
Monday, August 26, 2024

getting to god

I think I can see into the future.
I can foreshadow.
I anticipated what work needed.
Beginner steps into understanding.
My writing will foreshadow what is to come.
Yeah, the witches are going to cut your dick off.
Do I have time to prepare?
A bunch.
I was pointed to a blog post where I foreshadowed the appearance of Jesus.
Oh, I see it.
Many will try to get to God through Jesus.
They can't do it by themselves, so they go through him.
It all makes sense now.
This means I'm not crazy.
Good for me.
Jesus offered his services to me when I was on the path to God.
I shook his hand and went on my way.
That was quite the adventure to get to God on my own.
Lots of obstacles in the path.
Some people got mad at me and called me names.
They looked at me with hatred and I was confused.
I didn't do anything.
You're winning and you did it on your own.
It's jealousy.
Nobody can do it without going to their doom, yet somehow you made it through.
How the fuck did you do it?
I don't know.
I kept my head down and my stick on the ice.
Goalie training.
Isn't it head up?
Yeah, that's right.
I stayed out of other people's way and kept an eye on them.
People suck, eh?
I've met some good ones.
What are you going to do with your time?
Why, because I got to God?
I'm going to fuck around for a bit.
It's good to take a step back and see the big picture.

Tell me, how did you get to God?
Well, go to the Goddess first as a lowly human male.
She'll wonder what the fuck is up with you.
What man does that?
We are all narcissists, and a man especially wouldn't go to the Goddess.
He'd head for God first.
I showed up on her doorstep and she welcomed me in.
She's a great lady.
She did so much for me.
She opened many doors and gave me a cloak of protection.
Then the Devil was waiting for me.
He wanted me to sell my soul in exchange for getting to God.
Did you do it?
No, I didn't know what I was doing.
I didn't know I was trying to get to God.
He was in the way, so I told him to do what he wanted and leave my family out of it.
I didn't sign anything.
He said he'd kill me.
I didn't give in.
I passed his test.
Then we became close.
You're friends with the Devil?
Yes, that's how you get to God.
He's the other face.
It's pointless to tell you because you won't believe me.
You asked me to tell you how I got to God.
I'm letting you know.
You can take me at my word, or you can dismiss me as crazy.
Some people spit on me and call me names.

That's why the witches want to castrate you.
You used the Goddess to beat them.
Now, the witches are pissed because you summoned the Goddess.
Men aren't allowed to see the Goddess.
She's off limits.
I got to the Goddess before I got to God.
That's what's funny about it.
Everyone is so selfish.
A man would go to God first.
Get there, and then look for the Goddess.
That's why they fail.
You on the other hand are the only man whoever went to the Goddess first.
Then you went to God afterwards.
No one ever did that.
That's the secret.
You honour her first.
God honours her first.
The rest are just pretenders.
They honour themselves.
For me is the Goddess coming first.
She also wants to come last.
As a man you must honour the Goddess first.
I usually do, unless I fuck up.
For the big test, I didn't fuck up.
I honoured her first.
A woman would have to get to God first.
There's a lot of them in western religions who do that.
That would get to God first, but not understand.
Then they get hypnotized, and they don't look for the Goddess.
If you see a woman who has fallen for God, tell her about the Goddess.
They won't go to her.
They are hypnotized by only seeing God.
They will put the Goddess in opposition and say it's false worship.

You always wanted to be special.
I'm special now.
You're the most special.
They put you in special classes.
Told you that you were special.
It was a class for retards.
Smart retards.
You didn't fit in.
Think about that: You didn't even fit in with a special class for smart retards.
That makes you the most special.
They know they can't fool you, so they put you in a special class and tell you you're special.
That will hypnotize you.
You avoided all that.
You're the special one who got away.
I didn't even go to university.
That's an advanced school for brainwashing.

Okay, so I'm God.
What do I do now?
You'll just start to see it.
You're smart enough to do nothing about it.
Let it play out.
It's your story.
You wrote it.
Do you see the secret now?
The writer is the secret.
He only comes forth in somebody who doesn't change their story.
That's clever.
The advice is don't change the story.
Yes, you do nothing.
It's Tao.
You think Tao is some great ethereal and mystical practice.
Tao allows you to get to the Goddess or God and win the game.
The writer picks you because you didn't change his story.
That's how the writer knows who he is.
You're the one who didn't change his story.
The writer's story.
This is it.

