
Monday, October 24, 2022

beyond mind

The reality I wake into daily is a world of mind. The mind is the great separator and conjures this universe into existence. The mind creates the exhilarating rushes we seek and sends us cratering into the abyss. The mind is God. The mind is Satan. One who does not know the other side of righteousness is cruelty knows not that the dark side of the face of God is the face of Satan. Let that sink in, deny it all you want, condemn me, and cast my prose into the virtual trash if you wish. I don't care. I'll just continue to call it as I see it.

What does it mean to be "awake" from a spiritual point of view? There's no world standard and of course humans will argue anything spiritual to its pointlessness. We will divide up experiences into cultural tribalisms and claim we hold the truth and all else is heresy, promulgated by infidels who must be eliminated. So, yeah, to define being "awake" is problematic.

But what's to stop myself from defining this state of being? Well, nothing really. I'm a spiritual free agent. I don't buy into anyone's system. The great thing about my beliefs is I can see the core of people's beliefs and though they have laid a cultural blanket over these spiritual realizations, I do see so much truth in their objects of worship. The big one for me is Jesus. I see him everywhere. I know him. I'd never worship him in the mainstream Christian sense, but I personally love the guy and my heart is filled with love for Jesus and Mary. I physically feel it, and I have this pull towards the divine pair.

Let me illustrate the love I have for Jesus and Mary in my heart which comes from a deep understanding of what was taught by spiritual masters of a long-ago age. Their teachings are now a curiosity, though the civilization of ancient Egypt is exhaustively studied.

When you engage the heart, you birth a King. The prodigy is the result of the marriage between the divine feminine heart and the divine masculine quickener. The process was called by the ancients, Hieros Gamos - the sacred wedding. The union of Goddess and God creates the child. Christianity is a patriarchal religion and thus proper due is not accorded to Mary, mother of Jesus. The elements of the myth are all present; however, the story is modified to fit the patriarchal narrative. If we go back further in time to the land of the Pharaohs, we can see the same story come forth in unadulterated splendor. Our king is the great god Amun-Re, and all Pharaohs of the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt maintained a connection to the light of Amun-Re. In the palace of Karnak at Luxor, we find the great precinct of Amun-Re which is dedicated to the god, his wife Mut, and their son Khonsu - the great healer. The goddess Mut is the great mother Goddess, as the hieroglyphic for Mut is the vulture and the symbolic nature is one of motherhood. Mut is mother, and very interesting is the phonetic connection to world languages and the pronunciation of mother. The sacred coupling of the King and his Queen give birth to the healer; the healer is the coming forth of the love of the divine pair. The story becomes even more intriguing when we look into an epithet of Amun-Re. He is the kamutef. Kamutef is the bull of his mother. I have written about this subject previously if you wish to learn more about it as I won't go into detail here. Kamutef points towards an incestuous relationship between Amun-Re and his mother in order to produce the child, who is the coming forth into this world of the god. Cultural prohibitions make us squeamish of the taboo but to the ancient seeker of wisdom, they were more interested in spiritual truths and not distracted by Netflix, so they produced many wonderful contributions towards an understanding of what this mortal experience is all about. Let's go back to the mother goddess as a vulture. Lost in the sands of time is parthenogenesis. The female vulture was thought to give birth to the world without the need of the masculine. Aha! The concepts of maya and of the virgin birth are laid bare. The Parthenon of Athena in Athens of ancient Greece reveals its mystery. The connection by Plato of Athena to the primordial vulture of this parthenogenesis in ancient Egypt, the goddess Neith, is unveiled. I wrote a long blog post about this called, "weaving the rich tapestry." It's some of my finest work, though without an understanding of the ancient Egyptians, it comes across as a difficult read! Anyway, within the post I wrote this about Neith:

"Neith weaves the rich tapestry, this garment the all. The shuttle she wears is symbolic of not only the weaving of the universe but also has associations to the linen bandages that encase the mummified. In addition, she had warlike attributes as she could be represented with the bow and arrows. This aspect contributed to her masculine aspects with the act of releasing the arrow carrying allusions to the masculine sexual act. Curiously, the writing of her name in hieroglyphs contained within it the determinative of an ejaculating phallus giving rise to the aspect of her that contains not only the mother but the power to enliven the seed within her."

