
Monday, July 29, 2024


Flooding in the woods makes you reassess your path.
We like routine and the flooding takes us out of our routine.
That makes us uncomfortable.
We tend towards routine, which is hypnosis.
It's balance.
Balancing the two into one is our natural state which is Tao.
You can see the natural state will take you towards balance.
The resistance is how you get out of your hypnosis.
It is work to see the two.
Work is the adventure spirit and wanting to try new things.
It's difference, which is separation.
Difference allows you to see the two.
Remember, everything returns to one.
When the difference becomes too much, you go with the flow.
You're saying that adventure is not Tao?
That's fundamentally correct.
Isn't Tao an adventure?
The adventure is getting back to Tao.
Whitewater rafting.
You must go away from Tao in order to get back to it.
You wouldn't know you are in Tao unless you leave it.
You find out about Tao when you aren't in the flow.
If you are in the flow, it is bliss.
Not a care in the world.

The flooding in the forest is like a hurricane that blows through and today you see the cleanup.
Everything's heading back to Tao.
The water flows back into the river.
The river is the flow.
You want to hurry the process and get back to how it was.
If you have patience, it will return.
There could be some residual damage.

To find what you were looking for, you had to create a wave.
You brought the wave into your world.
They brought the wave into their world.
You both tried to assimilate the wave.
It was a square peg into a round hole problem.
The way out would have been to create a new wave and realize that's the balance within the two new waves.
There is a balance available.
You must find it.
A good student of Tao could balance anything and not be afraid of any challenge.
You would need patience to find the balance, but it is there.

Despite my reservations this knowledge seems like what you would walk the path to get.
Why did I get access to this knowledge?
What is so special about me?
It's what you wanted.
You walked a path which will get you what you want.
Everyone else who walks this path will take easy power.
You renunciate it.
At the same time, you say you are God.
That's how you do it.
You do not run from it.
You take it on.

It would be safe to predict that someone who tries to get to God will be fucked up.
Yes, because it's an extreme, so you'd have to have extreme amounts of light and extreme amounts of darkness.
Everyone who's tried will destroy themselves.
Or try to forget.
Alan Watts explained the evil inclination on the spiritual path as rascality.
That's how you know someone's on the path.
If they are all good, it ain't them.
What can I do?
You recognize it.
You know how to expel them both.
You know how to take in knowledge and expel lust.
You write down your knowledge and get excited by lustful possibilities.
That seems like a secret formula.
You are getting there.
You take in knowledge and out will come lust.
It's a cycle.

You always know when too much is too much.
That's how you get to God when you know there's too much pleasure or there's too much pain.
There's too much light.
There's too much dark.
To get to God you must head to the extreme and at the same time be a master juggler.
That's the only way you can do it.
There had to be that pleasure because you were about to get a lot of pain.
You built up a store of pleasure.
Yeah, that was fun.
And then came the pain.
Where are you now?
It feels like I'm balanced.
I feel the boredom creeping in.
Yeah, big time.
Exercise boredom or it will kill you.

I was pretty good with the ritual today.
You are tilted towards knowledge so it would be better.
Yeah, but rituals are kind of magical.
Knowledge would get in the way if there is too much thinking.
The best ritual is based on knowledge and magic.
The best magic sees a little light and it's not all dark.
It may start in the dark and then head to the light.
With white magic, it starts in the light because you do a good deed.
The longer it goes on, the more you start to take advantage of the magic and it gets darker.
The longer black magic goes on, the more you see it out in the open.

What do I do now?
You're just going to wander around smoking.
You're in no man's land.
No one has got here.
I'm special.
You are so special.
That is the answer.
You're going to wander around smoking.
If you're looking for meaning in life, take a walk in the woods.
You will see that reproduction is the meaning.
You can connect it to the drive to reproduce, which for most species is sexual and fuelled by lust.
Civilizations or people who want to harness that power would look towards lustful acts for that power.
That lust is the life force.
Some would try to capture it.
You can try to capture it during a sexual exchange.
Women do this when they are trying to drain you of lust.
It's also the idea behind human sacrifice where they would build an element to try and capture that force and would want to store it.
They built pyramids for energy storage and believed the pyramid could store the life force.
They were using belief to capture the life force.
They must have had some success.
The orgy of death would definitely energize you if you weren't repulsed by it.
That's why people like war.
They like slaughter until people get repulsed.

The people I live with think I'm a fool.
In my head, I think I'm wise.
Don't get mad at them, they're creating balance.
Celebrate them.
If they think you're wise, that's a double hit which would topple you.
The more knowledge you get, the more they will think you are an idiot.
It's all good.
Maybe they're right?
If you get recognition for your genius, time's up.
Parker saw it.
However, others see darkness as well.
You see only light and you're fucked.
The word is hypnotized.

The river of deceitfulness flows down.
It's the path of least resistance.
There's power in that.
To make the river flow up you would head to the light.
Heading to the light forces things.
It takes effort.
You have the ability to put in an effort.
The flow is no effort.
The flow leads to nothing.
If you desire something, you put in an effort.
You are here because you put in an effort.
It's your story.
Stories require energy.
What should I do?
If you don't know, then nothing.
If you know, then something.
Do you know what to do?
I'm figuring it out.
I'm wandering around the forest having a smoke.
Then you'll figure it out.

With the flow you gather energy.
You put it in reserve for the climb.
The story goes against the flow.
It's duality, so you can't have just the flow.
The flow is the default.
It takes no energy.
When you do and make a story, then go back to the flow to recharge.
I made a story all right.
I crafted the biggest story.
Drained me of energy.
Then I went back to doing nothing.
When you go with the flow, find something that will bring you up at times.
If not, you'll go straight downhill.
If you have something to bring you up, that slows it down.
The opposite works where you get single minded in wanting to get to the top.
Find something that will cause resistance.
Tao is wisdom.
The greatest magic is Tao.
It's dark and hidden, but it's the ultimate knowledge.
That is wisdom and Tao.

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