
Monday, August 19, 2024

beyond god

Life is a trip.
Sometimes you are high and sometimes low.
If you let it be, you will return to balance.
If you roll the dice again on incarnation, your life might be positive or negative.
Suffering is a great teacher.
The best spiritual material comes from the poor.
Well, except for Buddha, he was a prince.
He was conflicted by what he saw.
He gave up wealth to get to God.
He made it.
Yeah, that's why there are reminders of stone Buddhas everywhere.
There's one carved into a cliff in Leshan, China.
Let that be a reminder.
I think it means something different to you.
God as an idea is an idol made of stone.
If you traverse the labyrinth of the mind to find God, you will see he is made of stone.
What does that mean?
God is a rock who you worship.
Getting to God will end you.
If you take that last step, you will destroy yourself.
You will turn to stone.
What if you just opt for the stone monument over your coffin?
You are letting everyone know you are a failure.
Buddha got it correct.
You are warped.
It's the truth.

The Ten Commandments of God in the Old Testament starts off with demanding you have no other gods before Yahweh.
The second one forbids you from making a carved image of him.
I mean if I wrote it, I'd probably start off with telling people to do nothing as the first commandment.
I'd make it a suggestion.
The second commandment would be to not care.
Somehow, I'd tell the following with the third commandment to love those you don't care about.
However, it wouldn't be a commandment.
That's good, I don't need ten.
Why do you think Yahweh starts off his demands with how you should worship him?
He knew you'd turn him to stone.
He's trying to have it both ways.
He's on the edge where he can see the power of God, but he knows God is stoned.
If his followers carve images of him, they will turn him to stone.
The first commandment tells you to forget about the other pretenders trying to get to God and the second says don't turn him to stone.
That's an interesting way of looking at things.
Why else would you make your first two pronouncements about yourself?
If you think you are God, you're a fucking narcissist, so of course the first few commandments are all about you.
The proof is in the pudding.

Okay, what's your excuse?
You mean my secret?
Yeah, sure.
You obviously think you are God and yet you didn't turn to stone.
Stone is a euphemism for destruction.
If you get to God, you will turn to stone and destroy yourself.
When you get to that point you will feel the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You mean like Atlas?
Something like that.
It will be time to go when you get to God.
You can't stay in this world if you get to God.
You're still here.
How did you do it?
I didn't do anything, and I didn't care that I became God.
Not only that, but I saw there was more to the game.
I will call it beyond God.
That's a good title.
Yeah, it's provocative and mysterious.
Maybe you'll get a dozen readers for this post instead of single digits.
Hey, it keeps me humble.
Being God can get to your head.
Like I said, I'm past God.
He's in the past.
I can see him, but I didn't hang around that state.
That would have turned me to stone.
So, who are you now?
I'm the writer of this ridiculous story.
Who turns you to stone?
The Goddess.
The Greeks had this figured out, they coded it into myth, and then forgot the meaning.
Why does she turn you to stone?
It's because you are an asshole and deserve it.
To get to God, you toss her aside and forget about her.
You haven't answered my question.
What's that?
How did you do it and not turn to stone?
Oh, right.
I did something out of the ordinary and unexpected.
I thought you said you did nothing?
I did nothing to get to God.
I did a lot to find the Goddess.
I started with trying to figure out the origin of beliefs.
This study took me to ancient Egypt, and I immersed myself in their beliefs.
I became fascinated with their goddesses and realized this civilization knew how to enter the world of spirit.
I wanted to do that as well, so I searched for a method.
I settled on Amazonian shamanism.
It didn't disappoint.
My intention was to contact the Great Goddess.
I had no pretenses of being God.
To my amazement I found her, and she treated me like God.
I didn't fall for it.
I was still a nobody in my mind.
She told me to come away with her.
She took me into her castle made of gold and treated me like God.
I still had no idea who I was.
Imagine a selfish human male looking for meaning and going to the Goddess first.
Who would do that?
No one except for me.
I got to the Goddess as a lowly spiritual pilgrim, and I worshipped her.
She protected and guided me.
It's how I did it.
When I eventually got to God her cloak of protection was my shield against the forces of destruction.
People were telling me it was time to go, and I would see the signs everywhere.
The shield is a mirror which reflects this energy back at the source.
I felt them come for me, but I weathered the storm.
I was naive to what was going on, yet I could feel it.
It would be like being trapped in a thunderstorm and getting drenched all the while doing nothing about it.
When the storm cleared, I saw there was more to this game.
No one gets this far.
I'm telling you the secret to my success is the Great Goddess.
Say what you will and call me whatever names you wish.
Let it be known that I stand here today in knowledge, strength, and conviction due to the love and support of the Great Goddess.

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