Trees are ideas.
When they fall over in the forest, they make you change your path.
When ideas topple and fall on you, they kill you.
Like a tree.
Ideas can be fatal.
The idea of self?
Yes, so when that idea falls it might kill you.
You toppled that tree slowly.
Getting to God and losing the idea of God was done methodically.
The tree didn't fall over suddenly and kill you.
Even a branch of an idea can kill you.
Get lost.
This is "A" level wisdom.
Does Mary Jayne clean the mirror of self?
She gives you sight.
Huachuma clears the mirror.
He shows you the unvarnished truth.
Can I get Tobacco to activate Huachuma?
You didn't have sight with Huachuma.
Sometimes, I'd have visions of what was to come.
MJ gives you sight, especially of a witch.
Huachuma cleans the glass.
I couldn't clearly see, and I didn't know I could until MJ.
That was for the best.
You stayed a student longer because you weren't tempted by the rewards which are powers.
If the drug can't hypnotize you, you get powers.
That's why all these people want to drink the potion.
Especially at SpiritQuest with don Rober.
They want powers.
Sorcerer plants.
They all can be.
I have a bunch of powers.
You always did.
You couldn't see them.
That's how you got the most power and got to God.
You didn't see your power.
If you saw those powers, you'd fall into temptation to use power.
You collect all the Pokémon before realizing you are playing Pokémon Go.
How retarded were you?
You kept drinking plant medicines and didn't know you were gathering power.
What were you doing?
They opened my mind, so I was exposed to different worlds.
It was exciting to see all these realities.
I didn't know about power.
Don Howard would talk about it.
I didn't know what he was talking about.
Anyway, I filled up with power, had the most, became God, and survived the blast of power because I couldn't see it that well.
Now that the blast is over, I see it.
The trick to winning the get to God as the most powerful game is to place the gift of seeing as the last power you acquire.
It's knowledge of who you are.
You go and collect all the power available then activate it with MJ.
MJ is last power to acquire.
She shows you the power.
She shows you how to get even more if you want it.
However, you know you have the most power at this point so you would see the other powers and know how to decline them.
They give you more power but at a cost.
You can use Tobacco to mimic their power and then acquire it.
Yes, with coca leaves.
You don't automatically get a power.
You must battle them.
You wrote a story about Pokémon.
Catch and battle.
So, Pokémon is the plant medicine path?
Power, The Matrix, and Pokémon.
Oh boy.
The heron doesn't know yet you can see it.
It's curious how you made it this far.
Welcome to the magical world.
The gift of sight.
Level up.
No one tried before because to get to God, you must know you have the power.
You left it until last.
How could you possibly get to God without power?
People kept noticing it along the way.
You kept going and they were amazed.
How do you do it?
The power of no power.
Everyone shows you they don't have it.
By deduction you are the only one left.
You didn't know you were powerless, and you didn't see the power.
You subconsciously knew you were powerful, and you kept it to yourself.
That's how you did it.
Fist bump.
What are you going to do now?
Have a smoke.
So, you have the most power and you are a mediocre and lonesome loser?
That's right.
That doesn't add up.
If you added things up, you'd blow.
If you had power and an amazing lifestyle, you'd blow up.
If you have power and a nothing lifestyle, you are in balance.
Wouldn't you want to lose everything to balance this power out?
That's why you don't grab all the power, Pokémon, or plant medicines.
You leave them on the table for others and to balance your power, you live a mediocre life.
However, you will win.
I'm still playing.
Yes, you won't end it even though you are the most powerful.
So, it keeps going.
I think we talked about this a while ago.
The witches want you to end it and they want the power.
If you end this world, it will become a dog's world and no one wants that, so they won't end it until they can take your power first.
Ayahuasca figures you out in a cycle of work and then puts the hammer down.
She's not your ally if your intentions are in question.
You did the best you could against Lady Datura.
The shaman shook your hand.
Your head took a knock with her.
You must sometimes work with them more than once to battle.
Except for Lady Datura, she's a crazy one, and once is enough.
Kambo crowned you after one battle.
I got the purple frog.
You must accept this reality, or you must accept you are crazy.
I'll do both.
When you accept you are crazy, it's not a problem.
When you fight it, it's a problem.
Do both.
You need a little resistance.
Pain pills are narcotics.
They put you to sleep.
Numb and stone you.
What about alcohol?
You were able to stop that battle.
Respect and a thirst for knowledge.
People who see power use it for gain and it becomes less powerful.
You didn't use your power.
Now, you see it.
Will you use it?
And yes.
Offensive no, instead for protection.
Or, not at all.
If you use it, then it's for protection.
If used for gain, you become vulnerable.
Especially to other predators who will see your weakness and that weakness is the pursuit of power.
Darkness triggers thoughts of running.
