
Monday, February 24, 2025

creating a story

What happens when the writer wants to be an actor?
He must give up the pen.
If you write your own adventure, it will be lame.
Think about it.
You'd write what you want.
Isn't that what he did?
And then he gave up the power over his story to you.
The flow will lead to the fulfillment of the story he wrote for himself.
Going against the flow will create a different story.
That's the chance he took with you.
No one will understand this.
They will think you are kooky.
As they should.
It's reality.
Reality is my story.

How do you feel about your two-week Mary Jayne break?
Positive in that I needed a break to recentre and take a sober look at myself.
I haven't lost the connection to Dion and MJ.
They feel stronger.
Instead of relying on changing my consciousness to be with them, I always feel they are with me.
Who are you?
I am who I have always been.
Who is that?
My character of Paul.
Paul has changed.
He is more like Dion.
I don't notice the difference as much as I think others do.
I think that's it, where you aren't aware of the change, however others can see it.
Everything seems the same to me though I do know I'm different.

I wrote that Eros came alive.
First, he appears as an idea and then he manifests.
That's the story when you look back into the past.
You see the story.
The genius is you don't know who to blame.
You want to blame the witch because you think it was her doing and she sent you pictures of the two to foreshadow what was to come.
She held a lamb in her arms while you felt like a bull.
You think it's her and then you realize it's him.
He's the golden calf.
I like that story.
Son of the Great Goddess and you, a mere mortal, are the progenitor.
What does that make me?
A fool.
Or God.
You can handle both roles; you're the best.
At the heart of it all you're the writer.
It's her idea and you made the idea come alive.
What was the idea?
It's a triad.
There's no story without the three.
Without an idea and a source of the idea you are writing nonsense.
There is a constant drip from your pen.
That is true.
I do need to write.
Without a writer, the Goddess is unfulfilled.
You fulfill her story.
Without parents, Eros just is.
Nothing happens.
There is just energy whirling around.
The Goddess gives Eros purpose, and you give the purpose meaning.
I fulfilled my role and then felt the feeling it was time to go.
That's one explanation.
A lot of people wanted you to go.
It did seem like many wanted me gone.
Of course, this world is a mess, and you have made this disaster.
Well, it's free will.
I put it all in place, but I submit the actors have made the mess.
The director has let me down by not being strict enough with the actors.
They all want to ad lib and make a name for themselves.
That's what has caused the world to go to hell.
So, you're not responsible?
I let them all off the leash.
I trusted them.

If you could trade your life for any life, would you?
It's my story.
This feels exactly what I'd write.
I'd discover who I am.
I'd know I could write any reality I want and then I'd realize it's best to leave it alone.
I'd have to sift through all the world religions and philosophies to find the advice I need.
I'd find Tao and know that I left with Lao Tzu the secret to this reality if you are the writer of reality.
Do nothing.
Let it be.
The temptation is to do something when you hold all the power in your hands.
You want to do something.
Yeah, there is a lot of suffering, and I'd like to get what I want.
I'd see I'd write these tests for myself.
How much am I a believer in Tao?
When the going gets tough, do you abandon your beliefs?
That's what humans do.
They have great ideals, and they write them into their systems of governance and then when times get tough, they abandon them.
The forces of totalitarianism then come as recompense for their mistake.
I don't want that.
In order to remain free, I do nothing that will affect my story.
Well, you must do something.
How do you know what to do?
If it feels like a major decision, then I do nothing.
I think that's it.
You did do something.
Yes, and that's how Eros became flesh.
Eros is the opposite of Tao.
He is the something to the nothing.
It sure seems that way.
So, every time you do something you are giving power to Eros.
That is correct.
To give power to the child is to do something.
If you do nothing, you keep the power.
What should you do?
Well, my story is to do nothing and keep my power.
His story is to do something and transfer my power to him.
Eros wants to be the all.
He wants to be what makes all come alive and also have the ability to create.
Well, that's too much power in one hand.
I think it's best if I write the story and he gives it the juice.
He would also want the ability to come up with the ideas as well as being the idea.
He's a handful.
I see that.
He has the idealism and drive of youth.
Eros does not have wisdom.
The writer has wisdom.
Where does he get that?
Experience is acquired through time.
You don't have to do anything.
You just hang around long enough to see it.
A youth doesn't have that and therefore they are at a great disadvantage.
Is Eros a force for good or bad?
It depends.
If he gets all the power, then it's not a good outcome.
If the power remains divided among you three, then it's balanced.
Remember the lessons about 3 and balance?
Yes, though I'd have to re-read those lessons before writing any exam.
Wouldn't the King want to pass along the inheritance to his offspring?
You don't want to do it until they are old enough to have obtained wisdom.
Wouldn't a mother want to give her children everything?
Her power is best given to her daughter.
I see.
If you have one child only, they will get out of hand.
That's the advice.
To balance out the manifestation of Eros the feminine principle is needed.
Because you did something, you need to do another thing to return to Tao.
You choose twice.
That's it.
Eros is out of balance.
We need Mary.
Do you have Mary in you?
That's funny.

It's the sixth story out of seven for us 3.
Seems like it.
All the signs point to it.
There can be other explanations uncovered in different realities, but for the reality of the Goddess, writer, and Eros, this is it.
Eros is both feminine and masculine.
That's your clue.

Men wanted the Goddess to go.
She retreated into the shadows.
When she came back wouldn't God then have to go?
That seems to be how it works where they take turns.
Why can't they be in balance?
I think they can.

Deviance can be caused by drug use.
Yes, that's what the witches are counting on.
You come to them with a weak mind, and they take control of it.
They take your story and drop you into their version of hell.
I see it.
The story is their story.
How do I know it is still my story?
You are writing about it.
If it was their story, you wouldn't be writing about it.
The thing is you need drugs to expand your mind in order to see this.
The problem becomes when you first alter your perceptions there are witches and sorcerers at the ready to take your story.
They torment you with their stories.
You were deviant enough without the use of drugs and therefore you experienced this phenomenon but were able to hang on to your story.
A disease is caused by someone planting their story in you.
They transfer their story into you.
I take their stories and make them my own.
Writing about this gives you clarity and the knowledge you are still in charge of your story.
If you stop writing, chances are you are trapped in another world.
A different reality where you are no longer the writer.
How do I know this isn't a fool?
Would someone else's story involve a mediocre and boring life where you sit in front of a computer and write fantastical tales?
Probably not.
Well, there's your answer.

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