You know to trust Dionysos.
That's the magic.
It will end when you don't trust him anymore.
Now you know he will get you out of anything.
If you try to change it and do something yourself to alter the outcome, then that means you lose trust, and it will end.
So, is this agreement based on trust and sacrifice?
That's our friendship.
So, do you trust me?
Yes, you always make good decisions.
They are not always so great off the start, but they work out.
So, you realize I do make choices.
Yes, it's 50-50 on the doing part.
You just know that if you leave things alone, they work out because of me.
I know that when you make choices you are following your story.
You know to stay away from the witches.
Well, not all of them.
You can play with a couple.
Pick your poison.
Don't overdo the witches and you will be good.
Okay, thanks.
I suffered for it.
It could have been worse.
Catastrophic crumbling down of everything.
You still trusted me after that.
Yes, I did.
In Dionysos we trust.
Dionysos saved you, you know.
You can trust him.
You faced him, didn't run away, and brought him into your world.
He wanted to do that for you.
He will grant you what you desire.
That I know and I'm smart enough to stay true to my original story.
I chase the Goddess, and let the chips fall where they may.
My story is that I chased her.
The result of the chase I leave for mystery and adventure.
What is next?
The highest form of uselessness and nonsense is masturbation.
You can use male sperm to create life and instead you ejaculate into nothing by yourself.
It's an extreme form of uselessness which becomes pleasure.
That's why it feels better to masturbate when you know about the relationship between pleasure and being useless.
Masturbation beats intercourse when you know.
Especially if you can spice it up.
Everything needs some spice.
The problem is when you act on your masturbation fantasies it becomes an unknown story that plays out.
Just do it by yourself and think of things to do.
Today's lessons were about when you know you are going to die and masturbation.
Those are two important things to consider.
Masturbation represents the ultimate form of nonsense.
The question of when it's time to go answers what you have for a belief system.
Belief is the most important thing you can consider.
Your belief system is that life will continue.
You were challenged that if you are so sure of that, why don't you kill yourself?
That makes your beliefs 100%.
Never go all in.
I know there's trust in this world.
All returns to the flow and balance if you let it be.
There's no truth, there's trust.
I know this world must be balanced.
I know the rest of my life is devoted to not caring.
I found meaning.
I found the ultimate question.
I found Tao.
I learned to trust.
I learned the truth doesn't exist.
I saw how belief shapes your world.
I found the true question.
The answer is to not care.
By not caring you will love unconditionally.
That will take you home.
You walk the path of the heart home.
The path of the heart will teach you to love unconditionally.
You will return home when you practice it.
Where is home?
You visit different homes.
The cliché is home is where the heart is.
It's cliché for a reason.
You wrote a story about nonsense which leads back to unconditional love and the heart.
Yeah, pretty good, eh?
I'd say so.
I don't how you did it.
If Mary Jayne didn't wear off, then you would be in your personal darkness forever.
The only problem with that is sometimes it's the Goddess coming through MJ and not always the darkness.
If your darkness took over, but you still spent time with MJ, then the Goddess would appear.
She's the one who keeps you sane.
What you must do is create a three-way balance.
You need MJ, so you remember what it's like to go in and out of your two consciousnesses.
Without her, you get stuck in one.
For the most part yes, but I can notice now when they go back and forth.
I know if my darkness has been present.
I don't always know in the moment because he's the same as me.
Who are you?
MJ will remind you of your darkness.
Without her, you will lose the ability to recognize him.
That's how it was most of my life.
I didn't notice him.
Now, you notice him, especially with MJ.
You know what he's up to.
Without MJ you would realize he's trying to take over and you don't see it.
With MJ, you see that he's trying to take over, however it's a foregone conclusion he will because the flow goes from light to dark.
Your task is to optimize this for as long as you have a body, and you will need his skills when you leave your body because you know you'll be useless without him in charge.
You need his black magic when you leave the body.
That's rebirth.
You need white magic when you're in the body.
You get ahead with light, and you reserve the darkness for when you don't have a body.
There's an art form to this.
You'd have to figure out when you are going to pass and the amount of darkness you will need when that happens.
It's ascending now.
The darkness is heading to the light.
So, what is the best time?
When the two are balanced.