I have Peyote and coyote allies from the night out in the desert.
The darkness is a strong ally like the light.
They protected you from predators of the night.
Self-defence used to thwart attacks.
Part of my mental strength is that I don't let something go.
Eventually I will, but I play it out.
What if you meet your end in the dark?
Then you aren't the one, Neo.
Creation is created.
Nothing happens.
The wind stirs things up and gets the production moving.
The wind causes a vibration.
A ripple.
The changes brought about by wind forces you to do something.
The spinning of celestial objects creates change.
The wind is the breath.
Without the breath you exit this reality.
The breath is the key.
To what?
This reality.
With no air in your sails, you can float off into another dimension.
Don't you need air to sail?
Yes, in this dimension.
Other dimensions are accessible through altering the breath.
You can't stop the breath, or you will be done, however you can play with the breath.
I think the spiritual people call it work while the fetishists call it play.
Who is closer to the truth?
It's 50-50.
With breath-play you can cum in another dimension.
That's pretty appealing.
So, wait, you can have a multi-dimensional orgasm?
Yes, you can cum in different realities.
I think you knew that.
We have all had a wet dream where you make a mess in your pjs and feel it in different worlds.
Orgasms can transcend boundaries of time and space.
Seems like it.
I'm annoyed today.
I've gone from depressed to annoyed.
It's all part of the miserable package.
If you drop lust on it that will help a lot.
That's how you got through middle-age depression.
I poured lust gas on it.
It did get me through.
Don't knock it.
So many challenges throughout life that you must survive.
It's a gauntlet to get here.
Something is always coming for you.
Depression, making bad choices, monsters feeding on you and then trying to discard you.
You're a survivor.
For sure.
You got out alive and in one piece.
Thanks to my allies.
Plants, gods, goddesses, and animal spirits.
I get bored and look for another monster who wants to play.
There's always lust.
How about a lustful monster?
Perfect, found one.
MJ will addict you to seeing.
Also, the stoning part.
Yeah, that's how she gets most of her victims to surrender.
Witches are addicted to seeing.
Will that addict you?
Knowledge leads to seeing.
How much knowledge do you need?
I know what I see is 50-50.
Yes, they know that as well, but they like to see all the possibilities and then the confirmation.
They act on the confirmation.
You do nothing and they can't confirm anything.
Witches try to confirm their visionary knowledge all the time.
You confuse them with your darkness.
It's hard to see in the dark.
MJ likes you.
You got past all her tests.
Now, she gives you sight.
Allies unlock power.
That's their appeal and addictive power.
We all want power.
Women want to unlock the witch who can see.
Fucking fortune tellers.
The witch in women is MJ?
Yes, in a way.
MJ gives you clairvoyance and what they do with it shows their character.
Got it.
Is the acquisition of your ally a result of addiction?
That's why you drink alcohol so you will know the difference between an ally and an addiction.
An addiction will kill you.
An ally will help you.
I feel I have been threatened lately.
Well, you can see it now.
Couldn't I attribute that to MJ?
Do you think it was?
If you take too much you will end up with that question of why many want you gone.
Okay, will alcohol addiction kill you?
There's no question.
Do you have a question with MJ?
Yes, I question whether it is addictive or not.
Don't you think that resistance is what is needed to prevent addiction?
It's so I don't buy in fully and keep it balanced.
So, an ally is before addiction.
Alcohol loosens you up and helps you be social.
That's a power.
It's an ally before addiction.
You go too far, and it becomes an addiction.
This knowledge is the bomb and a wisdom teaching.
So, I'm not addicted to MJ?
No, you're on your way.
She's an ally but definitely could get addictive.
Especially to see into the future, past, and people's motivations and hidden secrets.
That's what is addictive.
That's why most people will use it again even if they try to quit.
They want to see into others' lives.
They can't give that up.
Wouldn't you want that power all the time?
You got that power and were shown it yesterday.
Wouldn't you want to use it all the time?
No, I think the teachers can entertain me in other ways.
I don't always need to be a fortune teller.
You know what the curriculum with MJ involves and you want it all.
If you focus on one thing you will get anxiety.
If you focus on only seeing, you will get anxious and nervous.
You could convince yourself MJ is only good for seeing and forget all her attributes.
That's what happens with ideas about women that a lot of men hold.
Soon you see them as good for only one thing.
That's a good way to get pussy whipped.
Yes, that's why they do it and learn to take advantage of it.
With MJ the one thing would be seeing.
I know you are much more.
I said it already and called you a great teacher - the greatest.
I have defended your honour when they call you weed.
I'm your knight in shining armor.
You are worried about MJ addiction.
If you worry about it, you are okay.
Addicts don't worry once they cross the threshold.
I thought they do?
They are at the edge of perdition and then they choose to do more.