Yes, the goddess Neith who is said to be the Great mother goddess, gives birth to the light as Amun-Re. Amun-Re impregnates his mother and gives birth to the son. This is how the concept works. Khonsu is the coming forth of the love between Mut and Amun-Re. The great healer is love and thus all demi-god Saviours of religions who owe their heritage to ancient spiritual masters, teach love as the way and the light towards healing and salvation.

So, what does it mean to be awake? I'd call it lifting the veil. You see through the game and start to clue into why you are here. Being awake doesn't mean you have all the answers; however, when you see your predicament with a newfound clarity, the answers to life's riddles start to unravel. Being awake lets you see the immense suffering and understand why there is suffering. The atheists cry, "If there is a just God, why is there so much suffering? Why does a small and innocent child get stricken with cancer? Why would He let that happen?" Suffering is the denominator of desire and the impetus for change. Without suffering, our seeking of pleasure would bring us into a utopian bliss of stasis and thus pleasure must have the elasticity of pain. A world of duality bakes the suffering into the cards. The chance fulfillment of desire in a biological form came with its inherent risks but we all wanted a roll of the dice. I'll take the hit of the drug and put off the reckoning, with interest, until later. This is how the earth game works.

Being awake allows you to understand all suffering is grace. It doesn't mean you don't do what you can to help relieve suffering. You see, the earth is a place for people to suffer and there will always be suffering. Suffering will never be stamped out. If you are awake, you see that the death of the biological form will allow you to escape your imprisonment in a land of suffering. If you are selfish, then you would seek death because you see through the game and are going to check out.

Being awake allows you to see beyond the mind and when you do the clarity of your heart is undeniable. You see the Garden of Mary and all she has created. And then you see her son and eternal flame Jesus and know that he is the essence of who she is. Jesus is love who has come forth. El Corazón de Jesús! The eternal pair is within and comes forth when you are awake and enter into the heart space. The heart space sees the suffering and propels you into service. One who becomes of service to Mary and Jesus in Buddhism would be called a Bodhisattva. A definition of such a being, pulled off the internet, is such: "A Bodhisattva is one who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings."

The definition still puts a Western concept of salvation onto such a being. I'm not sure of the idea of "saving" anyone. There's no eternal damnation but there is desire. If I wanted to help someone full of wants to be "saved" I might point them towards Tantra and have them burn through all their desires in order that they may turn the page on suffering. Carrying desires with you into the afterlife will indeed attract you once again to the carnival called earth. And the suffering will be repeated. For sure, this is a form of cyclical damnation, though hardly eternal. Eventually, all tire of the amusement park! To be eternally damned would be a result of your own damn self being a glutton for punishment. Even the soundest sleeper will eventually wake up.

I am aware I'm casting a shadow upon the playground of Pachamama. I'm equating what she has bequeathed her children to the Christian hell. We have collectively made it hell. I said it before, and I'll reiterate - you're in hell. A hell of our collective making. Take a sober look around you, watch the news, read the papers, and try to tell me it's not so. Once you see it, you'll never un-see it. Better to remain ignorant of your predicament and pretend this earthly existence is a rung above hell. If you see it, then comes the question: What did I do to deserve to go to hell? Desire is the answer you are looking for.

Luckily, the questioning will eventually lead you back to the machinations of the mind and the inherent duality conjured by the great magician. You see with clarity the hell world of suffering brought forth is buttressed by its opposite, which we call heaven. The enlightened being does what they can to relieve the suffering and the degradation of our home in order to lead us to heaven. A further questioning of this strategy reveals it is not heaven we seek, as heaven is another dualistic construct. Through suffering and struggle we find the heart, our mother. We see the heart path to the central axis mundi of our spiritual family, and in tears of joy return home.

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