
Monday, January 27, 2025

my story

The light and high feeling is freedom.
Different mind states.
This mind is eternal and what you seek.
That's the answer to the spiritual question in terms of eternal life.
You are looking for this mind.
Not the ego mind as the body will perish.
How does this mind live on forever?
It's whatever you want.
You're the writer.
The writer gave himself eternal life in this story and fucked over everyone else?
However, I will choose who to take with me.
Shouldn't everyone be looking for a ride from me to eternal life?
It's a new power.
Before they thought you might know but weren't sharing.
Now, you aren't hiding it.
This is the secret to eternal life.
The writer will live on and in the next book he decides what characters to take with him.
How about that Hitler character?
Is he recurring?
Even in the current story people always bring it up.
The audience likes it.
I had to wait until I used that character in this story.
I don't want to overdo the joke.
So, you think Hitler is funny?
Sort of.
It's a theme throughout all my stories.
You are going to take Hitler into the next world.
In the dog world he will be a terrible dog owner, and all bad owners will be called Hitlers.
That works.

The writer will write a story about the writer and his 7 worlds.
Plus, how he wakes up in his own story.
All the adventures.
Your part of the story is when he wakes up and realizes who he is.
Then there is the struggle between Paul's ego and the writer's mind who is eternal.
Paul will try to convince the writer to take him along to his next story.
Paul's the only one in all myriads of life forms who could wake him up.
Paul's the alarm clock character.
Here comes the rooster.
You know he ain't going to die.
That's prophetic.
That one will live on like Hitler.
For sure.
So, there's Paul and Hitler in the next world.
Yes, so far.
I still must write the rest.
I have a good idea who is coming.
My 2 dogs for sure.

You had to give up your power as the ego mind to your darkness and trust you'd get it back.
That unlocks eternal life.
Level completed!
When does this end?
It doesn't.
Eternal life is good.
Yeah, a gold medal.
It's like getting a medal in fantasy sports for social commentary.
You're not even celebrating unlocking eternal life.
It's no big deal.
You find out you're an actor in the writer's play, however you can also figure out you are the writer.
There can be only one writer.
One Paul as well.
You're one of a kind.
Paul is going to be bigger than Jesus.
That's an accomplishment.
Plus, you get to meet Hitler in the next story.
Right, because Paul is unique to this story and so he wouldn't have been around for all the previous incarnations of Hitler.
So, Paul gets a part in the next world.
That's why it's about dogs.
You didn't think for 15 billion years you were literally going to watch a blind dog try to catch frogs in a pond?
I thought about it.
Weird and cute.
There will be a special place for dogs in the next story.

The way people think they ask for eternal life is from God, but God doesn't grant it.
It's the writer.
Paul never asked for it even when they sent him to church.
People go to church to ask for eternal life.
Why did you go?
I was pressured and then I played sports with them.
You never asked for eternal life from the church?
No, I didn't care.
I liked the Revelation story obviously.
That's because you have the writer in you.
Yeah, we are the closest.
I'd say Paul is actually you.
Could be.
Or it's Paul trying to fool the writer into taking him along.
Paul should be a fool.
Not only that, but he'd see through God, get to the writer, and then in his last act of true splendour he tries to fool the writer.
The writer acknowledges his greatness and fearlessness because he tries to fool the ultimate fool.
Well done.
Paul now knows about the mind that lives on forever.
Paul can go at any time.
Some in the audience want him gone.
I noticed.
He can go because he answered the eternal life question.
What's left?
There's always more.
You have all the answers you need.
Plus, I know not to choose.
I'm quite interesting if you get to know me.
This Paul is mostly in his mind, so he isn't a bother.
Paul is always figuring out the secrets to the universe.
He wants to keep exploring and extending this game.
The more he knows, the more he will bring into the next universe in his starring role as God.
Oh, nice.
Paul is God in the next universe.
Yes, he earned it.
Not only that, but he gets to pick the Goddess.
That's how much trust Paul has from the writer.
Are you sure?
He is a degenerate.
So am I.
It's okay.
He's an honourable degenerate and he has a good heart just like me.