Scammers are teaching you.
They teach you everyone's a scammer, so don't follow others.
Then you make it through your own labyrinth, and you find God.
You realize God is a stone idol.
That's the story that is right in front of your face.
So, you keep going.
Well, some keep going, others are happy finding God.
You kept going and found the writer.
That's your game.
Nobody sees your game.
They wouldn't understand it.
The closest they can come is thinking they are going to God.
They can't get past that part.
It's not your full story.
They can't figure out your full story and what makes you special.
Many get to the doorstep of God, and they find a stone idol.
You kept going.
It's a good way to turn you to stone.
You try to get to God, you become God and immediately realize God is a stone idol.
He's Buddha in your garden.
A big and fat stone idol.
You can't stop seeking for God or you'll lose.
Nobody takes that last step and survives.
Most just look.
They can't become God because they'll become stoned.
That's their belief.
You walked past God and became the writer.
I one upped the concept of God.
Nobody can do what you did.
I guess they want to figure out how I did it.
I freely give out the information and no one believes me.

The top or bottom of the pyramid would be the final step.
There's nowhere to go after that.
That's why it blows up.
When you get to the top of the pyramid, or the bottom, there's nowhere to go.
You could go back down or go back up.
Nobody wants to do that once they hit the pinnacle.
They want glory.
I see how it goes.
When you get to God, you want glory.
Glory in the highest.
Why else would you do it?
You will blow up and turn to stone.
You got to God because it was something to do.
It was a puzzle.
I wasn't in it for glory.
I didn't go to the darkest dark for power.
I wanted to find meaning.
Did you find meaning?
I found there's no meaning and it's all nonsense.
I found a concept that seemed to be the meaning I was looking for.
It's unconditional love.
You love for no reason.
I couldn't figure it out though.
How do I do that?
Then I saw you do not care.
Then you will find it in your heart.
This is a good fairy tale story.
Yeah, end it with that and it's a bestseller.
So, you find unconditional love in a world that has no meaning and is nonsense?

Monday, August 19, 2024

beyond god

Life is a trip.
Sometimes you are high and sometimes low.
If you let it be, you will return to balance.
If you roll the dice again on incarnation, your life might be positive or negative.
Suffering is a great teacher.
The best spiritual material comes from the poor.
Well, except for Buddha, he was a prince.
He was conflicted by what he saw.
He gave up wealth to get to God.
He made it.
Yeah, that's why there are reminders of stone Buddhas everywhere.
There's one carved into a cliff in Leshan, China.
Let that be a reminder.
I think it means something different to you.
God as an idea is an idol made of stone.
If you traverse the labyrinth of the mind to find God, you will see he is made of stone.
What does that mean?
God is a rock who you worship.
Getting to God will end you.
If you take that last step, you will destroy yourself.
You will turn to stone.
What if you just opt for the stone monument over your coffin?
You are letting everyone know you are a failure.
Buddha got it correct.
You are warped.
It's the truth.

The Ten Commandments of God in the Old Testament starts off with demanding you have no other gods before Yahweh.
The second one forbids you from making a carved image of him.
I mean if I wrote it, I'd probably start off with telling people to do nothing as the first commandment.
I'd make it a suggestion.
The second commandment would be to not care.
Somehow, I'd tell the following with the third commandment to love those you don't care about.
However, it wouldn't be a commandment.
That's good, I don't need ten.
Why do you think Yahweh starts off his demands with how you should worship him?
He knew you'd turn him to stone.
He's trying to have it both ways.
He's on the edge where he can see the power of God, but he knows God is stoned.
If his followers carve images of him, they will turn him to stone.
The first commandment tells you to forget about the other pretenders trying to get to God and the second says don't turn him to stone.
That's an interesting way of looking at things.
Why else would you make your first two pronouncements about yourself?
If you think you are God, you're a fucking narcissist, so of course the first few commandments are all about you.
The proof is in the pudding.

