
Monday, January 6, 2020

morbidly famous

The journey to becoming anything is the path of the self. We all walk it; we all have an ego. Remembering who you are and where you came from, by stopping the world and seeing through culture, allows you to become a child again; the time before you were told who you were. Culture tries to make all flowers look the same. Your journey to self is sacred and involves discarding the part where culture tells you who you are, that becomes your ego, and instead you tell you who you are and discover the self.

Love is the fount at the trough of the wave of energy where we all return to and from this embrace we once again come forth as a self. This cyclical vibration being the way. We are unity and we reflect self; then we become the self and reflect unity. The journey never takes pause but is always in motion. We can never define our self completely as either or. Love shines the light on the path of the way back home.

I am at root undefined. I am an event. I can't define or pinpoint unity or separation as they are always changing. Because I come from unity does that mean it is the truth and all else is illusion? Does my coming forth from that unity mean my self is but an illusion? Or is it all one happening and unity implies separation no matter what linguistic tricks you try to deny it with? I will always go with everything and I can’t separate myself from the connection to all. I think that’s where we get hung up.

Why do we seek fame? In a way it is an urge that is the necessary byproduct of developing an ego. It is the expected pathological outcome. Predetermined might be a better word however creativity is best when left to flower on its own so I don’t think it is set in stone we all want to become famous. I do think the quest for fame is a malady but one that results from taking things too far, kind of like you need to eat but then some of us don’t know when to stop so we go too far and become obese. Fame is the same thing as obesity. We need to be recognized in order to survive or you become an afterthought. Dignity does come from recognition. A marginalized out group is easily dismissed and trodden upon hence a drive within us to make sure we don’t suffer the indignities of life by making sure we are known. Like all things, we can then take it too far and become obsessed with recognition, which plays into the ego. At some point in our lives we might want to climb that mountain of appearances and get to the top, get all shiny and enlightened, and be recognized for our accomplishments. It’s kind of a kick in the teeth to finally realize that the spiritual climb is just another iteration of the same game we play in all aspects of life, which is to get to the top and one up everyone else! Is there a way out of the trap?

You don’t need to do it, you are already it, and the all. That’s the way out of the trap. You play it small when you emphasize your individual achievements and aura of renown. You needed everyone else to get there. It’s like you are advertising you haven’t the foggiest idea who you are and where you come from. To be of ultimate service is to lead people to the realization of the fundamental unity of all and that part of this process is cyclically separating from the all and coming forth as a self but never losing the connection. It is lifting each other up and propelling us all on the journey towards the greatness of self and then walking all back home once again. To be recognized as a self and dignifying all others that have come this far, knowing that without each and everyone of us we couldn’t have made it up that mountain of appearances. Without a set of eyes to gaze upon its beauty, the sun doesn't shine in all its radiance as it climbs the mountain in the golden dawn. The sun needs you as much as you need the sun.

Being morbidly famous is an affliction you don’t want.

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