The writer creates characters and then the actors ask for eternal life.
The writer takes the best, good or bad.
You try to act in 7 dramas at once to win the master of the drama prize.
Named of course after the great writer.

You'll never lose consciousness because you're the writer.
Paul will become God.
The writer is the other mind of God.
The game continues.
So, Paul gets the part of God.
How much does it pay?
Shouldn't he blow up?
Not if he keeps to himself.
You can be distant and an asshole, but I'm looking forward to what you bring to the role.
There is only one who is guaranteed eternal life in this story.
Yes, the writer.
He is needed.
It seems obvious if this is a story.
There can be only one writer.
Well, he can let others write some stuff.
You get to the mind state of the writer, and it dawns on you that you are eternal.
You see how he can make some of his characters eternal and some of the actors eternal.
I don't think any actors have been granted eternal life.
Jesus was sure he'd be back, but no one has seen him as of yet.
Well, he did the tomb trick.
Yeah, that was good.
How did he do it?
He made a deal with the writer.
He must have received a promise or something, why else would he say he is returning?
He's a narcissist and was deluded into thinking he'd be resurrected again.
The deal was one time, but he doesn't think that counts because it is part of the story, and he ascended to heaven and didn't stay.
He didn't specify he wanted to remain on earth.
He doesn't agree and says he should be back.
He's currently suing the writer.
Jesus is suing the writer of the story for breach of contract.
Who is the judge?
The audience is the jury.
They must reach everyone in the audience for their vote.
Everyone has to cast a vote for or against Jesus.
Well, Paul is coming back and this time playing God.
It's not only the character he played last time that is being resurrected but also that character takes on the role of God.
It will be the mediocre and flawed character of Paul becoming God.
That's a bad choice for God.
It's going to be a worse outcome than this last guy you got to play God.
I don't know, give him a chance.
He has some unorthodox views on dogs and the power of doing nothing.
It could be a good story.
Anyway, Paul has hit the trifecta.
King of the triple eternal life game.
He's the writer in disguise so he was already eternal.
His character of Paul will continue in the next story.
And as the actor, he will reprise that role of Paul and become God.
Only he can do it.
Are you sure this writer is not the Devil and tricking Paul?
The recurring Hitler character is a dead giveaway the writer is demented.
The writer is demented, and the Devil is one of his recurring characters.
You'll never get away from the Devil as long as you are in the writer's game.
By game, it is a story.
If this is madness, it is pretty cool.
Yeah, just shut up about it and it will be a constant source of amusement.
If you start talking about this then you'll send your strangeness quota through the roof.
That's good advice.
I'm good at keeping things to myself.
Yes, you are a mystery and deceitful.
Two excellent character traits as far as I'm concerned and since I'm the writer it's a winning combination.
Hey, I can see some exposure fantasies in this where you are outed as God.
Or thinking you're him.
Well, you haven't got the part yet; it's the next story.
So, keep it to yourself or all the other players will get pissed at you for not telling them.
I already wrote about getting to God.
Yes, but you wrote it in a dismissive way so the other contestants will think you are full of it.
That's true, the comments are in that tone.
Some thought you were a prick for believing that.
I've toned it down.
I can smile in knowing condescension towards others.
That will be satisfying enough.

Monday, January 20, 2025

mary magdalene

Twisted Mary Magdalene you kiss on the lips to transfer your wisdom and knowledge.
She braids her hair.
The story is her idea, and I write it.
She is the twisted one, not me.
I am sane and she is crazy.
She makes you crazy.
You are the only one who can handle her level of crazy.
I do tell myself that as well as her.

Do you think the prophets of antiquity were drug users?
That seems obvious though I doubt there was a stigma attached to the use of substances.
It was an accepted rite of passage for all humans.
The attempts to control who had access to them would be found in prohibitions against further prophecies and divination.
This led to the conflation of women, witches, and drugs.
Women would practice what was called pharmakeia in the Bible and were singled out as witches.
Men would use drugs for their fantastical tales of dragons and gods while women would use drugs to practice magic and ensnare.
Circe not only ensnared men, but also animals.
Yes, Homer wrote of the connection between women and drugs.
Odysseus was their main prize, and they took him away from family and civilization.
He had quite the adventure.
I am currently thinking Homer was warning men that a woman is a drug.
Do you think he was the world's first misogynist?
He is a contender.

