
Monday, August 5, 2024


Anxiety is crazy.
It's the control and lack of it which will make you crazy.
It's why dictatorships end in disaster.
They get power and they go crazy.
It doesn't matter who you are, that level of control will make you crazy.
Anxious people seek to control their environment and then that wanting of control will make them go crazy.
Depressed people aren't usually crazy.
It's the anxious people who go crazy.
The vibration is out of control.
So, I'm not crazy?
You're good.
You seem crazy to those others who are crazy.
You used to have anxiety when you were younger.
It caused upset, especially in the stomach, and then a worried feeling where you wanted to get it under control.
I remember it.
How did you solve it?
I stopped caring.
The way to prevent anxiety is to stop caring.
If you don't care about something it won't bother you.
Anxiety bothers you.
If you learn not to care, anxiety won't bother you.
Therapists give anxiety patients strategies to cope.
There is an easy solution to the problem.
Just don't care.
It's the magic formula.
That's how you did it.
You stopped caring.
That's how you deal with all your financial problems, relationships, and deadlines.
Pretty much everything.
Is the company going under?
You know, I might care the day it happens because I'll have to get another job, but until then I don't care.
It's like last year where I knew shit was coming but I didn't do anything.
I didn't care until I had to.
The other people end up caring, so they end up doing something.
I just float downstream.
They couldn't believe I took it that far.
I didn't care.
That will be on my gravesite tombstone.
I thought you wanted to be cremated?
Whatever, I don't care.
This strategy prevents anxiety and puts you in the flow.

How's this for psychology?
If the ones who seek control can't get control, they will censor.
Then comes the ban.
They will get rid of the problem.
See how that fits into your life?
Why did the witch get rid of you?
She couldn't control you.
There was nothing wrong with your performance.
Your performance was great.
Yes, thanks Jack.
She couldn't control you.
She's a control freak and you're out of control.
You just pretend that you can be controlled.
It's a fool.

We only love people we care about, and we don't love people we don't care about.
If you love people you don't care about, it's unconditional love.
When you care, you end up suffering.
I learned that last year.
I still wanted to be friends afterwards.
It's because I didn't care.

If you have a mindset of caring and anxiety, how would you understand somebody who doesn't have that mindset?
Do they hate you if you don't care?
They get really pissed off.
Doesn't it damage your heart?
You know they want to drag you into their world.
They want to take you into the abyss.
You let them go and see if they return.

The vampire people are feeding off you.
The drain takes away my anxiety.
You let them take a bite, they get anxious, and you feel peace.
That is what you do.

Just as thirst is instructing you to hydrate, anxiety teaches you to slow down.
Take a mental break.
It pushes back against being too high and re-centres you.
Your body will teach you about dosage and passage.
Ingesting Mary Jayne will give you a short-term gain because she is a choice.
The word gain is fluid.
It is an alteration.
The hit of anxiety is the body getting you to slow down.
Mary Jayne will go higher, and your body's balancing mechanism puts the brakes on her.
That's how it works.
The body naturally is an equilibrium machine so to follow the flow and be in a harmonious state listen to your body.
The body will tell you what you need to do and know.
Eventually, stasis leads to no choice.
If you are in perfect balance, you never make a choice.
Being out of balance forces you to make choices to try and balance the initial domino.
Choices can have either effect.
Remember, balance wins the game.
Assess where you are in balance and out of balance and make a choice or no choice to get that domino balanced.
You are spiritually balanced.
This means you make no choices spiritually and you will remain in balance.
Is your life a mess?
Yes and no.
It is a mess but it's a perfect mess.
What to do?
It's a balanced life though quite weird.
It's quite the performance.
The audience will eventually tire of this magic trick but for now it's impressive.
Thank You.

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