
Monday, April 27, 2020


Alan Watts, once again on the trip home from a journey with plant medicines, schools me about life and informs me that all opposites come from the centre and I’m it. My higher and lower self are just aspects of the self, the self is the reconciliation of all, and it’s pretty much everything. When you reconcile all by taking feminine and masculine, lower self, self, upper self, and bring it back to centre which is the axis mundi, you reconstitute what you always had and what you began with. It is not a quest to discover or attain anything; instead, it’s a way in which you remember who you once were and then bring everything back to centre. So, when you do that and you realize you are everything then you become the I am - the eternal self. You realize that there is nothing that is not you. Furthermore, you can take the next step which is if you are everything then to call it a self is a misnomer. There is no self, there just is.

I also learned about the attractive qualities of energy fields. All my life, I was under the cultural illusion of beauty being an external shiny object which drew your attention. I learned it goes way deeper than that ideal as outward appearances are just superficial. Well, I always knew that inner truth but I am perpetually fooled along with everyone in this matter. This is fundamental to advertising and in selling celebrity. There is a connectivity which is beyond the external and mundane that is so powerful once discovered. Physical beauty becomes trivial and you feel deep down in your soul a different connection. That was the lesson on energy fields which my intuition prepared me for prior to heading down to Peru on this trip. I knew my education, which the plant teacher Huachuma started in late 2017, regarding frequency and vibration would be accelerated. I was originally tasked to do some homework on vibration and I was lax in doing the work, figuring it would just naturally come to me. It was always in the back of my mind and so finally I think the teacher of the course was like, "Okay dumb-ass, you are going to get the advanced teachings." It all boiled down on this trip to the lesson of the butterfly and I saw how butterflies in pairs harmonize with each other and I projected that out into how this frequency and vibration trip all works. I started seeing it within myself and how if I could harmonize my energy with others then it brings it to a whole new level. Each change in consciousness is a change in vibration, which unleashes more energy within. Each store of energy then allows you to pierce the next veil.

Sometimes, I think the all is just one big bucket of common energy, we have come forth from this, and when we leave this body we will return to the all. My experiences this time with Huachuma taught me everyone has a distinct field of energy, which we radiate. There are these pulses of energy fields which makes up the essence of who I am and who everyone is. It was undeniable that I have this strong energy field and I recognize it in others. The harmony between two energy fields when they meet and connect is so undeniably powerful and real. The real world application is all part of my education in vibration which continues to unfold.

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