
Monday, July 8, 2024


Dogs play games with each other.
They do and it's simple to see.
They are less complicated than our human games.
They are great companions.
You don't need much in terms of a companion.
We complicate things and say you have to be open, sharing, and discuss things with your partner.
The best relationships I've had have been with a dog.
They were simple relationships.
Companions that get along.
Go for a walk, share a meal, and hang out.
That's the perfect relationship.
We have a whole industry of counselors telling us there's more to a relationship.
All marriage counselors do is complicate an easy thing.
You can figure out what complicates things.
A sexual relationship.
Expectations of family.
A dog naturally fits into the family and is a friend.
So, the best relationships are friends, not family, and not sexual.
That is correct.
The family and sexual aspects fuck it up.
The sexual part of our relationships creates an imbalance especially for the man who is convinced by society he must pay for sex.
Society overtly and subversively tells a man that he has to pay for sex.
In a marriage he must provide in exchange for sex.
A woman is conditioned to believe she is owed for the use of her body.
The downside is when she is no longer desirable sexually, she becomes worthless in our culture.
The family is the same thing as you owe them.
The family is everybody's insurance policy when all else fails.
That relationship will bail you out and take your side.
It's part of the family compact.
A friend is not family, so there's no expectations.
If you want to become friends, you just do it.
There's no pressure.
There's no contract between friends.
You choose to be friends.
There's always family obligations.
If you don't fulfil them, you're an outcast.
A family will drain you of time and energy.
With friends, there's none of that.
It's equally split.

When the Goddess is a friend then she can be with you and be separated.
The answer to the separation problem is friendship.
Not being friends is total separation.
Entering into a sexual relationship will keep the cycle going.
What cycle?
Union and separation.
So, what is better?
Do you want to continue the cycle, or do you want to be friends forever?
So, the meaning of life for me can be boiled down into the question of what do I want from a relationship with the Goddess?
Yes, do you want to be lovers and haters, or do you want to be friends?
Can I be both?
That's the problem.
When you hate each other, you still care.
That causes the divorce.
If you are friends, you will hate each other.
If you're not friends, you don't care, and you have a sexual relationship it will work.
That's a tough call.
The expectation is some kind of caring in the relationship.
Yeah, this is a tough one, eh?
How do you create the perfect union?
Let's recap.
First, you understand not to care.
Second, you see that friendship is the ultimate ideal.
The problem is being friends with somebody you have a sexual relationship with will cause you to care about them.
Then you will lose the friendship when things go bad.
Friendship had little conditions attached to it except when you add sex to it.
You can't run from it.
You must deal with the sexual part, and it will end the friendship.
The flow will take you to the cessation of sexual attraction.
The flow will make you lose interest.
Everybody changes over time and anyone who tells you differently is a fool.
This is a pickle.
Well, if it's the flow, then you would go with it.
The story involves union and separation.
That's the story.
This story is in and out.
It's a very simple porno.
This whole story of mine is based on in and out.
I'm in the Goddess then I'm out of the Goddess.
You've created a whole story in your head based on this sophomore nonsense.
That's funny.
The best wisdom I can give you is that if you're friends, you're not going to cum.
Maybe a little teasing if you're lucky but that won't be enough.
You will look for someone else.
If you are friends, you'll look for different partners even though you know they're the one.
That's going to cause more problems.
Your friendship will dissolve.
Being friends will make it worse.
I'm just saying being friends goes against the story.
The story is in and out.
If you haven't been paying attention, that is union and separation of Goddess and God.
For some reason, I think there's three reasons.
The first reason is not caring, and the second is a lesson about friendship.
I saw the arguments on both sides.
I saw how friendship was the best relationship, but I also saw how the flow would go against friendship.
The perfect relationship would go against the flow.
Why is that?
It's because friendship goes against the flow, but it's a perfect balance.
So, can you find perfect balance in this world?
That perfect balance is not Tao.
It's the exact opposite.
Explain that.
Why does friendship work?
You must make an effort.
Oh, I know.
You can establish a non-Tao relationship and then within that relationship practice doing nothing except for the basics.
A dog shows you that a good relationship involves going for a walk, sharing a meal, hanging out, and finding a place to sleep.
You can establish in this world things that are perfect and not based on Tao as long as you practice Tao.
Yes, this world is not Tao.
I think you know that.
You can balance this world by practicing Tao.
This world is the opposite of Tao.
The writer is definitely not Tao, but by practicing Tao he redeemed himself.
I balanced out, I don't know about redemption.
Okay, well, that doesn't answer the Goddess question.
Yes, it does.
You can't be friends with her.
If you are friends with the Goddess, the cycle will not continue.
The cycle will stop.
What is the cycle?
The coming and going of everything in existence.
You know the old in and out.
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Yes, I thank you.
You taught me this already.
This is working.
This is where it gets confusing.
If the cycle continues, that's the in and out, and it's going to lead to a big explosion.
The big explosion is the end of this world.
If you are friends with the Goddess, nothing's going to happen.
There's no spark.
This world would go on forever.
If you want to live forever, coming and going in this world, then be friends.
If you want a new world, don't be friends.
So, I can't be both?
If I choose both, the cycle will continue.
The only way it will not continue is if you choose to be friends with no in and out possibility.
That's funny.
No, wait a minute.
If I choose not to be friends, the cycle stops as well?
Yes, choosing either stops the cycle.
If you aren't her friend, there are definitely no in and out privileges.
Remember, you don't choose.
Choosing to be friends or not friends doesn't work.
You are being taught balance.
Did I feel this one?
No, you must think about it.
You couldn't come up with the answer based on what you know.
You had to think about it.
The answer is to either do nothing or to do both.
Doing both will keep the cycle moving.
What if I do nothing?
It's confusing and the cycle keeps moving.
The flow is obviously to keep the cycle moving for now.
The flow will predict and produce the future.
You see the results of choosing a side.
It will give you an idea of choosing both sides and not choosing.
When I look, I see the cycle continues.
The cycle creates something new.
Yeah, it would be a new manifestation.
Continuing without a new manifestation, what does that mean?
There's no reincarnation.
If you choose a side, there's no recall of reincarnation.
It's on repeat and there is no recall.
Sounds like hell.
Not choosing or choosing both and you come back to a new world knowing who you are.
It's the secret handshake.
Tao is for the chosen.
The chosen Tao comes back.
The Goddess and her cycle keep Tao moving.
Balance is the key.
I knew that.
Does anybody know this?
What do you think?
That's why I am who I am.
You know the secret about coming and going.
In and out.
Yeah, don't make a choice.
The people who want to live forever make the mistake of choosing to live forever.
I'm going to live forever without making a choice until it all blows.
Yeah, until the orgasm.
You can be part of it.
You're going to feel it.
When is that?
Tell me when you're on edge.
How are you feeling?
It was strong yesterday.
Lust I mean.
When there's more lust and greed in the world then you can see it getting ready to blow.
When you are zoomed out to that level, yes.
Why is it going to blow?
It's the juggler.
The stories get too much, and he loses control.
The writer stopped being able to balance stories.
He said fuck it, and let it spiral out of control.
Duality spun out of control and blows up.
Yes, that's how you end the story with the big one.
What was the other option?
End and balance all the stories.
Get the writer to stop writing stories.
Do you mean where they cut my dick off?
I think that's the same thing.
If they do that nothing's going to happen.
You must end the story with a bang.
You can't let them live happily ever after.
Happily ever after is non-duality.
The big bang continues duality.
The stories all become one and then it bangs into the infinite again.
The stories all came together and there was no room left.
It was a blinding white light which simulated non-duality.
Existence was all stories, and no one could see any individual stories.
That's what non-duality is.
It's infinite stories.
Duality is infinite stories separated.
What is the state that's real?
It depends on perspective.
They're both true.
It's where you are in the story.
Are you in the duality part or the non-duality part?
Clearly, I'm in the duality part.
When you're in non-duality you don't know you know.
I think you must be in duality which gives you a physical and mental form in order to know you know.
You're going to confuse time, so remember you're doing both right now.
You've chosen an eighty-year vessel in duality.
You're also observing yourself.
Who is observing me?
Your non-dual self because they are somewhere else.
They are all.
They collect information about you that they already knew.
The trick is to get it to you in duality.
They give you knowledge of who you are.
Who are they?
You're subconscious.
They know you best and they know Tao because they're in Tao.
You, on the other hand, are off on some adventure.
I seem to be having the time of my life.
Yeah, it's pretty good.