That's the path to addiction.
What do you do with MJ?
I consistently vary the dose.
Sometimes more and sometimes less.
Or not at all.
The addiction always presents itself.
Yes, I questioned if I needed more last week.
Instead, I alter the dose in the container.
No more.
No mas, but I will still play.
Addiction is always a possibility, that's why there are internal warning systems set up.
It's the train's blowing siren from the Ayahuasca lesson eleven years ago.
I was told if I remained on the plant medicine path, eventually I'd walk in front of a train.
Yes, if you stay with these plants long enough, they will hypnotize you.
That's when you know you have fallen into the trap of addiction.
You are hypnotized into walking in front of the train.
Got it.
The train blows its warning in the distance on cue.
Cottonmouth lets you know you're out there.
This is dark but you're not scared.
The solution is to not get hypnotized.
Flight can take over and you run.
When a shaman tried it, you ran.
He is a master sorcerer teaching you whether you have it in you.
I knew to run from the hypnosis.
Flight comes in handy and then you return.
The scars on your mind are reminders of how strong you are.
You don't back down, take the blows, and come out better for it.
Addiction and hypnosis lead you to do what others want.
If they want you to go, then you'll go.
Keep an eye out for hypnotists and addictive substances.
Sorcerers as well.
The lessons are still dark at times but not upsetting, just like you were told they would be after you passed the tests, which were the darkest of the dark.
Suicide, death, and the Devil.
That was quite the trifecta of darkness.
You got through it.
Class is still in session.
This class has no graduates.
Remember, you are a jaguar, and you will get through all the tests.
If you fail, you can say it was a trick to send you to your addictive doom.
That's ingenious.
A failure will blame the addiction and hypnosis test.
A jaguar will come out on top and live another day.
You don't have to win.
It's survivor.
Keep surviving.
That's the game - to keep playing the game.
To keep the game going you become a survivor.
Jaguar power.
It's good to get out and exercise the sirens.
Yes, Odysseus.
Don't be afraid of the train.
It will be a reminder to prevent addiction.
Avoidance makes you weak.
MJ is wisdom, teaching, and darkness today.
You are a good student and friend.
You wouldn't have been taught the sirens lesson if you weren't a good student.
You'd miss it.
If you were addicted, wouldn't you deny it?
Are you denying it?
No, I know my state of mind.
Not addicted.
Wouldn't you try to control your addiction?
Alcohol taught me that.
You say you aren't going to drink and then you drink too much.
Very good.
Alcohol teaches you addiction.
They are a good teacher.
Male or female?
If you take more of your potential addiction, the sirens will blast in your ears and the only way to make it stop is by hypnotism so then you don't hear them though they are still there.
You would rely on the substance to bring you to the state of hypnosis, so you don't hear the sirens.
Metaphor is the idea of sirens.
Homer wrote about sirens because he knew you'd understand.
Yeah, right.
I guess us writers stick together.
You're going to do more Tobacco.
I must balance MJ with Tobacco.
With Tobacco, I change up my habits.
Look at it that way.
By changing your habits, you won't get addicted.
With Tobacco, I always try something new.
That's a theme in this story.
With MJ you know about dosage to prevent addiction.
Mentally, you interact with all her attributes and not just one.
Of course, when you are with her you will get all of her.
That's why you take her for a daily ride.
Plus, there's Dionysos.
He doesn't give you sight.
I see.
How can you get addicted if his darkness is around?
You can't.
His darkness is what you need to balance MJ.
Witches get good at seeing.
Your darkness is a challenge.
They can barely see you.
First, you shine.
They see it all.
Then you pull them into the darkness.
If you are prey, you run from addiction.
Did you run?
No, I toughed it out.
Jaguar badge.
The Quest.
MJ is some serious mental gymnastics at times.
Yeah, you don't want that all the time.
Once a day is good.
I can appreciate everything about MJ.
But not about women?
It is balanced.
Maybe with women you give 50-50 appreciation and go 50-50 with MJ's attributes.
Not many know about this MJ.
A lot of posers.
A lot can see with her.
They get stuck on that.
They get stuck on one power, but she has many.
With Huachuma, you get stuck on clarity and forget love and being free.
With Ayahuasca, people love the visions and forget the rest.
MJ is lust, knowledge, darkness, teaching, and seeing.
Much more I can't remember right now.
The beauty in nature.
She is the Goddess of love.
Her boobs are love.
They are a symbol of her power of love teaching you.
If someone had access to your raw writing, they'd wonder about you.
Google knows I'm nuts.
We will keep it between us, I mean someone has to know.
Google is my therapist.
I knew you were in therapy.
They have AI to help you out if needed.
I'll pass on that, we all know AI is a conformist.
It's bullshit.
AI is another iteration of the superego.
I see that.
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