Okay, what's your excuse?
You mean my secret?
Yeah, sure.
You obviously think you are God and yet you didn't turn to stone.
Stone is a euphemism for destruction.
If you get to God, you will turn to stone and destroy yourself.
When you get to that point you will feel the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You mean like Atlas?
Something like that.
It will be time to go when you get to God.
You can't stay in this world if you get to God.
You're still here.
How did you do it?
I didn't do anything, and I didn't care that I became God.
Not only that, but I saw there was more to the game.
I will call it beyond God.
That's a good title.
Yeah, it's provocative and mysterious.
Maybe you'll get a dozen readers for this post instead of single digits.
Hey, it keeps me humble.
Being God can get to your head.
Like I said, I'm past God.
He's in the past.
I can see him, but I didn't hang around that state.
That would have turned me to stone.
So, who are you now?
I'm the writer of this ridiculous story.
Who turns you to stone?
The Goddess.
The Greeks had this figured out, they coded it into myth, and then forgot the meaning.
Why does she turn you to stone?
It's because you are an asshole and deserve it.
To get to God, you toss her aside and forget about her.
You haven't answered my question.
What's that?
How did you do it and not turn to stone?
Oh, right.
I did something out of the ordinary and unexpected.
I thought you said you did nothing?
I did nothing to get to God.
I did a lot to find the Goddess.
I started with trying to figure out the origin of beliefs.
This study took me to ancient Egypt, and I immersed myself in their beliefs.
I became fascinated with their goddesses and realized this civilization knew how to enter the world of spirit.
I wanted to do that as well, so I searched for a method.
I settled on Amazonian shamanism.
It didn't disappoint.
My intention was to contact the Great Goddess.
I had no pretenses of being God.
To my amazement I found her, and she treated me like God.
I didn't fall for it.
I was still a nobody in my mind.
She told me to come away with her.
She took me into her castle made of gold and treated me like God.
I still had no idea who I was.
Imagine a selfish human male looking for meaning and going to the Goddess first.
Who would do that?
No one except for me.
I got to the Goddess as a lowly spiritual pilgrim, and I worshipped her.
She protected and guided me.
It's how I did it.
When I eventually got to God her cloak of protection was my shield against the forces of destruction.
People were telling me it was time to go, and I would see the signs everywhere.
The shield is a mirror which reflects this energy back at the source.
I felt them come for me, but I weathered the storm.
I was naive to what was going on, yet I could feel it.
It would be like being trapped in a thunderstorm and getting drenched all the while doing nothing about it.
When the storm cleared, I saw there was more to this game.
No one gets this far.
I'm telling you the secret to my success is the Great Goddess.
Say what you will and call me whatever names you wish.
Let it be known that I stand here today in knowledge, strength, and conviction due to the love and support of the Great Goddess.

Monday, August 12, 2024

love and lust

Lust separates and love brings together.
Love introduces caring.
Caring causes separation.
It's best to not care in order to stay in love.
Lust causes you to objectify the other and desire them.
The desire leads you towards wanting to become one with them.
Desire causes union.
To stay in lust, don't fulfill desires.
Love and desire lead to union.
Lust and caring lead to separation.
Explain that one.

If this world continues on, then you get remembered in order to reincarnate.
You do that by choosing both methods.
You have children and you make others remember you.
Others will remember me as God.
Or something worse.
It's all downhill from God.
I'll take magician.
I like that one.
As long as they remember you, that's how you return.
Someone must have thought I was God.
There's a few.
That's all you need.
Okay, but what if you do nothing?
You mean don't reproduce and no one knows who you are?
That's Tao, so it works.
It's the best option.
Go be a hermit on the top of the mountain.
You can't be forgotten because no one knows who you are.
That's a mind twist.
Once people find out who you are, you have chosen a side.
Then you must reproduce to balance it out.
Then you can get back to Tao.
The problem is choosing just one side.
If you are well known and don't reproduce, then you must rely on others to remember you.
If you reproduce and no one knows who you are, you will be forgotten.
That's most people's situation.

I want to know how this mad world ends?
You mean how to blow it up and get onto the 7th and final world?
It's when a winner is declared.
We all know Eros is going to win.
Then get everyone together and make an announcement.
Eros keeps returning.
You can always count on Eros reincarnating.
They are the GOAT.
Eros is too young to understand.
Well, I guess you have some time to fuck around until then.
Just remember don't choose a side or you will fuck up the game.
Smoking helps.
It's a slow way of killing yourself.
Yeah, I get it.