I've been off on some tangents.
I went back to the not caring and friendship questions from the start.
That was a tricky one because when you play out friendship, you can create a container and practice Tao within that space.
I think it also teaches you that the first principle is always to not care.
The second point is about friendship.
Is there a third?
No, but bros before hoes works.
We can put that one in stone.
That would cause problems.
The whore is going to fuck with his head.
Yeah, that's why you have his back.
You know my subconscious is a little misogynistic.
So, a truth teller is a misogynist?

To fuck someone, you need them to be a little bit of a friend.
Oh, you can do those ones where it's a one off.
Those are riskier.
That's true, if you have a relationship with somebody then they're not going to cut out your kidney.
Yeah, it's why you do the friends thing.
You need a little bit of that.
There're friends, then there are good friends, you get too friendly with somebody then something happens and it ends.
You never want to get too friendly with a friend.
You'll get fucked in the end.
You can look at it the other way non-sexual where you got to be friends with your dog and then it ended.
It's a different energy.
Friendship will end.
It could end in the other direction.
The best is to enjoy them while they're here and let them go when it's time.
You're making me cry again.
That's the best friend.
Let them go when it's time.
Unconditional love and best friends.
A best friend would also know when to let you go and give you space.
There's a difference between good friends and best friends.
The good friend relationship is trying.
The best friend doesn't try.
You don't want to be somebody's brother.
You want to be their friend.
Isn't the opposite true?
No, I think it's more complicated.
There are so many variables, which is good, because it means you'll never figure everything out.
Yeah, I'm balanced.
It's all going to work until the stories get cluttered, you say fuck it, and then it just blows.
Until then, you're good.
The world is out of control right now and it's absurd.
Yes, you know you're getting to that point.
I don't think I'm there yet.
No, you're just starting to feel it.
Once you get to that point where you feel it, there is no stopping.
What are we talking about?
It's the meaning of life.

To answer the question about the third principle, it’s this:
First is don’t care.
Second is friendship is the best relationship.
Adding sex to friendship ruins the friendship.
The cycle of union and separation of Goddess and God is put into motion.
Eros is the third principle.
It’s lust.
The in and out births Eros.
Eros is the reason for everything.

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