
Monday, June 12, 2023

mosquito lesson

Mosquitoes are the beginning of the manifestation of all thought. Well, it's insects in general - they are the nuisances which are integral to making the world come alive. Everything we have created on this planet started out metaphorically as a little bug in our ear which eventually blossomed or decayed into something bigger. The parallels with our thoughts are astounding if you think about it! This all ties together my recent experience with plant medicine in Peru. During the three weeks I spent in Peru, I ingested a lot of plant medicines. They were continually offered, so much so, I had to turn down a bunch of them. I know my limits and the optimal amount for my adventures.

As an aside, it's clear the stretch run of my life will be focused on the psyche. It's what animates me to get out of bed in the morning and to go exploring. I've tested it out and gone into the depths and I feel confident I'm not going to go crazy or cause damage to my mind. I went into this journey already off a bit and that has served me well. The initial shock was a mind fuck but now I'm good with it all. Psychedelics are like finding out Santa isn't real. Treat the illusion as real until you know. Then you too can become an illusionist.

You are it. Starting a journey from this point will open new paths to explore. From this vantage point you can see others as projections of self. Doing this in a sober manner at first is not convincing. In my case what worked was drinking a plant medicine called Huachuma every other day for a couple weeks and then sinking into the experience. I was at the point in my exploration where I could accept myself as the all and then use the alteration of consciousness to explore from that relative position. I split my psyche out into shards and saw the essence of what makes me the character I play within the personalities of the group container I was undergoing this experience with. I was able to grasp this at the time and realize what was taking place. I had a good laugh and told the others about it. The implications of witnessing this behaviour hadn't sunk in although I was cognizant of what was going on. This new behaviour then subsequently ballooned into seeing myself at various levels of consciousness. At the top I am God. Below that level I am the Sun King. Another step below I am a Bull. I become Dionysos. Eventually, in the world of form I am this guy having an adventure. I've trapped myself in form for now and for most of my life through external magic mind control I had no escape.

Oscillating between hierarchies of planes is part of the great adventure available to us all. Being frightened of death keeps us in line and so we stick close to the body. Don't want to stray from this rock lest we lose our grasp on consciousness. The exploration of consciousness seems to eventually lead to a realization that the body is a port in this vast sea of adventure. For some, the stop can be a lifetime but for all, the day comes when you will have to say goodbye to those with whom you have formed relationships. As I mentioned earlier, you take on distinct roles within each consciousness container. I'm good with others grabbing power in this plane. They can be king of the world. I know who I am, and I don't want that responsibility in this hell. The earth is a beautiful hell hole. A carnival full of thrills and spills. I'll wash my hands of this one and let the inhabitants run amok. Someone else can put this stain on their resume!

Back to the central idea of this post. I see within everything parallels of thought forms. Try meditating in the woods and having a mosquito interrupt the peace, much like those nagging thoughts cause you to stray from the goal of not engaging with mental disturbances. The mosquito is the thought manifesting in a material world. Sickness and disease in the body are the pangs of worry and doubt crystallizing into form. Sounds like fantasy and woo, right? That's what you will hear. Let it go and plant the seed which will blossom into an understanding of this world of material form. All is a dream but not in the sense of how we think of a dream. We think of dreams as flippant flights of fancy that are short-lived mental disturbances during sleep. What do you think this world is? It's a thought. The dreamer, you, has been asleep for a long time. When you start to awaken knowledge increases and then the signs of the apocalypse start to appear. Time to put you back to sleep so this world can continue. Sounds fantastic, right? I'm getting to you. You don't believe me but soon you are going to see it and then you too will start to awaken. The forces of destruction gather when we all start to awaken. Same as when you get up in the morning and your dream vanishes, this dream is going to vanish. The thought form in this plane of material consciousness is going to manifest as a worldwide conflagration. The thought is multi-faceted as I tried to show you with the example of the mosquito. At the highest level, God wakes up. At this level, the world is destroyed. If you knew about the destroyer it would be imperative to keep God asleep, right? Do you want to come down that rabbit hole with me? Maybe another time.

An example in my life about psychic projection is my dog. She has an irrational fear of other dogs, avoids confrontation with them, and if approached she displays fear aggression in order to chase them away. This has resulted in her having few canine friends and she lives a life of relative solitude with her immediate family whom she trusts. I realized this trait I see in myself. I default to not trusting others and therefore avoid getting close to people. I don't take it to the pathological extreme which my dog has, but I do sense the behaviour. So, from this observation I can see animals are these thoughts that have manifested into form. I've been curious about animals for a bit in that they are quite simple as compared to us, yet well fit for survival. What are they? They are traits of God as thoughts which in this plane of consciousness have become form. I see in my dog a behaviour that comes into existence, tries to reconcile and find balance through engagement, and then after a period of time goes away. Each new life form is another projection of self coming forth. In my case, being able to cultivate the omnipotence in my being allows me to see everything else as a projection of myself and stand in complete awe of this world. I can see it as hell, but it is ingenious. Earth is the abode of petrified thought forms. Fascinating!

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