
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

mary and the light

The divine spirit who is active created the universe and everything which has come forth from it. That spirit is present and explained in the opening of the New Testament Gospel of John, a tract which is quite disparate when compared to the other canonical gospels. I'm referring to the Word, with this Word being understood in Christian theology as a prefiguring of Jesus Christ. The first verse states that the Word was the first principle, hung out with God, and was in fact God. 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (KJV translation)

That's quite an assertion with which to start. What does it mean? Let's first get the meaning of God out of the way. In the original Greek, God is from theos which means divinity, of the divine, the supreme deity. Word is from logos which means speech. But not just simple speech, instead speech that contains reasoning and intention, in other words a calculated command to create. This Word is the be all and end all as the last idea claims the Word is God. This is telling us that within the godhead is this power to create ex nihilo. However, when all was put in order the Word became flesh as explained in verse 14:

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

The Greek word for dwelt is skeeno and it means to encamp and comes from skenos which means a hut or temporary residence, figuratively the human body as an abode for the spirit. The idea is that the human body is a tabernacle for spirit. You can start to see the disservice that has been done to humankind in the name of translation. Among is from the Greek en which can also mean "in". This passage in its true meaning is esoterically explaining that this impulse to create through intention entered into the flesh of a beast which became man - us. Extrapolating from this thought you can see why I insist that we are light; in essence a fragment of the light known as the Logos. From verse 9:

That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

But going deeper into this idea think about this: the Word ceased to be active as an ethereal creator, entered into us, and we were given the power to create. We are now the creators of our world which is pretty self evident when you look around. We create our reality through intention. It is then pretty clear that this world is truly an illusion, an illusion because it is of our making and intention. I mean that in the sense that when our thought becomes action through intention we are in effect taking part in creating our universe. The word intention is key here. You can now see how important having an intention is because of the power within us to manifest that intention. We are creating reality, we are now the masters of all this. I believe we can create and we can also heal through intention. It's not a placebo effect, we can heal.

In closing check out verse 5:

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Comprehended is from the Greek katalambano which also means to seize and possess. The darkness vigilantly seeks to seize and possess this light to learn of its secrets but it is never totally successful in its efforts. We are a fragment of this light and upon walking the path that leads you to a remembrance of this truth you will discover the hidden light within you. It's the underlying concept of Namaste of the Hindus and Amen of the ancient Egyptians and early Christians - the recognition within all of the hidden god, the Logos.


The darkness in the gospel stories tries to put to death the light; however, the spark always returns.

The Romans and Jewish authorities leave the Light for dead

Within humanity, the light has been assailed and left for dead for centuries but in tandem with the Great Goddess (the Marys who are always with the Light), once again the light is rising. The understanding of the concept of the Logos in the Gospel of John, which has been misconstrued for two millennia, is coming forth. The light can only be suppressed for so long before it will once again shine upon those that seek it out. 

Remember the light is with God and is God. This is hinting at our origin, only hinting to us because we have lost the tools necessary to understand what this means, but the knowledge is available to the curious and open minded. This referencing of God is referring to the divine, specifically the one, the all, and the source. It's the union of everything; the fount of all existence properly interpreted as a hermaphrodite but conceptually can be considered the great Mother Goddess. She can conceive and give birth without the need for a male partner, hence the symbolism we find in mythology of the virgin. It is the Light she births; the Light separating from the great mother, as the Light was with her originally, and as an aspect of her the Light then enters into this realm of time and space and enacts the creative process. The ultimate evolution of its purpose is to eventually incarnate into humankind, who then become the creators of their own reality. And here we stand at this point in history.

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