
Monday, August 12, 2024

love and lust

Lust separates and love brings together.
Love introduces caring.
Caring causes separation.
It's best to not care in order to stay in love.
Lust causes you to objectify the other and desire them.
The desire leads you towards wanting to become one with them.
Desire causes union.
To stay in lust, don't fulfill desires.
Love and desire lead to union.
Lust and caring lead to separation.
Explain that one.

If this world continues on, then you get remembered in order to reincarnate.
You do that by choosing both methods.
You have children and you make others remember you.
Others will remember me as God.
Or something worse.
It's all downhill from God.
I'll take magician.
I like that one.
As long as they remember you, that's how you return.
Someone must have thought I was God.
There's a few.
That's all you need.
Okay, but what if you do nothing?
You mean don't reproduce and no one knows who you are?
That's Tao, so it works.
It's the best option.
Go be a hermit on the top of the mountain.
You can't be forgotten because no one knows who you are.
That's a mind twist.
Once people find out who you are, you have chosen a side.
Then you must reproduce to balance it out.
Then you can get back to Tao.
The problem is choosing just one side.
If you are well known and don't reproduce, then you must rely on others to remember you.
If you reproduce and no one knows who you are, you will be forgotten.
That's most people's situation.

I want to know how this mad world ends?
You mean how to blow it up and get onto the 7th and final world?
It's when a winner is declared.
We all know Eros is going to win.
Then get everyone together and make an announcement.
Eros keeps returning.
You can always count on Eros reincarnating.
They are the GOAT.
Eros is too young to understand.
Well, I guess you have some time to fuck around until then.
Just remember don't choose a side or you will fuck up the game.
Smoking helps.
It's a slow way of killing yourself.
Yeah, I get it.

Do you keep your genetic signature alive in this world so that when you come back you have a place to go?
You have offspring and keep the cycle of transformation going.
That's the cycle.
I must figure this out.
It's why you have children.
It's selfish self-preservation.
What about those who don't have children?
They are counting on being remembered.
Like Parker?
You will remember him.
Lots of people remember him.
He didn't need children.
He still is counting on others instead of himself.
If you want to ensure transformation, you have children and make yourself memorable.
I have children, not sure I'm memorable.
You are playing for the big prize of getting to God and then everyone will remember you.
I'm already there.
No one cares.
I can't go around telling everyone I'm God.
No one will believe it and you will be ostracized.
Or worse, you'll end up like Jesus and they will hang you on a cross.
It worked for him; everybody knows about him.
Yeah, that was a successful gambit.
He is well known and has no children.
Do you think he will come back?
He's playing the long game where once everyone knows about him then he will come back.
He's a driven narcissist.
Jesus wants to lord his victory over death over everyone.
He will make quite the grand re-entrance once he accomplishes what he set out to do.
Everyone needs to know about him, so go tell everyone about him.
Jesus seems different from what we have been told.
That's because no one looked closely at it.
His game is transformation through getting everyone to remember him.
He had no offspring and chose a side.
It's not going to work to his satisfaction.
You must do both.
It's a fundamental principle of Tao.
Never choose one way.
If you choose just one path you must rely on others to help you because there's two.
You can see it with Jesus.
He can't do it alone, he needs everyone's help to pull this ambitious plan off.
There's always going to be someone somewhere who hasn't heard about him.
Then he is stuck in limbo.
He will never return.
Jesus had an ulterior motive?
That's what I'm telling you.

Nobody looks at these stories closely.
It's like Isis and Osiris in ancient Egypt.
Osiris was cheating on that witch.
He even cheated with her sister.
Isis had her brother Set murder and dismember Osiris.
She forgot to get an heir to the throne before her fit of jealousy and rage, so she had to put him back together and then get pregnant.
Then she left him for dead and fed his penis to a fish in the Nile.
Yeah, it's gone.
The rest of him is intact except for his cock.
He's emasculated.
Isis made the template for all witches.
Seems that way.

It's all about the two ancient Egyptian Goddesses Hathor and Isis.
Goddess and Witch.
They became one after Egypt got weak.
They are two again.
You are hypnotized when you can't see them as two.
First, you find the one.
Well, first you must figure out there's a Goddess.
Then you see the Goddess, but you don't see there's two.
You are hypnotized at first.
It's right in your face and you don't see the two.
I saw them.
I didn't figure it out for a while.
Now you see the two.
The writer has to take one and make it two.
That's how you write a story.
You need two to write a story.
Without two, there's just a story about you.
That's narcissism and solipsism.
I saw my own two the other day, so it makes sense I'd see her two a few days later.
You make the Goddess two and it becomes a good story.
Yeah, witch and Goddess.
You couldn't write a story about Goddess and God.
No, they're going to live happily ever after.
They have children and it's all good.
When things get too good the trick is to divide it into two.
If the story stops moving, then you go back to light and dark.
You searched for the Goddess, found her, and then the story was going to stop moving, so you split her off into a witch.
She was always a witch.
I didn't see it for a long time.
You didn't want to believe it.
It was always there.
You didn't look at the witch.
If you do, she turns you to stone.
You only saw the Goddess, so her spells didn't work.
It's like in old paintings where they couldn't see and paint perspective.
You can see the story; you don't understand it.
Now you understand Osiris' story.
I can't say he didn't deserve it.
I mean put yourself in Isis' sandals and deal with that betrayal.
Especially the betrayal of her sister Nephthys.
Yeah, but the dog Anubis who was conceived became Osiris' best friend.
Anubis' other half, Wepwawet, is Osiris' guide to his resting place in the cemetery at Abydos.
How do you know all this?
I read a lot of books in preparation for my transformation.
Transformation into what?
A know-it-all.

You see it now.
I wonder how you missed it?
I thought men were blameless.
Now that you see, it's easy to see why women want to cut men's dicks off.
Osiris met that fate.
Sometimes, I'm Osiris in the story.
It's why I think the witches are going to cut my dick off.
It's understandable.
It's because he messed with a witch.
I charm the witches in my life.
I make them forget they are witches.
Then they remember and rage at me.

I think the dream merges with reality.
That's why everything starts to line up and it seems strange.
What's real?
The dream or this reality?
The twist would be the dream is real and this is a dream.
You figure out your story, which is the dream, and you bring it into this world.
Can you handle it without going mad?
Yeah, because I can see into it.
When you cross the river, the current is strong.
The anxiety hits.
Breath through it and you are good.

This is ingenious.
I can see how it would make you scared.
Yeah, because it is dark.
People get scared of the dark.
This is twisted.
It's a sign of who you are.

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