
Monday, August 26, 2024

getting to god

I think I can see into the future.
I can foreshadow.
I anticipated what work needed.
Beginner steps into understanding.
My writing will foreshadow what is to come.
Yeah, the witches are going to cut your dick off.
Do I have time to prepare?
A bunch.
I was pointed to a blog post where I foreshadowed the appearance of Jesus.
Oh, I see it.
Many will try to get to God through Jesus.
They can't do it by themselves, so they go through him.
It all makes sense now.
This means I'm not crazy.
Good for me.
Jesus offered his services to me when I was on the path to God.
I shook his hand and went on my way.
That was quite the adventure to get to God on my own.
Lots of obstacles in the path.
Some people got mad at me and called me names.
They looked at me with hatred and I was confused.
I didn't do anything.
You're winning and you did it on your own.
It's jealousy.
Nobody can do it without going to their doom, yet somehow you made it through.
How the fuck did you do it?
I don't know.
I kept my head down and my stick on the ice.
Goalie training.
Isn't it head up?
Yeah, that's right.
I stayed out of other people's way and kept an eye on them.
People suck, eh?
I've met some good ones.
What are you going to do with your time?
Why, because I got to God?
I'm going to fuck around for a bit.
It's good to take a step back and see the big picture.

Tell me, how did you get to God?
Well, go to the Goddess first as a lowly human male.
She'll wonder what the fuck is up with you.
What man does that?
We are all narcissists, and a man especially wouldn't go to the Goddess.
He'd head for God first.
I showed up on her doorstep and she welcomed me in.
She's a great lady.
She did so much for me.
She opened many doors and gave me a cloak of protection.
Then the Devil was waiting for me.
He wanted me to sell my soul in exchange for getting to God.
Did you do it?
No, I didn't know what I was doing.
I didn't know I was trying to get to God.
He was in the way, so I told him to do what he wanted and leave my family out of it.
I didn't sign anything.
He said he'd kill me.
I didn't give in.
I passed his test.
Then we became close.
You're friends with the Devil?
Yes, that's how you get to God.
He's the other face.
It's pointless to tell you because you won't believe me.
You asked me to tell you how I got to God.
I'm letting you know.
You can take me at my word, or you can dismiss me as crazy.
Some people spit on me and call me names.

That's why the witches want to castrate you.
You used the Goddess to beat them.
Now, the witches are pissed because you summoned the Goddess.
Men aren't allowed to see the Goddess.
She's off limits.
I got to the Goddess before I got to God.
That's what's funny about it.
Everyone is so selfish.
A man would go to God first.
Get there, and then look for the Goddess.
That's why they fail.
You on the other hand are the only man whoever went to the Goddess first.
Then you went to God afterwards.
No one ever did that.
That's the secret.
You honour her first.
God honours her first.
The rest are just pretenders.
They honour themselves.
For me is the Goddess coming first.
She also wants to come last.
As a man you must honour the Goddess first.
I usually do, unless I fuck up.
For the big test, I didn't fuck up.
I honoured her first.
A woman would have to get to God first.
There's a lot of them in western religions who do that.
That would get to God first, but not understand.
Then they get hypnotized, and they don't look for the Goddess.
If you see a woman who has fallen for God, tell her about the Goddess.
They won't go to her.
They are hypnotized by only seeing God.
They will put the Goddess in opposition and say it's false worship.

You always wanted to be special.
I'm special now.
You're the most special.
They put you in special classes.
Told you that you were special.
It was a class for retards.
Smart retards.
You didn't fit in.
Think about that: You didn't even fit in with a special class for smart retards.
That makes you the most special.
They know they can't fool you, so they put you in a special class and tell you you're special.
That will hypnotize you.
You avoided all that.
You're the special one who got away.
I didn't even go to university.
That's an advanced school for brainwashing.

Okay, so I'm God.
What do I do now?
You'll just start to see it.
You're smart enough to do nothing about it.
Let it play out.
It's your story.
You wrote it.
Do you see the secret now?
The writer is the secret.
He only comes forth in somebody who doesn't change their story.
That's clever.
The advice is don't change the story.
Yes, you do nothing.
It's Tao.
You think Tao is some great ethereal and mystical practice.
Tao allows you to get to the Goddess or God and win the game.
The writer picks you because you didn't change his story.
That's how the writer knows who he is.
You're the one who didn't change his story.
The writer's story.
This is it.

Scammers are teaching you.
They teach you everyone's a scammer, so don't follow others.
Then you make it through your own labyrinth, and you find God.
You realize God is a stone idol.
That's the story that is right in front of your face.
So, you keep going.
Well, some keep going, others are happy finding God.
You kept going and found the writer.
That's your game.
Nobody sees your game.
They wouldn't understand it.
The closest they can come is thinking they are going to God.
They can't get past that part.
It's not your full story.
They can't figure out your full story and what makes you special.
Many get to the doorstep of God, and they find a stone idol.
You kept going.
It's a good way to turn you to stone.
You try to get to God, you become God and immediately realize God is a stone idol.
He's Buddha in your garden.
A big and fat stone idol.
You can't stop seeking for God or you'll lose.
Nobody takes that last step and survives.
Most just look.
They can't become God because they'll become stoned.
That's their belief.
You walked past God and became the writer.
I one upped the concept of God.
Nobody can do what you did.
I guess they want to figure out how I did it.
I freely give out the information and no one believes me.

The top or bottom of the pyramid would be the final step.
There's nowhere to go after that.
That's why it blows up.
When you get to the top of the pyramid, or the bottom, there's nowhere to go.
You could go back down or go back up.
Nobody wants to do that once they hit the pinnacle.
They want glory.
I see how it goes.
When you get to God, you want glory.
Glory in the highest.
Why else would you do it?
You will blow up and turn to stone.
You got to God because it was something to do.
It was a puzzle.
I wasn't in it for glory.
I didn't go to the darkest dark for power.
I wanted to find meaning.
Did you find meaning?
I found there's no meaning and it's all nonsense.
I found a concept that seemed to be the meaning I was looking for.
It's unconditional love.
You love for no reason.
I couldn't figure it out though.
How do I do that?
Then I saw you do not care.
Then you will find it in your heart.
This is a good fairy tale story.
Yeah, end it with that and it's a bestseller.
So, you find unconditional love in a world that has no meaning and is nonsense?

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