
Monday, November 6, 2023

getting high

The story of our life is all just window dressing hiding what animates our existence. The drama is a curtain which shields our individual vibrational cycle. The funny thing is it affects us all and we take great pains to put on a show for others, so they don't notice we are all guitar strings that have been eternally plucked. We perform on a stage called Life, a dance of energy which is crafted into a book of life. Full of chapters of ups and downs. We are all energetic dynamos who continually oscillate between on and off. This cycle goes up and it comes down. Learn to rest in peace because the opposite is going to return. We search out the good vibes that will keep us high on the top of the slope and avoid those who will bring us down. The eventuality that we will come down can't be bypassed, but we can seek out methods to lessen the impact. This is life for everyone. We are all junkies; slaves to the high, though the respectable among us will deny this is so. We do irrational things, we engage in mob mentality, we join religious cults, we take stimulants and drugs - all in search of the high. When we have no brakes and get too high, the anxiety pours in. When we hit the low, we wallow in self-pity and hope the doctor can give us a pill to get out of the hole we are in. Unfortunately, the pill prevents us from getting back to the high, we get stuck in being neither high or low, and the vibrancy of life is clouded. All is vibration and we all seek towards finding paths of good vibrations and escaping the bad.

I recently started listening to the 70s rock band ELO. As a youth, I never got into their music. I remembered a few tunes, especially, "Don't Bring Me Down." I recalled thinking it was an annoying song, not at the level of "Electric Avenue" but I would have been happy to never hear it again. Then I entered into a new phase of teachings about vibration, and I heard this song again. Yeah, it certainly encapsulates the motivation behind human interaction and experience.

I went to Texas a few weeks ago while depressed. I'm an even-steven guy so I don't get too high, and I don't get too low. I've never taken anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medications because I'm the human form of those pills. Call me Prozac! I'm in tune with my moods, so I feel the differences in energy, and I was reaching a low point coming into October, though I was trying to distract myself from my feelings. I didn't want to go on this trip and wasn't looking forward to it. I was going to sit in an all-night peyote ceremony in honour of my dear friend Parker. Turns out the peyote wasn't the main event or why I snapped out of my depression. The peyote people got me high. I'd never met a bunch of people who were so loving, supportive, and community minded. The weekend left an indelible mark on me. The high trajectory stayed with me as I returned home.

I surmised the interaction with these people gave me a contact high, alas I was unaware of the magnitude and scope. I got up on the following Saturday and noticed a food delivery charge from a Hamburger joint called A&W on my credit card from 3:30am. My daughter had placed the order. She's a vega-something, so out of late-night desperation she probably got fries or onion rings. I commented that the reason for this expenditure has only two plausible or possible scenarios: Number one is you are drunk. The other is you are high. Maybe both. This was the catalyst for remembering my latest science experiment. I acquired some cannabis edibles to try and figure out why this class of drug has negligible effect on me. I've never gotten high on it. More talkative and social are the observable effects. That morning I was reminded I had these and thought I'd take one late morning. Before I ingested anything, I commented to myself that I feel happy today. After about an hour I was high. I was so happy. I've never felt this happy. I touched true happiness. I went for a walk in the bush, sat down on a fallen tree log, and realized I'd never been truly happy in my life. This was unconditional happiness. I started to cry. I thanked Mary Jane (it's a cute name for the Great Goddess) for this gift.

As I sat in nature the course in vibration kicked into full gear. The teachings all started ten years ago when I first drank Ayahuasca. That first encounter with the Great Goddess ended with her repeatedly telling me all is vibration. I understood from a conceptual viewpoint, but I didn't really understand. The knowledge left a mark on me because I authored a poem about the statement. Four years later I was in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador drinking Huachuma when the grandfather spirit gave me an introductory course in vibration, frequency, harmony, and resonance. At the conclusion of the teachings, he told me I had homework to do regarding vibration. I did some of the work but never cracked the code or got the understanding I was searching for. Six years after that I ate an edible and the download of information was astounding. It just kept coming.

October 14th was the date of the revealing chapter in the vibration course. Of course, all is vibration. I'm in a total happiness vibe. The scientist in me wanted to figure out the combination used to get this happy and high. Was it Kambo, Peyote, or Community that elevated me and then made the edible get me to that high? Was it three cups of coffee? The scientist wants to know.