Do you keep your genetic signature alive in this world so that when you come back you have a place to go?
You have offspring and keep the cycle of transformation going.
That's the cycle.
I must figure this out.
It's why you have children.
It's selfish self-preservation.
What about those who don't have children?
They are counting on being remembered.
Like Parker?
You will remember him.
Lots of people remember him.
He didn't need children.
He still is counting on others instead of himself.
If you want to ensure transformation, you have children and make yourself memorable.
I have children, not sure I'm memorable.
You are playing for the big prize of getting to God and then everyone will remember you.
I'm already there.
No one cares.
I can't go around telling everyone I'm God.
No one will believe it and you will be ostracized.
Or worse, you'll end up like Jesus and they will hang you on a cross.
It worked for him; everybody knows about him.
Yeah, that was a successful gambit.
He is well known and has no children.
Do you think he will come back?
He's playing the long game where once everyone knows about him then he will come back.
He's a driven narcissist.
Jesus wants to lord his victory over death over everyone.
He will make quite the grand re-entrance once he accomplishes what he set out to do.
Everyone needs to know about him, so go tell everyone about him.
Jesus seems different from what we have been told.
That's because no one looked closely at it.
His game is transformation through getting everyone to remember him.
He had no offspring and chose a side.
It's not going to work to his satisfaction.
You must do both.
It's a fundamental principle of Tao.
Never choose one way.
If you choose just one path you must rely on others to help you because there's two.
You can see it with Jesus.
He can't do it alone, he needs everyone's help to pull this ambitious plan off.
There's always going to be someone somewhere who hasn't heard about him.
Then he is stuck in limbo.
He will never return.
Jesus had an ulterior motive?
That's what I'm telling you.

Nobody looks at these stories closely.
It's like Isis and Osiris in ancient Egypt.
Osiris was cheating on that witch.
He even cheated with her sister.
Isis had her brother Set murder and dismember Osiris.
She forgot to get an heir to the throne before her fit of jealousy and rage, so she had to put him back together and then get pregnant.
Then she left him for dead and fed his penis to a fish in the Nile.
Yeah, it's gone.
The rest of him is intact except for his cock.
He's emasculated.
Isis made the template for all witches.
Seems that way.

It's all about the two ancient Egyptian Goddesses Hathor and Isis.
Goddess and Witch.
They became one after Egypt got weak.
They are two again.
You are hypnotized when you can't see them as two.
First, you find the one.
Well, first you must figure out there's a Goddess.
Then you see the Goddess, but you don't see there's two.
You are hypnotized at first.
It's right in your face and you don't see the two.
I saw them.
I didn't figure it out for a while.
Now you see the two.
The writer has to take one and make it two.
That's how you write a story.
You need two to write a story.
Without two, there's just a story about you.
That's narcissism and solipsism.
I saw my own two the other day, so it makes sense I'd see her two a few days later.
You make the Goddess two and it becomes a good story.
Yeah, witch and Goddess.
You couldn't write a story about Goddess and God.
No, they're going to live happily ever after.
They have children and it's all good.
When things get too good the trick is to divide it into two.
If the story stops moving, then you go back to light and dark.
You searched for the Goddess, found her, and then the story was going to stop moving, so you split her off into a witch.
She was always a witch.
I didn't see it for a long time.
You didn't want to believe it.
It was always there.
You didn't look at the witch.
If you do, she turns you to stone.
You only saw the Goddess, so her spells didn't work.
It's like in old paintings where they couldn't see and paint perspective.
You can see the story; you don't understand it.
Now you understand Osiris' story.
I can't say he didn't deserve it.
I mean put yourself in Isis' sandals and deal with that betrayal.
Especially the betrayal of her sister Nephthys.
Yeah, but the dog Anubis who was conceived became Osiris' best friend.
Anubis' other half, Wepwawet, is Osiris' guide to his resting place in the cemetery at Abydos.
How do you know all this?
I read a lot of books in preparation for my transformation.
Transformation into what?
A know-it-all.

You see it now.
I wonder how you missed it?
I thought men were blameless.
Now that you see, it's easy to see why women want to cut men's dicks off.
Osiris met that fate.
Sometimes, I'm Osiris in the story.
It's why I think the witches are going to cut my dick off.
It's understandable.
It's because he messed with a witch.
I charm the witches in my life.
I make them forget they are witches.
Then they remember and rage at me.