You see when the darkness is ascending, and the light is going dark.
The ancient Egyptians were showing you this.
That is a clue you need.
Roles will flip so your light becomes dark.
Dark becomes light in the morning.
That's when you change characters.
In the Akhet.
Become the dark as you head into the night and the light at the dawn.
The darkness got tired of the light and the light got tired of being darkness.
They switch it up.
That's what happens after they balance.
Good Paul becomes bad Paul.
Bad Paul becomes good Paul.
You must have trust to give the keys to bad Paul because after the fifty-fifty mark he will become good.
That's a tricky story and decision.
You must trust you can give the keys to the bad guy.
Isn't this an elaborate ruse to get the keys from you?
It seems that way.
I guess you must figure out what it is.
By that I mean is this the main story or is this a trick?
Well, why don't you run through the outcomes?
If you don't give the keys to your darkness what will happen?
He will become stronger and unmanageable because you don't give him freedom.
Freedom to him is to have the keys.
If you give him the keys, the trust will make it so he will not harm you.
To give him the keys is a supreme act of trust between the two of you.
We are both fools.
It always gets to this point.
So, is this another game that I'm playing in addition to all the other games?
Yes, you're playing a game of trust with yourself.
I get the feeling I've never won that game.
Why do you think you've never won that game?
Because I didn't trust.
If I had trusted him, I would have won that game, and it would no longer be a game.
Unless it's my first time playing it.
Do you think this is your first time playing the game?
No, because if it was, I don't think I would see pyramids.
The pyramid lets me know I played the game before.
If I've played the game before, chances are I didn't win.
The reason I didn't win is I didn't trust my other half.
However, he showed me he is trustworthy because he gets me out of messes.
Houdini level.
Gave me a get out of jail free card as well.
And my freedom.
He did all that for me, so I would trust him.
In previous games, he would have done acts so that I would trust him.
I would have decided not to give him the keys.
I wouldn't have trusted him and then I would have lost the challenge.
If I had given him the keys, I would show trust.
A while ago I had a lesson about trust.
Of course, I forgot it.
I always forget it.
This time I wrote it down, so I can go read the lesson on trust.
I think it has something to do with beliefs and that trust is something divine.
Imagine in previous lifetimes, you forgot the lesson on trust that would help you make your decision because you were absent for the lesson on trust and you ended up not trusting your darkness, therefore you lost the game.
What happens if I trust the darkness?
It becomes the light.
The sun shows you the answer every day.
Did sun worshippers ingest a lot of cannabis?
What's the worst that could happen to you?
I'd become a fool.
I think you're on your way.
Yes, I see that.
I'm worried the darkness would end me and cause problems.
So far, he has solved all the problems.
You cause problems.
This is true.
I take responsibility.
Dion got me out of it.
You were onto the darkness game, so others told you to stop talking about your darkness.
They want to figure out the answer to that puzzle and here you come along and you're going to figure It out.
Yeah, but you know what, I'll never be 100% certain.
I'll never go all in on it, and I will still have doubts.
It must be that way because I must trust.
Trust is teaching you to not go to the extremes.
You don't want total knowledge, and you don't want total stupidity.
You want to have some trust in the world and your knowledge is not 100% that my darkness will behave.
He's not going to behave.
You know what I mean.
If I know I made the right decision, then you know it's game over.
You don't have to continue playing.
You're saying, as long as there's trust, then you know the game can continue on.
Yes, when trust is gone in the story, then the story will end.
Trust is what keeps the story going.
If you know they will live happily ever after, then trust disappears.
In the ritual I did my best until the end and it didn't work out.
That's fine.
Why does it have to work out?
I'm a perfectionist.
So you're saying you don't have trust?
Yeah, okay, I get it.
Nice one.
That was the trusting ritual.
Your other half does seem foreign.
Of course, he was buried for so long.
That's why the Greeks call Dionysos the foreigner.
He came from afar and they didn't recognize him.
He's always been there.
You just didn't see him.
So, who hypnotizes who?
I think the hypnosis was agreed upon.
Dionysos didn't want to be seen.
Apollo wanted to be seen.
As I got older, I wanted Dionysos to return.
Apollo is at the Temple of Delphi while the light is in ascension and Dionysos returns when it goes dark.