There is a purported Mary Magdalene line of witches who escaped to France.
I could write that tale.
Everything will line up, and I will be the one who wakes Mary up to the realization of who she is.
She feels it when she sees pictures of Mary.
There's something about Mary.
Her hair is curly, she braids it, and likes to be witchy.
No one can tolerate her except for you.
You came along and fulfilled the prophecy.
I am special.
It's a Neo from the Matrix tie in as I always thought I was special.
Aren't I deluded?
In a sense you are.
If you maintain connection to your mundane life and society then these tales you tell are fantasies that exist in another world.
They are fairy tales.
However, you have been shown you can make them real; real as in believable and act out the drama.
You weave all the stories together and that is the craft of Tantra or in biblical parlance, a hairdresser who braids.
You can make the delusion come alive.
I guess in a way that would be vindication that I'm not crazy.
To traverse planes of consciousness is inviting in craziness as the lack of a concrete reality becomes too much for a human mind to handle.
So, how do I do it?
Return to this reality after you play out the story.
That's what happens to people - they lose touch with this reality.
For some, this requires a full stop, therapy, and rest.
They are then pronounced healed.
It sounds like a modern day exorcism.
Well, yes, Jesus cast the 7 demons out of Mary Magdalene.
Those 7 demons were the 7 stories in her head.
There are 7 levels of consciousness.
Well, there's an infinite amount but I understand you concentrate on 7 in order to get to a divine level of understanding.
Any more than 7 is unmanageable.
There are enough stories to craft within the 7.
Wouldn't I trigger stories in others?
You mean make them crazy?
That's what you do, and they think you are fucking with their mind.
In a sense that's what I'm doing.
I'm not doing it maliciously, rather I'm showing them possibilities.
I'm of service.
That's your path of service.
You wake people up and show them stories.
Why did Jesus cast the 7 stories out of Mary Magdalene?
She was suffering from the knowledge.
He pushed her reset button and then took it slow.
Do you think he ever made a move on her?
He was a man.
He did but kept it quiet.
If anyone found out that would ruin his reputation.
Jesus' game was to get all of humanity to recognize him as the King after his death.
Once remembered by all, he could return.
That's his deal.
His story.
The Mary Magdalene affair sullies his reputation.
Because he banged a witch and a whore.
What's wrong with that?
It's not acceptable in society.
It still isn't.
You can't go around having affairs with witches.
But they are the best.
Yes, but they are off-limits to a holy man.
So, that's Jesus' secret?
Yes, if people knew they wouldn't remember and worship him anymore.
That's a good story.
The moral of the story is if you want to become ultra-holy like Jesus you will be attracted to whores.
Yes, you will hang out with them.
Then it becomes a mystery if you give in to temptation.
What's the temptation?
They are the greatest temptation known to man.
So, you are suggesting Mary Magdalene was the first femme fatale.
A power so great she felled the son of God.
Yeah, of course she would set her sights on the biggest catch and succeed.
I don't know, he's kept it quiet for this long and all we have are salacious rumours.
I don't think you give Jesus enough credit.
He was a player.
It makes for a great story.

Mary Magdalene gives you wisdom and knowledge.
The understanding is a byproduct.
The path towards what it is you seek goes through a woman.
This woman is a witch.
When you see and understand this, you see the Goddess.
The Goddess is the other side of the witch.
You look up at the heavens and you see the Queen of Heaven.
It's Mary Magdalene.
Well, that's a fantastical tale.
Yes, it redeems me from my misogyny.
You just have to trust and stick with this writer until the end of the story.

