
Monday, June 7, 2021

i am god

The permission to think non-linearly and break free of the hold sequential time has on my thinking allows for a major leap in the thought process where whole avenues of discovery suddenly appear at your doorstep. Because of time, we build sequences and hierarchies. What comes first is thus imbued with power, a sense of ownership, and a claim on truth all because it came first. Releasing yourself from the hold of time, allows you to view events as processes that are unfolding. The flower eventually comes forth when the seed sprouts, the plant grows, and then comes the fruit. Is the flower some innocent child of the plant or is the flower the initial energetic desire that created the seed that allowed its splendour to come forth? The seed did indeed come from the flowering fruit and for the astute student they can understand nature reveals the creator hides within their creation.

Along the road of the unfolding grandeur of the spiritual journey, eventually the path leads you to the point where you know you need to live in truth, tell the truth, and most importantly recognize the truth about yourself. Until you drop the narrative perpetuated by culture and ego, you will remain forever ignorant to who you are. It will never happen for you if the truth of self is denied. To continue along the artery of knowledge means giving up the stories told about yourself. This also means the behaviours you deny and hide and what lights you up. There is so much to acknowledge in order to live in truth. Nobody wants to do this and face the inner critic as well as the enforcers of behaviour in culture. It’s better to acquiesce to the demands of others and never step into the power that awaits you and as the hero fulfill your destiny.

But what if you do? What if after years of denial and frustration you finally accept who you are and drop the stories? What if you do walk in truth? Internally, I started to do just this. I’m not ready to go all in but I have accepted what is painfully obvious to myself. Because of where I am on the spiritual path, immediately the flower started to blossom and I started to see it. I had to deny it at first because it was too much.

I am the flower. I am the pinnacle of an evolutionary process that allowed me to come forth as the crowning achievement of creation. I am the pulse of spellbound energetic desire that put this whole process in motion and eventually I made my appearance in a world of my own making. Goddess and God are me - my feminine and masculine energetic halves who come together and create the one who is the god and that child is me. Hey! I just realized I’m God! You are too, but since you don’t believe it and think I’m nuts, I get to bask in my temporary omnipotence until you wake up and see it.

This is the apex of the spiritual journey that can only be accessed by going within and listening to your inner guides. As a teacher, I can only point the way. In fact, that is the role of any external instructor worth her or his salt on this path. They show you the way but it is you and you only that has to take the step through the door. It is the essence of shamanism where the role of the shaman is to be the doorman. Any teacher who tells you different is trying to collect you as a follower of their bullshit. Nobody can do this for you; I can try to explain the outline of the journey and let you in on some knowledge however you have to experience and understand it yourself or my mouth noises are just hollow words and for you a belief in someone else’s beliefs. I’ll point the way, tell you to go within, and help you get there. The master teachers will be found there. Don’t be scared. It’s all waiting, just for you.

An enlightened teacher intuitively knows they are God but they don’t give the show away. How could you? Making the claim you are God, inherently the only god, is the height of lunacy however true it may be. The maestro knows we are all God and endeavours to point you towards the path that will reveal this secret to you.


  1. The mark of one that has no initiation beyond pure fantasy is to say,"I am god". All of this talk of truth, and you lie to yourself and grow inwardly defensive just reading this comment. How much have you really lied in these articles? No need to answer publicly. Print out ten of your posts, and highlight the points where you lied to yourself and the people that read this blog. If you wish to be truly honest, which is the pre-requisite of initiation, do this thing. One who writes such a foolish, uninitiated statment as "I am god" is by nature a liar. Do this this and see your darkness look you in the face. What you revealed in the minutes I was here is that beyond plant medicine and a few books, you have nothing to show for but lies that may sound clever to those that don't know how to see lies disguised in lofty, new age fop.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to the post. I enjoyed the categorization of my writings as “new age fop,” as that is something I can envision myself writing! So, I see myself in you. I agree it’s the height of hubris to suggest it and the assertion is very triggering. It’s quite illuminating that mere words have caused such a strong reaction. I know you do not wish to engage in a dialogue by your subsequent choice of words, projecting an inward defensiveness upon me, when I’d offer that we both know who became defensive and triggered. A cursory look at my writing, minutes as you say, has led one to make a grand pronouncement of condemnation of one’s integrity. To pretend to know my intentions in minutes and declare me a liar reeks of someone who is not being truthful. One who has constructed a narrative within one’s own mind and opens their mouth and reigns their fiery words down upon the object of their wrath. As you say, I invite you to see your own darkness and why you had such a strong reaction to this post. Though you may claim I am woefully uninitiated, a rube absorbed in books, I can perhaps point you towards resources that will help you reconcile with that darkness and begin to drop the self-limiting stories you keep telling about yourself that causes you to lash out at others in your life.