I think the dream merges with reality.
That's why everything starts to line up and it seems strange.
What's real?
The dream or this reality?
The twist would be the dream is real and this is a dream.
You figure out your story, which is the dream, and you bring it into this world.
Can you handle it without going mad?
Yeah, because I can see into it.
When you cross the river, the current is strong.
The anxiety hits.
Breath through it and you are good.

This is ingenious.
I can see how it would make you scared.
Yeah, because it is dark.
People get scared of the dark.
This is twisted.
It's a sign of who you are.

Monday, August 5, 2024


Anxiety is crazy.
It's the control and lack of it which will make you crazy.
It's why dictatorships end in disaster.
They get power and they go crazy.
It doesn't matter who you are, that level of control will make you crazy.
Anxious people seek to control their environment and then that wanting of control will make them go crazy.
Depressed people aren't usually crazy.
It's the anxious people who go crazy.
The vibration is out of control.
So, I'm not crazy?
You're good.
You seem crazy to those others who are crazy.
You used to have anxiety when you were younger.
It caused upset, especially in the stomach, and then a worried feeling where you wanted to get it under control.
I remember it.
How did you solve it?
I stopped caring.
The way to prevent anxiety is to stop caring.
If you don't care about something it won't bother you.
Anxiety bothers you.
If you learn not to care, anxiety won't bother you.
Therapists give anxiety patients strategies to cope.
There is an easy solution to the problem.
Just don't care.
It's the magic formula.
That's how you did it.
You stopped caring.
That's how you deal with all your financial problems, relationships, and deadlines.
Pretty much everything.
Is the company going under?
You know, I might care the day it happens because I'll have to get another job, but until then I don't care.
It's like last year where I knew shit was coming but I didn't do anything.
I didn't care until I had to.
The other people end up caring, so they end up doing something.
I just float downstream.
They couldn't believe I took it that far.
I didn't care.
That will be on my gravesite tombstone.
I thought you wanted to be cremated?
Whatever, I don't care.
This strategy prevents anxiety and puts you in the flow.

How's this for psychology?
If the ones who seek control can't get control, they will censor.
Then comes the ban.
They will get rid of the problem.
See how that fits into your life?
Why did the witch get rid of you?
She couldn't control you.
There was nothing wrong with your performance.
Your performance was great.
Yes, thanks Jack.
She couldn't control you.
She's a control freak and you're out of control.
You just pretend that you can be controlled.
It's a fool.

We only love people we care about, and we don't love people we don't care about.
If you love people you don't care about, it's unconditional love.
When you care, you end up suffering.
I learned that last year.
I still wanted to be friends afterwards.
It's because I didn't care.

If you have a mindset of caring and anxiety, how would you understand somebody who doesn't have that mindset?
Do they hate you if you don't care?
They get really pissed off.
Doesn't it damage your heart?
You know they want to drag you into their world.
They want to take you into the abyss.
You let them go and see if they return.

The vampire people are feeding off you.
The drain takes away my anxiety.
You let them take a bite, they get anxious, and you feel peace.
That is what you do.

Just as thirst is instructing you to hydrate, anxiety teaches you to slow down.
Take a mental break.
It pushes back against being too high and re-centres you.
Your body will teach you about dosage and passage.
Ingesting Mary Jayne will give you a short-term gain because she is a choice.
The word gain is fluid.
It is an alteration.
The hit of anxiety is the body getting you to slow down.
Mary Jayne will go higher, and your body's balancing mechanism puts the brakes on her.
That's how it works.
The body naturally is an equilibrium machine so to follow the flow and be in a harmonious state listen to your body.
The body will tell you what you need to do and know.
Eventually, stasis leads to no choice.
If you are in perfect balance, you never make a choice.
Being out of balance forces you to make choices to try and balance the initial domino.
Choices can have either effect.
Remember, balance wins the game.
Assess where you are in balance and out of balance and make a choice or no choice to get that domino balanced.
You are spiritually balanced.
This means you make no choices spiritually and you will remain in balance.
Is your life a mess?
Yes and no.
It is a mess but it's a perfect mess.
What to do?
It's a balanced life though quite weird.
It's quite the performance.
The audience will eventually tire of this magic trick but for now it's impressive.
Thank You.