Then I saw what I wanted to know with striking clarity. Everyone wants that high and is trying to get to it. Whatever raises your vibration we seek out. We cycle between high and low, and the hit can potentiate or lessen the blow. Our behaviour is driven by the vibration. We know the low is coming and we seek out what will control the descent. When we start to get high again, we want to go fast. We want to find something to get us out of the low. We know we can find a similar vibration as ours, find resonance, and rocket to the top but then the horrific crash follows once we head back down the hill. So, we go for something safe, but it doesn't get us to the highest place we want to go. Then we look for the unicorn. The one who promises to modulate but can get us high. We want that high. Can they keep me satisfied while still getting me to that high? Perhaps you will find that fabled horse.

I saw the doorway into magic being the knowledge of vibrational cycles which affect us. First, identity where someone is on their cycle. The magician then manipulates reality to give them what they want and make them dependent on their gift of the hit. The sorcerer knows how to elevate and to take you down. If they can't capture your vibration, they will give you a steady diet of the low cycle and you will curse them for it. Their magic is in figuring out what makes someone tick at the precise moment in their cycle. The key to magic is to know what buttons to push during the cycle - but not too much of a good thing. If you master modulating someone's or your own vibration in order to attack and sustain the energetic pulse, then you know the secrets to magic. If you want to use it for gain, you must be prepared for the unforeseen consequences. We are slaves to that pulse and thus irrational when it comes to getting a hit of the light. Knowing better is not an impediment. Making good choices in our life isn't a concern at the time. We just want another hit. Applying what you think is a positive stimulus at the wrong part of the cycle makes it worse.

We know the stimulant of shopping gives a boost, so that one is very addictive. Look at all the junkies filling the shopping malls on weekends or in their spare time. Spending on what they don't need gets them high. Look at how powerful this is to make rational people do irrational things just to feel that hit! Methods of raising your vibration are rocket fuel to get you higher, or in the case of heading towards depression they offer temporary relief from the coming low. You won't escape it, but you'll try everything to avoid it.

Sex can be used to accelerate cycles. It's nitro. Timed wrong it sends you down deeper. Used on a positive swing, it's bliss.

We eat to get high. Then we get low because we overdo it and get fat. It's a vicious cycle. Let's do a full day of shopping followed by a filling meal. Yes, I feel good now!

The spiritual trip we go on is just another way to get high. I didn't want to admit this truth. I wanted my spiritual seeking to be noble and altruistic. There is an element to that hopeful sentiment. I couldn't turn a blind eye to the whole spiritual scene I'm surrounded by. I see the stench of humanity that permeates it all. This means a palpable decadence to the affair in which a blanket of crassness and hierarchy is overlaid on something you hoped would be pure. Maybe I can be content with the idea that the spiritual path is pure, and we foul it up? Being honest with myself, I know it is just another method I use to get that hit to keep me in the high ledger.

Who is the most high God? Of course, it's my God! He will get me into heaven. Heaven is permanent highness. This makes me chuckle. What an ingenious set up by my friend and confidant. Not only does he understand the course in vibration, but he also helped write it. He knows what motivates us, so he positioned himself as God and then worded the exercise so that if you are exemplary, you will be rewarded with being permanently high. This is so fucking funny. This is ingenious.

Listening to Ram Dass gets me high. He is a spiritual trip.

Music gets me high. It's my go to after a workday. Some people like to get anesthetized by television and alcohol after the day is done. I love the energy of a good beat or catchy tune to lift my spirits.

Parker was a master at raising people's vibration. He had many "best friends" because to be in contact with this guy meant you'd always want to go back for another hit of Parker's positivity. At the peyote gathering to memorialize him, many got up to praise Parker. It was more than praise. You would have thought Parker became Jesus in this lifetime. People spoke of this man in reverent tones. It was quite a spectacle. Why not? Parker gave everyone a lift.

There are people who get high by putting others down. The thrill of having power over someone can be a drug. Alternatively, there are those whose outlook just brings you down when you are in their presence. We call them Eeyores, after the pessimistic donkey from the Winnie the Pooh stories.