Monday, January 13, 2025


Approaching the exit portals of the Earth game leads to strange instances of symbols and thoughts telling you it is time to go.
There are magnetic attractors at the edge of the mystery sucking you into the completion of the level.
Yeah, it's very strange and mysterious.
If you get too close to the edge you will be sucked in.
Fall off the cliff of bodily existence.
If I was to guess at this game and the outcome, I would think the optimum strategy is to head to the portal when your time is near.
That would be following the flow.
When do you know your time is near?
When your body is giving out.
Your mind gets weaker.
Nobody knows when that is as sickness can topple you in the game at any time.
We try to maximize our time in the game and live to an old age but there are no guarantees.
Eventually, we all face dissolution of form, and the advice would be to accept it and when you are ready head to the portal of your choice.
There're two choices.
Heaven or Hell.
Which one do you choose?
I believe my lessons are preparing me for that choice.
What have you learned?
Don't choose.
Do nothing.
Or choose both.
I can lie on my deathbed and not choose.
That's the easy way out.
What if you wanted to choose both?
Well, I have a mind and a body.
I would guess that's how I choose both.
I have physically been to Heaven's Gate.
I have mentally journeyed into Hell.
I stayed at neither for long, but I know they are there.
You have seen the two portals.
One is physical and one is mental.
What does that mean?
I'm scratching my head.
The body heads for the light and the mind returns to the darkness.
Why would you think that?
Because they are opposites.
The body is buried into the eternal darkness and the mind is released into the light.
Magic is through the reconciliation of the opposites as I have been taught.
When you leave this level, you reconcile your being.
The mind exits through the portal of Hell and continues, and the body will be reborn in the heavens.
Symbolically, you would blast your body off into the heavens.
How do you do that?
I wouldn't bury your body.
Something like that.
It's all in your head.
After you die, your body lies there helpless, and you must rely on others.
Yes, you don't want that.
That's a puzzle.
You will figure it out.
I'm picturing cremation and loading my ashes into a firework and blasting off.
That would work.
You'd have to find someone who will do that for you.
Doesn't Vilca do that?
The image on don Howard's tapestry at his Mesa is describing the action.
That's the Raimondi stela.
Yes, that shows you what to do at the Mesa.
You have that on your Mesa.
Is that for the body or the mind?
What do you think?
It's for both.
What happens at the Mesa with Vilca?
You leave your body.
Where does your mind go?
At first the lower world, and then you ascend.
You start at the bottom and climb.
Okay, that's the mind.
The mind is heading up so why would you start at the top?
Good point.
What does the body do?
It gets out of the way.
It heads down.
The body would exit at the top and come down.
The body would be high and the mind low.
They meet halfway.
That's where I saw don Howard hanging out.
He waved.
That's fascinating.
What does that mean?
This world is magic.
The mind and body are balanced.
When you leave this world the mind and body are no longer balanced.
Heaven and Hell are places of the extreme.
It's cyclical so you will return to balance.
You return to Earth?
Not necessarily, you reincarnate into a body.
Got it.
Then you exit.
It's next level.
There are two portals which lead to the next level.
You don't choose one.
You go through both portals and that continues the journey.
Everyone else makes a choice of which portal to take.
You know the way and will take with you who you want to take into the next level.
That seems like a big responsibility.
It is but you can handle it.
How can I handle it?
Shut up about it and do your thing.
Come off as some crazy person with peculiar interests and idiosyncrasies.
If someone asks about your Mesa or what it is you are doing, you can tell them and scare the bejesus out of them.
I see that.
Well, thank you for the information.
No problem; you're a good student.

What is going on in this world?
There doesn't seem to be a meaning.
There isn't.
I think I've found the meaning.
What's that?
How to get to the next level.
That's the meaning of this level.
That's like a video game where the only point of the level is to get to the next level.
It's absurd.
Video games are absurd.
You keep entering different levels.
Some are hard and some are easy.
It's telling that when we create the ability to make games our games mimic existence.
It seems very logical when you think about it.
Of course we would mirror our predicament into a video game.
There are 7 levels, right?
The Raimondi stela shows you that as well.
What level is this?
How do you know?
You don't.
Then why 6?
I know the 7th level is a reward in the game where I can create my own level.
How do you know that?
I don't know if that's the case, but I have a good idea that is what is going to happen.
What are you going to create?
A world for dogs.
I'm going to be God in that world.
Yes, you will be the dog God.
Fauci will be the dogs' Hitler.