The ancient Egyptians demonstrated the same thing with Horus and Set.
The thing is I always knew the other.
I never gave him a name, but I knew he was there.
He doesn't really come from afar.
He's not a stranger.
People assume he is, or they call him worse.
It's your other side.
I was kind to my darkness and gave him what he wanted.
Yeah, but then you went down to the Amazon jungle to out him and get rid of him.
Yeah, that's true, so who's the bad guy?
I am probably the bad guy.
He's not the bad guy.
He's just a fun loving guy.
He transcends morals.
The bad guy wants to keep him locked up.
I get the comparison.
I see how that increases trust knowing that the light Is just as bad as the darkness.
They are bad in different ways, just like they are good in different ways.
I think this ties in to judgment and morals.
Yeah, it feels like both would need to look in the mirror.
We know the darkness is bad.
We pretend the light is good.
Censorship and surveillance can be both dark and light.
The test is to scare you, and you passed.
MJ gives you clarity.
You see who you are.
It's a gift.
You are gifted.
You let it be.
If you fight it, then you lose because you don't have trust.
You pass the test and forge steel.
It's a partnership, dumb ass.
Do you like the new you?
Your mind will try to plant the suggestion that your darkness is external.
That gives you doubt.
A little doubt forces you to trust.
What if you took the opposite approach and externalized who you have been your whole life?
There is truth to that because who you think you are is influenced by others and society.
Within your subconscious is something that hasn't been influenced by others.
In a way, it's purer.
It's more you because it hasn't been influenced by external forces.
Instead, it has been suppressed.
Your darkness can't be controlled, so it is suppressed, jailed, or caged.
Your light is allowed to shine because it has been programmed by society.
Stop suppressing and deprogram.
When you find balance, that is who you are.
If you are good, you can maintain that balance for a while.
Be the master juggler.
Trust your skills as a juggler.
I passed the lesson, right?
You didn't get scared, and you let it be.
You can become who you are.
Half light and half dark.
If you were fighting to maintain control, you would have run from this lesson.
That's how you pass.
You don't run.
Sophia brings wisdom.
Sophia is what I'd call plant medicine.
I know what you're saying.
You have come to realize this is what the ancients were talking about when you connected with Sophia.
She brings clarity.
She challenges you with stories and makes you do the work to validate them.
Poor you.
I know.
I'm still here.
I'm fine.
It's those who I have surrounded myself with who have suffered.
I experienced suffering by association.
I haven't directly suffered.
The toothache was bad.
What is the lesson?
Life is nonsense, so you don't need to attend any classes.
Classes are something we invent to give meaning to the story and pass the time.
The story continues and the show must go on.
It sure seems that way.
A character exits the stage and the show goes on.
Is that the lesson?
Did you learn anything?
Yes, it's not poor me.
It's poor for the characters whose stories ended.
Are they poor?
They get to rest in peace and take a break from the madness.
The madness is life.
Can you experience life without a body?
It's a different life.
It's all in the head.
You mean mind, head is part of the body.
What if life is consciousness without a physical body?
Then anything is possible.
Magic is the norm.
Everyone is a magician in the afterlife.
Oh, so that's why you want to give the keys to the sorcerer before you pass.
They will get you through the madness of the afterlife.
Something like that.
So, is it all madness?
Yes, until the story ends.
Their madness keeps the drama going.
If you had no reason to incarnate, why would you do it?
You incarnate to escape the madness of being in your mind for eternity.
This life in a body gives you a break.
Take advantage of it while you can.
It's easy to distract yourself and get out of your head.
There will be plenty of time for that when you drop the body.
This feels like a lesson.
Having a body allows you to maintain a mind and body balance.
When the body goes, it's an extreme.
That's why we are attracted to incarnation.
We search for balance and the natural way is to incarnate again.
If you leave things alone, the cycle repeats.
Is this the lesson?
If you need a lesson, then yes, this is the lesson.
I think one day you decide you don't need to wear pants in public, so you end up thinking that's okay.
That's when you know you've crossed the line and you're crazy.
You can think those thoughts, but don't act on them.
The really crazy thoughts you don't act on.
Maybe a little bit to balance them.
The master juggler only acts upon the balanced thoughts.
That way he never loses a juggle.