Eventually, you learn the answer is to embrace your darkness at the bottom of the cycle and transform it into a positive. Like I mentioned, you can rest in this peace. To put this into practice is difficult so the yo-yo continues for all. Head to the light, avoid the dark, chase the high, dread the low. Lay waste to all you treasure to avoid the darkness. Cast blame and aspersions to try and find temporary shelter from the storm. But it's coming, you can't escape it.

The world is a place of extreme vibrations. When I engage in the world, I become attuned to the excitement and lows of collective life. It will tire me out and thus I retreat inwards in order to re-centre. I am aware of my behaviour and need to be alone. Now that I understand vibration and cycles which govern our existence, the teaching cements. I figured out long ago that I'm energetically calm and can affect others' cycles, especially the out-of-control ones. I smooth out the highs and temper the lows. I'm Dr. Feelgood. The way I affect the vibrational slope in someone else makes me attractive. Some would say hypnotic. When they are headed up the mountain, I can make the moment at the top last longer. I have my tricks to add fuel to the fire once there. Then I'm showered with affection. When the vibration starts the downhill descent, I can slow it down. Eventually, I can't prevent the bottom. It's going to pick up speed and then my faults come into play and the other can see into my soul. Because I can modulate highs and lows, I have to make up time somewhere. It's the mid-point where I apply the acceleration and floor it so we can get to the bottom quicker. At the bottom I can smooth that out again. This is how I apply my magic to which I have been unaware for most of my life. For those who want to go fast, they find something to get them to the top in a hurry. They crash and are left a mess until the vibration takes them in a hurry to the bottom. Each energetic peak leaves them comatose. Unbearably high and depressingly low. Then the decision comes whether they want the rocket fuel to the top again and all its problems.

Plant medicines are a pharmacy devoted to vibration. The master plant for all interventions is tobacco. Tobacco elevates and dampens the vibration. The medicine is used in conjunction with intention. Your intention will direct the action tobacco has on what you apply it to. Illness is energetic disturbances, usually of a high vibratory kind. Using tobacco to heal involves reducing the frequency of the malady. In terms of depression, the intention would be to elevate the mood. In other words, raise your vibration. Anxiety is the opposite where the vibration must be tapered and lowered.

I figured out why marijuana never had much effect on me. I mirror the plant. People use it to chill out. Marijuana potentiates the good vibes in the chill until you overwhelm it with your bad vibes, and it gives the negative a boost. I'm chill and I have that effect on others, so when I partook of marijuana, the effect of raising the chill in someone like me who is chilled out had little influence. Ram Dass would say, "When you are already in Detroit, you don't have to take a bus to get there." I'm in Detroit. It was only when I went to Texas and sat with those peyote people that later something happened. Those people got me high and then when I took an edible, I amplified the high. I'd never been high and happy until that moment.

The spigot breeched. The knowledge of the day kept pouring in about vibration and cycles.

Twelve moons are the complete womanly cycle to resonate with the man. Men have four solar cycles within the twelve moons, so each cycle duration is threefold in terms of moons. Women are trifold in nature. Maiden. Mother. Crone. The peaks of high and low, light and dark, are within three moon cycles on repeat through each of the four transits between equinoxes and solstices. The pyramid has four three-sided triangles. The pyramid holds knowledge of the vibratory structure of existence. The dam is breaking, and knowledge is pouring out. I had a dream about the unlucky number 13 being the domain of the woman. The sentiment reflects that there are currently thirteen moons within the masculine year. Thirteen is unlucky because a woman must spend an extra moon cycle trapped in the masculine solar year. It's unlucky because this extra moon is going to be rough for all involved. Over a three-moon cycle, there will be a shift from solstice to equinox or vice versa. The return to solstice is another three moons. Within the masculine year are two trips of six moons between solstice and equinox. The completed journey should be twelve moons. Within the masculine solar year, we go up once and then back down. Within the four quarters of the year are the feminine lunar cycles, so that the trip up and down the mountain has the more frequent feminine variation of high and low mixed in with a more constant masculine high and low.

The feminine and masculine cycles to be in harmony involve a sun year of 360 days and a month consisting of 30 days. There would be 12 moons within the solar year. The solstices and equinoxes would all be marked by an alignment with the moon. Three moons to the equinox and another three to the solstice. In sync, our vibration goes up over a six-month period and then comes down. We have two solstice peaks combined with an uphill climb and a descent. The equinoxes put us in balance.