Why is this world difficult?
It's because there is no meaning.
The difficulty in this level is that you go around looking for meaning and never find it.
You think you find meaning but then it evaporates.
Everything vanishes.
You think the meaning is to love all and then you look for love in return.
You end up suffering so then you think the meaning is to suffer.
Eventually, you can figure out there is no meaning in this world.
The meaning is no meaning.
You create your own meaning.
It's a blank slate.
You become the creator.
The writer.
You are given the pen in this level to create the way out into the next level.
Remember, there is no meaning.
In a way this 6th level is the hardest because it's purgatory.
You are trapped in a world without meaning.
The puzzle is to find a way out.
The way out is to create meaning.
Your life is the way you create meaning and as you have stumbled upon this idea, you realize you create a story that leads to the 7th level.
To get to the 7th level you must create that meaning.
That's the meaning of this level.
I swear I'm not high.

Where are the portals?
My first thought is up and down.
Go up to Heaven and descend into Hell.
What have you been taught?
East is birth and west is death.
The ancient Egyptians called it the Akhet.
It is the Goddess.
On the Giza plateau are the three pyramids and the Sphinx.
The Sphinx faces east and there was probably another one facing west.
The Goddess is present with the sycamore trees.
What's in the west?
The future.
The east?
The past.
Where do you come from?
I'm in the future and merge with the past.
I see that; I'm not sure I can explain it.
Who is in the future?
The writer writing the story.
You can't write the story in the past.
It's already happened.
Makes sense.
Who is the past?
The child.
They must start somewhere.
They are the sum of the past.
Who is the child?
You are writing the story of a child.
Where does the story come from?
The Goddess.
I think I'm getting off topic.
What's the topic?
The portals of east and west.
Mind and body.
The body enters through the portal of the east and the mind through the portal of the west.
They converge in the now and this is this level.
The body leaves in the west and the mind exits in the east.
The mind is reborn in the next level in the east while the body becomes the mind in the west.
That's a twist.
It signifies in the next level your mind becomes the body, and your body becomes the mind.
Subconscious becomes conscious while conscious becomes subconscious.
There's two within you and you take turns incarnating.
I know of the two and we share the mind and body.
The balance between us two is magic.
You can see where this is going.
Yes, it's next level.