The master juggler appears out of balance, so you look a bit like a clown, but you maintain balance.
Your appearance will mimic your state of balance.
When you let yourself go and stink, that's a sure sign you have something mental going on.
All good psychologists know that.
So, should I let it go?
Should I step up my grooming game?
The flow says to stay in the flow and let it go.
The fool in you says to do the opposite.
The flow would take you to extreme craziness.
The fool pushes you towards balance.
The fool is the master juggler because he knows how to get to a state of balance.
Tao is the flow, but you know from previous teachings that the flow takes you in and out of balance.
The juggler is the one who returns you to balance.
As you get crazier, you need to keep up appearances.
You let it go for a while.
I had to let go in order to go crazy.
Yes, so now that you got there, you must balance it out.
When the flow takes you to the extreme, you call on the fool to take you back to balance.
The flow would keep going if you didn't twist it back.
The fool tricks the flow into returning to balance.
Once he sees the flow returning to balance, he can stop playing the fool.
The fool is the juggler.
Without the juggler, the flow goes on forever and nothing happens.
The flow hypnotizes you.
The twist makes you see two.
It's twisted, so you can see two.
That's why the writer twists things.
Twisting things causes duality.
The universe is made of spirals.
The universe is twisted into duality.
Duality is non-duality that has been twisted by the writer.
Where did he come from and how could he twist the universe if he is in non-duality?
He had trust it would work.
He must have known it worked before.
Maybe, but there's always the first time.
At any rate, he needed to trust that twisting non-duality would work.
What would happen if it didn't work?
Everything would disappear.
There would be no non-duality or duality.
The story is about one who is three.
The writer trusted he could see the two.
To see the two, he twisted non-duality into duality.
He was the all and he saw the two.
I like that story.
Yeah, that's why we keep doing this.
That's why we keep telling this story and playing this game when you are high.
Oh, so it's just a story?
What have you learned about stories?
They are beliefs and it's all we have.
Our beliefs are based on trust.
Or a lack of trust.
If we don't believe someone, we don't trust them.
That's how the religious types hypnotize people.
They get them to believe.
Yes, and then they trust them.
Whatever they say it doesn't matter, they just trust them.
Jesus was born of a virgin and Noah's Ark.
Well, those are metaphors.
Some people believe that nonsense.
Nonsense is a high art form.
To wit the story of the universe.
Imagine how you could take advantage of someone if they believed everything you say?
What do you think religions do?
Oh, I knew that.
People believe you and will trust what you say.
They want to find a belief.
I do speak the truth.
Yeah, but it's kind of nuts.
Oh, I keep that to myself.
I know better.
Where did he come from?
The writer.
There's three great spirits and they take turns playing the three main characters in the drama.
There's the writer, the Goddess, and Eros.
Technically there are four great spirits.
Apollo, the light, is the fourth but he was nowhere to be found at the beginning of the story, so the writer had to invoke him to get this party started.
He summoned him and things started to happen.
So, the writer is one of the three great spirits who when together are non-dual.
In this story the all is composed of three great spirits.
You could change that number if you want.
I don't think you could make that number one.
If you did that you couldn't separate it into two.
It would always be one.
So, there's always two.
Yes, but you need three to make it believable.
The third principle is magic energy which brings everything to life.
I thought that was the light?
The light allows you to see what is going on.
The power to animate is separate.
So, what are the highest ideals in this world?
Number one is trust.
There's unconditional love where you love people you don't care about.
There is belief.
They all work together.
Without magic energy the writer couldn't twist the flow.
You do not want absolute truth in this world.
That would make all the stories you tell in your head true.
Okay, you mean 100% truth in the world?
Yeah, where everything that happens in this world is 100% true from your stories.
You want balance.
That's basically half true stories and half false stories.
Yes, some of those stories are crazy.
How many are true?
The wisdom seems like true stories.
I think if I go back and read my writings for the day, I think it will be balanced even though it seems there are some far out stories.
I think those stories are needed to counteract the knowledge bombs I receive.
That would be my guess about how knowledge is balanced.
Tell some far out stories that are plausible which would balance out inner spiritual attainment.
Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
If you attain this level, you must balance it out.
That is part of the knowledge you have where you know what to do.
Twist and then do nothing.
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