Within unity you can find self. You just have to objectify and then within the collective consciousness all instances eventually separate and objectify which gives birth to the material world. This is the same as when I see unity while separate because I am unable to separate myself from the environment, so I no longer see separate objects. The opposite must be true. Unification would want to find separation and through this desire will once again separate in order to know its many selves. One and the many. By changing perspective we can see both. Now.
So it’s all here and now. There is no place I have to go to see either viewpoint. I just need to change my conscious awareness to see it at anytime. My consensus reality prism is a separator much like a prism refracts the pure white light into its constituent spectral colours which are all the colours of the rainbow. Consciousness is King and run through a great prism separates into many instances of the whole. We as a species double down on the objectification and separation of consciousness. A perturbation of consciousness is the way on through the doors of perception. There are many modalities available to do just this, just do an internet search. Our natural inclination is to fight the change in consciousness and return to our normal waking state. For instance the other morning my seasonal allergies were peaking and so when I got out of the shower I grabbed some toilet paper to blow my nose. A piece of the paper stuck to my face just below my eye. I was locked in my routine so I did not remove it though it bugged me for a bit. Eventually I just ignored it until I looked in the mirror. I sat down a bit later with a tea, a great form of meditation, and contemplated the fact that at first I reacted with annoyance that my perception changed and I was seeing things with the tissue paper getting in the way. In order to get back to the default comfortable state I just started ignoring it. Isn't that what we do all the time? We ignore so many things in our environment in order that everything conforms to our worldview. If something feels out of place, we work to fix or remove it. I then started noticing my nose in my line of sight. It's always there but I just ignore it now because it is commonplace. Once I started noticing it, then it started bugging me, and I wanted to go back to ignoring it.
The overall lesson is that you can change your consciousness simply by being or becoming aware of environmental happenings that we just take for granted. It's hard to do though because our default state is to ignore or dismiss common occurrences and get locked into patterns of perception. As humans, it’s probably the reason we are attracted to novelty because it changes our consciousness and gets us out of locked in and mundane everyday experiences. However the novelty soon wears off and we seek out something new. As well we are easily distracted and though we may become aware of something, we soon return to our default view. So that's why seekers use agents of consciousness to perturb their consciousness. Examples of this are meditation, breath work, physical exertion, chanting, drumming, and plants or substances that alter consciousness. All these modalities then have the ability to show you other states of consciousness that are always with us, we have just filtered them out. It doesn't have to be psychedelic, it can be as simply as sitting in the forest and hearing the wind, the chattering of the birds, the frogs and crickets singing, the sun's rays glistening on a spider web, insects busily flying about, the heat of the day, the chill of the air, and so on.
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