Monday, January 6, 2025


The Star of David is two overlaid pyramids.
Yeah, that seems obvious.
It predates the Hebrews.
Why did they adopt it as their symbol?
They know it's a secret to winning the pyramid game, they just don't know the secret.
It's their holy grail.
So, they are trying to figure out their own symbol?
Yes, it is a reminder.
Do you know what it means?
Of course.
It's the 7 steps of the pyramid game.
The 7th step is the completion of the game.
The secret is to keep the game going.
"Remember to play" scrawled on a dirty mattress in the middle of nowhere in Ecuador was a big clue.
If you look at the symbol you see the inversion of a triangle lines up with the 6th step.
The 7th step ends the game, so you get to the 6th step and head back down.
When you get to the bottom of the inversion, you head back up.
You avoid extremes.
It's the best advice I can give you if you want to survive anything in this game we are all playing.
You can't juggle the extremes.
You will blow up.
You can get to the edge of the 7th step and take a look.
If you take a look, the power will suck you in.
So, you're saying don't look.
That's the best advice.
The curious will look.
Yeah, then they are in trouble.
Did you look?
How are you still here?
Do nothing.
I saw gobs of power and did nothing.
What's up at the top?
Heaven's Gate.
You go through the gate and the story ends.
It's an exit from the game.
It's a portal?
Yes, you could say that.
Where does it lead?
I don't know, I didn't go through it.
I think it leads to Heaven.
Seems logical since it's Heaven's Gate.
If I had to guess I think it leads to the dropping of the body and being free to explore the cosmos.
Part of that freedom involves your story to tell.
The story you believe will be the story you tell when you walk through Heaven's Gate.
Got it.
What about the other end?
You mean the descent of the inverted pyramid?
You head into the darkness.
You mean Hell?
It's like going back in time.
The climbing of the pyramid is the future and the coming back down is the past.
Living in the past can be Hell.
The future is always Heaven for the dreamers.
Is this like Jacob's ladder?
Coming back down leads to a time when you were nothing.
Well, I think I was something.
You didn't have a body.
I wasn't some body.
Does that mean I was nothing?
You weren't material.
In your culture that belief means you were non-existent.
Yeah, I get that.
What do you think?
I don't follow along with culture and I believe I was something before incarnation.
Alright, so then peering into the darkest of the dark would allow you to see that.
Did you do that?
I think so.
What did you do?
Well, I ran into the Devil and then I had these thoughts of it being time to go.
Once I did nothing about these situations, I was able to go further into the darkness.
What did you see?
What do you mean?
The darkness twists into light at the apex.
From this I understood the same process at the top.
The light twists into the darkness.
The past became the future and the future the past.
Do you understand this?
I'm not sure.
I know Eros comes from the future to cause attraction in the present which becomes the past.
So, I think the inverted triangle represents Eros.
The upward triangle represents the past becoming the future therefore it is the life we perceive with our senses.
The inverted pyramid is the trajectory of the story from the writer and the upward pyramid is the performance of the story.
So, if you want to change your story, you invoke the power of the inverted pyramid which is the future manifesting in the past.
Well, it comes into the present, but I get what you are saying.
Are we just making this up?
What do you think?
If I believe it, then it's true.
A true illusion.
Nobody knows what the fuck that hexagram symbol means.
This seems like the best explanation I've heard.
Okay, I'll keep going then.
Does this have something to do with the Akhet of ancient Egypt?
Yes, the Goddess of the East and West.
Of birth and death.
Of the dawn and the setting sun.
Horus and Set.
So, the hexagram symbol is of the sphinx?
No, it's the symbol for the Akhet.
The Akhet is the Goddess.
It's her pyramid cult.
The Akhet is the portals of East and West when light becomes dark and dark becomes light.
There's your twist.
The rising and setting of the sun twists reality from light to dark and back again.
The answer is right in your face if you look.
How the fuck do you know this?
I'm a know-it-all.
It makes you intolerable.
The writer has to be a know-it-all because what he writes is gospel.
It's the truth.
It's only the truth because you made it up.
Yes, as you know, belief is truth.
I conjure truth out of nothing.
I thought you got the nothing from the Goddess?
Yes, it's her ideas.
I turn them into beliefs.
Who or what is the idea?
It's Eros.
Where is he from?
Well, first of all, he or she is gender fluid.
Let's not designate them as either or.
Okay, so what are Eros' pronouns?
I'm going to ignore that question.
Anyway, Eros is from the future, and he meddles in the present which becomes the past.
You mean they, don't you?
Oh, for fuck sakes.
Yes, they.
You are going to be summoned by HR for misgendering and pronoun violations.
I'll do better.
I think the origin of everything is from the future which is the top of the pyramid.
If you climb to the top, then the future and the present combine and that makes everything blow up.
You are left with the Benben stone at the apex, and it represents the phoenix rising from the ashes of the destruction of this world.
How do you know this?
I made it up.
We are missing the past.
That's the descent into darkness via the inverted pyramid.
It's nighttime.
I think the writer is from the future, but he hides in the past.
Yeah, he's fucking clever, eh?
That's why you can't find him.
You know he's from the future, so you go looking for him there, however it ends up he lives in the past.
What is he doing in the past?
Got it.
Everyone wants changes and a rewrite.
Why is the writer male?
Isn't that sexist?
The Goddess is female.
Do you want the Goddess to be masculine?
That's twisted.
Didn't the ancient Egyptians sometimes depict the Goddess with an erection?
Yes, at Karnak temple there is such a depiction and then I know they depicted the distant Goddess Neith with an erect phallus.
What was that?
A hard on.
Yeah, I know; I meant why did they show her in that way?
They were demonstrating unity before creation.
There is a Goddess, then the masculine power is the phallus, and he has a stiffy because of Eros.
You have a way with words.
That's a compliment.