
Monday, May 18, 2020

quantified magic

In terms of levels of consciousness that are available, the level we are experiencing is vibrating at a rate that is based upon ego structure along with logic and reason, so any of the old superstitions like magic, spells, and related enchantments are a level of consciousness long past and relegated to the category of woo. At one time it was accessible, as we were vibrating on its wavelength so we experienced transference, shared thoughts and emotions, and feelings such as empathy and compassion were the norm. You could say it was a more inclusive vibe that was feminine in its makeup and made us more open to love. Conversely, we now operate on a level of vibration that is self-centred and goal orientated. It truly is a man’s world. Unfortunately, now when you come across groups that are saying they perform magic, they are of the same ilk as the conspiracy theorists who are trying to suck you into their deluded forms of thinking. They are also appealing to a higher power with a petition for change via fiat which is similar to the modality of prayer. There is a failure to realize their own divinity and the accessible magic which starts with them. This is unfortunate because it devalues magic and consigns it to the fringe. Most who currently say they are practising magic and its derivatives are being disingenuous and they are taking you away from really discovering what magic is.

Magic is something that can be quantified by science and brought into the reasoning world because magic is obfuscated forms of vibrational consciousness. For instance, every time I’m in the set and setting which is the conduit for the energy that is potentiated through ingesting Huachuma, I can experience states of transference of energy plus connections with nature and other beings which is normally unavailable. To me, that is what magic is and I think if enough people who are analytical did experience this phenomenon, they would start experimenting and mapping these accessible levels of consciousness we can vibrate into. The result of this inquiry would demystify and bring magic back into our realm. Once magic is brought out into the open it then ceases to become magic but that’s not to deny that it does exist. It becomes science and knowledge at that point. Take for instance the discovery of electricity. It's a hidden power that when first discovered would seem like magic to those who were living what we would consider a primitive life. The magic of electricity has brought us so much in terms of advancing civilization. Eventually, we were able to ascertain the properties of the mysterious force and through science make predictions of its behaviour. This allowed for mass distribution and it lights up our lives. The mysterious is the magic and it is exactly because it is not integrated into our logic and reasoning culture we don’t have access to it.

As civilization presses forward, all that once was magic becomes demystified and through observation of its regularities and properties it becomes science. Science takes on the role of prophecy in being able to predict behaviours. Imagine how magical fire must have been at one point in our civilizations? In fact, it is still pretty magical to sit around a campfire and gaze at the flickering flames. Just because we have observed the properties and reduced the combustion down into its constituent parts doesn’t make it any less magical that such a phenomenon exists. This line of inquiry also presents us with the perplexing question: why does phenomenon such as fire and electricity exist?

A plant medicine experience is very magical and can be unexplainable. Fundamentally in working long enough with them, you discover that plant medicines are consciousness technologies. The results are unpredictable, much like our psyche, and therefore are a challenge to investigate or create a blueprint for the trip. That’s not to say that generalizations cannot be made about the experience or that if you spend enough time with them then the commonality of the experience will become evident among those who take the substances. A big reason for their unpredictability is the experience is never just about the plant; rather, it involves the plant and most importantly you. It is an exploration of your consciousness which has been tinged by your psyche and culture at large making each trip and individual unique. That’s the spice of life in which we all come from the same source however we all carve out our own unique path, contributing to the tapestry of life.

The plant teacher Huachuma can put out some serious love vibes through its medicine. Through experiencing that state of consciousness it can light the spark within to motivate us towards bringing that state of consciousness back into the world at large. In sum, that what’s we are dealing with because if we still were living in a world that was tuned into the love frequency, then drinking Huachuma surely wouldn’t be medicinal, but rather just odd! 

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