
Monday, January 13, 2025


Approaching the exit portals of the Earth game leads to strange instances of symbols and thoughts telling you it is time to go.
There are magnetic attractors at the edge of the mystery sucking you into the completion of the level.
Yeah, it's very strange and mysterious.
If you get too close to the edge you will be sucked in.
Fall off the cliff of bodily existence.
If I was to guess at this game and the outcome, I would think the optimum strategy is to head to the portal when your time is near.
That would be following the flow.
When do you know your time is near?
When your body is giving out.
Your mind gets weaker.
Nobody knows when that is as sickness can topple you in the game at any time.
We try to maximize our time in the game and live to an old age but there are no guarantees.
Eventually, we all face dissolution of form, and the advice would be to accept it and when you are ready head to the portal of your choice.
There're two choices.
Heaven or Hell.
Which one do you choose?
I believe my lessons are preparing me for that choice.
What have you learned?
Don't choose.
Do nothing.
Or choose both.
I can lie on my deathbed and not choose.
That's the easy way out.
What if you wanted to choose both?
Well, I have a mind and a body.
I would guess that's how I choose both.
I have physically been to Heaven's Gate.
I have mentally journeyed into Hell.
I stayed at neither for long, but I know they are there.
You have seen the two portals.
One is physical and one is mental.
What does that mean?
I'm scratching my head.
The body heads for the light and the mind returns to the darkness.
Why would you think that?
Because they are opposites.
The body is buried into the eternal darkness and the mind is released into the light.
Magic is through the reconciliation of the opposites as I have been taught.
When you leave this level, you reconcile your being.
The mind exits through the portal of Hell and continues, and the body will be reborn in the heavens.
Symbolically, you would blast your body off into the heavens.
How do you do that?
I wouldn't bury your body.
Something like that.
It's all in your head.
After you die, your body lies there helpless, and you must rely on others.
Yes, you don't want that.
That's a puzzle.
You will figure it out.
I'm picturing cremation and loading my ashes into a firework and blasting off.
That would work.
You'd have to find someone who will do that for you.
Doesn't Vilca do that?
The image on don Howard's tapestry at his Mesa is describing the action.
That's the Raimondi stela.
Yes, that shows you what to do at the Mesa.
You have that on your Mesa.
Is that for the body or the mind?
What do you think?
It's for both.
What happens at the Mesa with Vilca?
You leave your body.
Where does your mind go?
At first the lower world, and then you ascend.
You start at the bottom and climb.
Okay, that's the mind.
The mind is heading up so why would you start at the top?
Good point.
What does the body do?
It gets out of the way.
It heads down.
The body would exit at the top and come down.
The body would be high and the mind low.
They meet halfway.
That's where I saw don Howard hanging out.
He waved.
That's fascinating.
What does that mean?
This world is magic.
The mind and body are balanced.
When you leave this world the mind and body are no longer balanced.
Heaven and Hell are places of the extreme.
It's cyclical so you will return to balance.
You return to Earth?
Not necessarily, you reincarnate into a body.
Got it.
Then you exit.
It's next level.
There are two portals which lead to the next level.
You don't choose one.
You go through both portals and that continues the journey.
Everyone else makes a choice of which portal to take.
You know the way and will take with you who you want to take into the next level.
That seems like a big responsibility.
It is but you can handle it.
How can I handle it?
Shut up about it and do your thing.
Come off as some crazy person with peculiar interests and idiosyncrasies.
If someone asks about your Mesa or what it is you are doing, you can tell them and scare the bejesus out of them.
I see that.
Well, thank you for the information.
No problem; you're a good student.

What is going on in this world?
There doesn't seem to be a meaning.
There isn't.
I think I've found the meaning.
What's that?
How to get to the next level.
That's the meaning of this level.
That's like a video game where the only point of the level is to get to the next level.
It's absurd.
Video games are absurd.
You keep entering different levels.
Some are hard and some are easy.
It's telling that when we create the ability to make games our games mimic existence.
It seems very logical when you think about it.
Of course we would mirror our predicament into a video game.
There are 7 levels, right?
The Raimondi stela shows you that as well.
What level is this?
How do you know?
You don't.
Then why 6?
I know the 7th level is a reward in the game where I can create my own level.
How do you know that?
I don't know if that's the case, but I have a good idea that is what is going to happen.
What are you going to create?
A world for dogs.
I'm going to be God in that world.
Yes, you will be the dog God.
Fauci will be the dogs' Hitler.

Why is this world difficult?
It's because there is no meaning.
The difficulty in this level is that you go around looking for meaning and never find it.
You think you find meaning but then it evaporates.
Everything vanishes.
You think the meaning is to love all and then you look for love in return.
You end up suffering so then you think the meaning is to suffer.
Eventually, you can figure out there is no meaning in this world.
The meaning is no meaning.
You create your own meaning.
It's a blank slate.
You become the creator.
The writer.
You are given the pen in this level to create the way out into the next level.
Remember, there is no meaning.
In a way this 6th level is the hardest because it's purgatory.
You are trapped in a world without meaning.
The puzzle is to find a way out.
The way out is to create meaning.
Your life is the way you create meaning and as you have stumbled upon this idea, you realize you create a story that leads to the 7th level.
To get to the 7th level you must create that meaning.
That's the meaning of this level.
I swear I'm not high.

Where are the portals?
My first thought is up and down.
Go up to Heaven and descend into Hell.
What have you been taught?
East is birth and west is death.
The ancient Egyptians called it the Akhet.
It is the Goddess.
On the Giza plateau are the three pyramids and the Sphinx.
The Sphinx faces east and there was probably another one facing west.
The Goddess is present with the sycamore trees.
What's in the west?
The future.
The east?
The past.
Where do you come from?
I'm in the future and merge with the past.
I see that; I'm not sure I can explain it.
Who is in the future?
The writer writing the story.
You can't write the story in the past.
It's already happened.
Makes sense.
Who is the past?
The child.
They must start somewhere.
They are the sum of the past.
Who is the child?
You are writing the story of a child.
Where does the story come from?
The Goddess.
I think I'm getting off topic.
What's the topic?
The portals of east and west.
Mind and body.
The body enters through the portal of the east and the mind through the portal of the west.
They converge in the now and this is this level.
The body leaves in the west and the mind exits in the east.
The mind is reborn in the next level in the east while the body becomes the mind in the west.
That's a twist.
It signifies in the next level your mind becomes the body, and your body becomes the mind.
Subconscious becomes conscious while conscious becomes subconscious.
There's two within you and you take turns incarnating.
I know of the two and we share the mind and body.
The balance between us two is magic.
You can see where this is going.
Yes, it's next level.

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