
Monday, September 16, 2024


You are still full of ideas, aren't you?
They keep coming out.
It's the writer phase.
It's the 5th step on the pyramid.
You are into the pyramid story.
It fits into my thinking and life story.
There's a pyramid on the US Dollar bill.
Yeah, that's funny.
Those Free Masons must have smoked a lot of Mary Jayne.
They have a connection to Jewish mysticism as well.
It ties together, however enough of a mystery remains, so you can't put all the pieces together and make a definitive claim.
There are pyramids all over the world.
It's in our human collective consciousness.
It's the game.
That's why.
Do you have a better explanation?
Why go through the ridiculous enterprise of building a pyramid if there isn't some grandiose meaning behind the symbol?
Do you know the game?
My delusions are strong enough that I can declare I know the game.

Culture throws a lot of bricks at your head.
They spoil the forest of your mind.
They are relics of an old story.
That's what pyramids are.
Relics of an old story.
You find the pyramid and then remember the old story.
Relics of a story of the dawn Goddess.
Your story in the stars.
The story of light and dark.
The story of the mother.
The lady of the west.
Her son.

If I choose to be, I'm free.
There's nothing holding me in place.
That would contribute to the time to go question because if nothing's holding you back, you're free to do what you want.
It means you've accomplished what you came here to accomplish.
You got to the writer.
That would be your story.
It seems the story would end when you got to the writer.
The twist is you become the writer and then you can write whatever you want.

Money is power and powerful men have it.
You have a different kind of power.
It isn't money.
It's the power of the pyramid.
You figured out the pyramid when nobody could or would.
The pyramid is the Goddess.
It's Mary.
You went to the Goddess first and she gave you a cloak of protection.
That's one of the secrets.
I got to where I wanted to go and then I didn't blow up because I had pyramid power.
The power of the Goddess.
I saw that in an Ayahuasca ceremony.
It was a little creepy.
The Goddess was at the head of the pyramid cult.
It was her game.
Men stopped playing her game.
They didn't want to worship her.
The only way to get to the top of the pyramid is to worship the Great Goddess.
You did it.
Now, you have all that power.
You made it to the top of the pyramid.
It's quite the climb.
I can see the top, I wouldn't say I'm there yet.

What if I stopped using Mary Jayne?
You'd lose your connection to the mind.
That spiritual thing you have going on.
You'd look for another way.
That's what kept you going back to Peru.
You wanted to go back into that realm of spirit with the Goddess.
Then you found MJ and she takes you there.
Without her, you'd find something else, and you have an idea of what that is, so you know MJ is the one.
She takes you to the pyramid game.
That's the ultimate game.
Everyone's trying to get to where you are.
That's why they get desperate to play the game anyway they know how.
You know to take mild to moderate doses of MJ and not touch the other stuff.
Most people don't know about the game until they do drugs.
You knew about it before you did that.
You were trying to figure it out.
I knew it had something to do with the lost Goddess.
You turned to psychedelics because you were looking for her.
You had discovered her but knew you could contact her spiritually.
You figured out a way to do that.
Look at this guy.
You did and she rewarded you for it.
She gave you a cloak of protection.
You continued your journey and made it through.
All you had to do was keep going because she gave you the cloak of protection.
The question I had was, is the game a byproduct of drugs?
Well, what do you think?
No, I was playing it before psychedelics.
You were oblivious to the reason or outcome.
You were just playing the game.
It was a good game, but yes you do need more.
You need to get directly involved.
So, you did.
Remember what you said about games?
You want to continue to play the game.
It's no fun when the game ends.
I want to continue playing.
Let that be your guide.
Yeah, but I see the top of the pyramid of power.
I was onto the pyramid, the akhet, and Eros before any drugs.
That was impressive.
It's the reason I went to the Amazon jungle, walked into it, and took those drugs in the middle of the night.
It's a good story about rediscovering the pyramid story.
You just stumbled along into it.

If you get to God, then you declare you've won and blow up.
Language is wonderfully expressive.
When people get famous, we say they blow up.
If you get to God, you literally blow up.
It's not a metaphor.
That's the reason why your story ends when you get to God.
It's the end of the story.
He's a stone idol and you blow up.
You think you got to the end.
You didn't.
There's the writer who is beyond God.
The writer is at the top of the pyramid but he's also 3.
The writer can be any one of the three actors.
They change it up.
So, whoever the writer is has as the other face of the writer, Goddess and Eros.
Together they are 3, but they never seem to be together, and they never become one.
The story would be the 3 become the one.
That would put you in non-duality.
The opposite is duality.
If you think non-duality is the be all and end all then that would be the final 3 of the game.
However, duality is another perspective.
You can say there's always duality.
It depends on where you look.
Okay, you could say that non-duality is just another construct in duality.
You could say that.
Can you say the other thing?
Duality is a construct in non-duality.
I don't think you can say that.
There's nothing in non-duality.
You don't know nothing.
The only reason you would find out is because of the vibration which would take you out of a non-dual state.
I see what you're saying.
You're saying that the vibration is everything.
It's the motion.
It's the cushion for the pushing.
Yeah, okay.
You are saying the story is everything.
You would be saying the writer is an aspect of the story.
Well, to recap, the vibration moves through duality and non-duality.
When you are in non-duality, it is true.
Nothing else exists, and it's a true state of non-dualism.
It's the vibration that takes you from that.
The vibration is a story.
Doesn't the writer have to write the story?
Where does he get the idea?
The Goddess.
So, she's the story?
No, Eros is the story.
Eros is the vibration.
Yes, he's at the top but we already knew that he was going to win.
I don't know why you think you are the most powerful and will win.
It felt kind of good for a minute.
At least they know I'm powerful.
I'm going to the top of the pyramid.
There's the writer, Goddess, and Eros.
You need all 3.
You see without the Goddess, Eros has no meaning.
She gives meaning to the idea of a vibration and then you write it.