Women and men do not live in harmony, and this is reflective in the celestial truth. The masculine sun takes a little longer than 365 days to complete the year and the feminine moon takes 29.5 days to complete her cycle while around 27 days to orbit the material earth. However, the duration of the lunar cycle can vary by almost two days. How's that for unpredictability? When we are to renew our wedding vows you will see within the cosmos an alignment of these cycles. Further complicating matters is the 13th moon needed within the masculine solar year. The three four relationship is broken.

Let me use an example to try to explain what I mean. Let's say a woman and a man's cycles start to align and they reach congruence and total resonance on April 17th. They would reach the summit together in a perfect union before the lack of celestial harmony would cause their cycles to go out of sync. Over the course of a solar year their vibrational cycles would diverge by 11 days. This is because the lunar year is 354 days and the solar year is 365 days. The following April 17th would be the high point for the man; however the woman would reach the zenith on April 6th. Further complicating the calculations are leap years every four years because of the quarter extra day in the 365. So, in 2024 the summit for the man would be calendrically April 16th and April 5th for the woman. The disparity would increase every year until the tide turns and the two head back towards synchronicity. 

It is possible to temporarily align cycles within our time on earth, however the resonance is fleeting. Eventually, they will diverge because woman and man are not in harmony. Two can form a union of the highest high when everything aligns. The opposite result is on the horizon and to the lowest low you will sink together. So, do you recognize and ride those waves, or do you misalign the cycles once again, so your partner is balancing out the union? This way the relationship can play off each other's vibrational peaks and valleys and not risk entering together into the lowest low.

When you unlock the secret other mysteries jump out at you such as the aforementioned pyramids. Check out this download of information considering the perfect circle. The lunar cycle is more precisely 29.53 days. Multiplied over twelve cycles pushes the total closer to 355. Then you see a difference of five days for each polarity from the perfect circle of 360. The man got off track, so the woman adjusted her cycle to compensate. This now leaves 13 moons within the solar revolution.

I lived out the most intense vibrational cycle of up and down in my life. It started in October of 2022 and was completed just recently. I reached the top in April of 2023 and then began the descent where I bottomed out in early October of this year. I went through the entire process unaware of how cycles affect me. Now, I look back and am amazed. Everything lines up. Once you recognize your own cycle and map it out, you can see why things happen. It's why she always leaves. She sees perfection and then comes the miserable wretch she is witness to. To King I shall return. After recognizing the pattern, the magic comes into play. You can manipulate reality based upon known cycles. The question is - do you want to? Actions will inevitably have consequences. Is the smart play to take advantage of the knowledge and put yourself in situations which will correspond to your current vibratory state? If the vibe you are giving off reveals flaws in your character, then lay low.

Imagine in my role of the divine masculine I deputized you to record all these celestial observations and work towards aligning my cycle with that of my Queen? What a task you have been assigned. So, there you are, clipboard in hand, recording various cycles and trying to juggle the outcomes to satisfy the King. This scientist sure wanted a challenge, and he didn't disappoint. The moon cycle was quickened, the cycles aligned, and the union was accomplished. Remind me to congratulate him the next time I see him and give him a reward. He wears yellow to stand out, so I'll see him again.

There's the vibration and then there is the potentiator of the vibration. The gas. Homework is to gain clarity and apply this to your understanding of energy. The feminine is the vibration and she is called on in ancient Egyptian ceremony through the shaking of the sistrum and in the Amazon basin she is propitiated through the shaking of the shacapa. Her form is the undulating serpent in these ceremonies with her wave pattern demonstrating her nature. The energetic signature is given rise by awareness of her beauty. She is the spark which ignites the flame; the activation of libido. The burning within the divine masculine increases the oscillation of the vibratory wave of the divine feminine. Thus, we have separation of form, and the universe comes alive. The next question is the nature of the result of the energetic dalliance between the woman and the man. This is you. Children of the divine are the coming forth of desire.

Who am I? I am the son of Goddess and God existing in the crest of the wave of what just is. I am in mother's playground, her vibratory garden. She is the master weaver, stitching together strands of vibration which creates the illusion of form. My father provides his energy to keep mother's garden growing. As a gift to her children, we all have the capacity to create another garden.

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