
Monday, January 20, 2025

mary magdalene

Twisted Mary Magdalene you kiss on the lips to transfer your wisdom and knowledge.
She braids her hair.
The story is her idea, and I write it.
She is the twisted one, not me.
I am sane and she is crazy.
She makes you crazy.
You are the only one who can handle her level of crazy.
I do tell myself that as well as her.

Do you think the prophets of antiquity were drug users?
That seems obvious though I doubt there was a stigma attached to the use of substances.
It was an accepted rite of passage for all humans.
The attempts to control who had access to them would be found in prohibitions against further prophecies and divination.
This led to the conflation of women, witches, and drugs.
Women would practice what was called pharmakeia in the Bible and were singled out as witches.
Men would use drugs for their fantastical tales of dragons and gods while women would use drugs to practice magic and ensnare.
Circe not only ensnared men, but also animals.
Yes, Homer wrote of the connection between women and drugs.
Odysseus was their main prize, and they took him away from family and civilization.
He had quite the adventure.
I am currently thinking Homer was warning men that a woman is a drug.
Do you think he was the world's first misogynist?
He is a contender.

There is a purported Mary Magdalene line of witches who escaped to France.
I could write that tale.
Everything will line up, and I will be the one who wakes Mary up to the realization of who she is.
She feels it when she sees pictures of Mary.
There's something about Mary.
Her hair is curly, she braids it, and likes to be witchy.
No one can tolerate her except for you.
You came along and fulfilled the prophecy.
I am special.
It's a Neo from the Matrix tie in as I always thought I was special.
Aren't I deluded?
In a sense you are.
If you maintain connection to your mundane life and society then these tales you tell are fantasies that exist in another world.
They are fairy tales.
However, you have been shown you can make them real; real as in believable and act out the drama.
You weave all the stories together and that is the craft of Tantra or in biblical parlance, a hairdresser who braids.
You can make the delusion come alive.
I guess in a way that would be vindication that I'm not crazy.
To traverse planes of consciousness is inviting in craziness as the lack of a concrete reality becomes too much for a human mind to handle.
So, how do I do it?
Return to this reality after you play out the story.
That's what happens to people - they lose touch with this reality.
For some, this requires a full stop, therapy, and rest.
They are then pronounced healed.
It sounds like a modern day exorcism.
Well, yes, Jesus cast the 7 demons out of Mary Magdalene.
Those 7 demons were the 7 stories in her head.
There are 7 levels of consciousness.
Well, there's an infinite amount but I understand you concentrate on 7 in order to get to a divine level of understanding.
Any more than 7 is unmanageable.
There are enough stories to craft within the 7.
Wouldn't I trigger stories in others?
You mean make them crazy?
That's what you do, and they think you are fucking with their mind.
In a sense that's what I'm doing.
I'm not doing it maliciously, rather I'm showing them possibilities.
I'm of service.
That's your path of service.
You wake people up and show them stories.
Why did Jesus cast the 7 stories out of Mary Magdalene?
She was suffering from the knowledge.
He pushed her reset button and then took it slow.
Do you think he ever made a move on her?
He was a man.
He did but kept it quiet.
If anyone found out that would ruin his reputation.
Jesus' game was to get all of humanity to recognize him as the King after his death.
Once remembered by all, he could return.
That's his deal.
His story.
The Mary Magdalene affair sullies his reputation.
Because he banged a witch and a whore.
What's wrong with that?
It's not acceptable in society.
It still isn't.
You can't go around having affairs with witches.
But they are the best.
Yes, but they are off-limits to a holy man.
So, that's Jesus' secret?
Yes, if people knew they wouldn't remember and worship him anymore.
That's a good story.
The moral of the story is if you want to become ultra-holy like Jesus you will be attracted to whores.
Yes, you will hang out with them.
Then it becomes a mystery if you give in to temptation.
What's the temptation?
They are the greatest temptation known to man.
So, you are suggesting Mary Magdalene was the first femme fatale.
A power so great she felled the son of God.
Yeah, of course she would set her sights on the biggest catch and succeed.
I don't know, he's kept it quiet for this long and all we have are salacious rumours.
I don't think you give Jesus enough credit.
He was a player.
It makes for a great story.

Mary Magdalene gives you wisdom and knowledge.
The understanding is a byproduct.
The path towards what it is you seek goes through a woman.
This woman is a witch.
When you see and understand this, you see the Goddess.
The Goddess is the other side of the witch.
You look up at the heavens and you see the Queen of Heaven.
It's Mary Magdalene.
Well, that's a fantastical tale.
Yes, it redeems me from my misogyny.
You just have to trust and stick with this writer until the end of the story.

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