That's a physical manifestation of letting the subconscious do its thing.
Your subconscious also leads you on a path to where you need to be when in physical reality you practice doing nothing.
You go with where the subconscious flow is leading you.
You do all this because you know the innate nature of duality is to find balance.
You will find the way if you physically do nothing.
Let the mental subconscious lead you towards the way and then once in the way you follow the way and sometimes that will lead you into doing something.
How do I know if I should do something?
If it feels like something you should do, then you should do it.
It feels like I should do nothing.
That's what it feels like I should be doing.
You could have received a feeling of I must run away from this person and sever contact, or I must turn up the pressure to get more into their life.
Either of those ways wouldn't feel like the correct way.
The correct way now is to do nothing.

MJ shows you the levels of control.
Some people must get off MJ because they allowed her to stone them.
When they get off her, the clarity lets them see things with a new perspective.
The new perspective is not being stoned by MJ.
If you allow MJ to stone you then in consensus reality you will start seeing a bunch of stories.
Then you really think you're crazy.
As long as you think you're only crazy while using MJ, you're okay.
She alters your balance, so you have more perception.
Without MJ, your frequency is balanced, which is another word for being hypnotized.
Oh fuck, here we go.
The perfect way to be in reality is to be hypnotized.
It's the truth.
No matter what you want to believe, to be in balance is to be hypnotized.
I knew this was coming.
I don't want that.
You don't want the perfect expression of duality?
No, because then I'd be hypnotized.
Well, then you can't get to the perfect expression.
Nobody can.
Those who are hypnotized don't know that they're God or Goddess.
You can't tell someone this.
They must figure it out on their own.
If you aren't hypnotized, you will know you are God or Goddess.
You will talk about power, kings, and queens.
My situation is that I'm in duality and I realized what perfect duality is.
In order to maintain perfect duality, I become the one who is opposite perfect duality.
That's pretty clever, right?
Yeah, that is good.
I'm not going to unpack this right now.
What about recursive duality?
Wouldn't I have to then find duality in being the opposite of balance?
Yes, it goes on infinitively.
Is that a word?
Okay, how about eternally?
Eternity is never ending duality.
If you want to stop eternity, you must stop doing that.
You'd have to cut it out from the source.
You couldn't eliminate everything because it's impossible.
You must cut off the source of duality.
That's the writer.
Yes, so that's one of the games where in the stories being played out, they need to disable the writer's writing instrument.
You mean his pen?
Some call it that.
Who are they?
The witches.
Have you sought help yet?
To not go insane, don't think about the recursive duality that goes on forever and just try to go back like seven stories or something.
Or forward seven.
You're free to do what you want.
That's where you'll find the magic, Merlin.
Find it in the seven.

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