The idea of 3 is because Apollo was late to the opening of this story.
The story was supposed to be about 4.
Doesn't that mean the writer is the all?
He decided on 3.
He wanted to make it 4.
Yeah, but the original story was 3.
He always changes the Goddess' story.
He was going to make the story 4 original spirits.
Then Apollo didn't show up.
So, he had to quickly rewrite it to 3.
He ended up doing the Goddess' 3 story.
She's running that pyramid thing.
This is her story.
Yeah, but the writer is writing it.
She's Trinity from the Matrix movies.
The story of 3.
You and the fucking Matrix, always writing that storyline.
It's her story because she's in charge of the pyramid.
She has the power of birth and death.
She had to give that power to the writer so he could write the story.
That's the power you have.
Birth and death.
The writer creates characters and destroys characters.
I sure do.
You could write the Goddess out of her own story.
Did you do that?
For a while.
Yeah, I did it so that I could find her again.
You know, like a mystery a couple thousand years old.
So, there's 3 powers.
Yes, and whoever is playing the Goddess is playing out her chosen story.
Even though the writer brings this universe into being it's the Goddess' creation.
There's always 3, it's the writer who tries to fool you into thinking 1, 2, or 4.
Any more than that gets crowded.
1 usually works as people want to believe in one thing.
The writer got tricked by the light into writing a story of 3.
3 is the 1.
So, I would go to the writer and then be able to see 3?
Yeah, but who wins?
That's the whole thing.
Remember you don't want a winner because then the game will end, so you made a game and story that won't end.
Not only that, but we know that Eros will win the game.
We must wait until someone decides it's game over.
They were trying to get you to go.
Seems that way.
It didn't work.
The game continues.
They can't get me to go.
I'm the one who wants to keep the game going.
When the game ends, you must start a new game.
It might suck or it might be good.

The Goddess used Apollo to trick the writer into finally writing the story of 3.
Who's Apollo?
That's you.
The Goddess gave you a cloak of protection so that the writer wouldn't see his other half until it was too late.
He already wrote this story.
That's a good story, right?
Yes, so Apollo is the other half of the writer.
The writer doesn't find out about him until he's already written the story.
He was just another of the many billions of fucking characters in the story until finally the writer found out about him.
He's the 4th who was supposed to be in the story.
Instead, he only shows up afterwards.

2 steps ahead seems to be what you must figure out.
You look 1 step ahead and that allows you to figure out which way you need to go.
2 steps ahead sets the course for the rest of the adventure.
Once you're on to the 3rd step, you're locked in.
Yes, because the 4th step is the 4th step of the 4 steps we see.
The 1st step gets the game going and then the 2nd step is what you want to be sure of.
That 2nd step will set up the 3rd.
The 2nd step might be the right or wrong choice.
Once you hit that 3rd step, you know what the 4th step is.
Where are you in your life?
I was at 0 steps until middle age.
I was just gathering up what I needed for the climb.
The 1st step was trying to figure out what I needed to climb.
That's what got this whole thing going.
It's been going on for 16 plus years.
The 2nd step was getting involved with shamanism and psychedelics.
That allowed you to find the Goddess.
The 3rd step was figuring out who I am and the meaning of life.
It was a direct result of the 2nd step.
It was also the 1st step.
If you look back, the 1st step and the 3rd step are the same.
The 2nd step sets you up for success when you return to the 1st step which becomes the 3rd step.
Once you take the 3rd step, the 4th step is inevitable.
Oh, I get it.
That 4th step is the end.
You found out who you are and the meaning of life.
That's the last step.
At the fourth step a lot of spiritual practitioners realized they are God, they go with that, they turn to stone, and they are done.
Game over.
They completed the game.
Then they go.
You completed the game and you're still here.
Yes, because one of my mottos is to play the game.
Remember to play.
Don't stop the game.
When the game stops, that's where there's winners and losers.
Or in the case of your best friends, when the game stops for them then it's game over.
The suffering is from the game being over.
It's not your suffering.
It's other people suffering.
Yeah, I don't think a lot of people would have been happy to see you go.
There were a few, but for the most part people would suffer.
I wouldn't suffer.
I'd be gone.
That's how it works.
So, you're saying you haven't left so you have lessened the suffering in the world?
I'd like to think so.
I think I do good for the most part.
No one really hates me.
I can see them thinking you're a piece of shit, but you are decent.
Okay, that's good, so by not going, I lessen the suffering in the world.

Back to the pyramids.
The 4th choice or the 4th step that you see is the end.
You think there's 7.
Sounds plausible.
4 seems to be unattainable.
That's where everybody checks out if they're playing the pyramid game.
You get lost in the labyrinth and find God.
Become God and go.
I'm climbing the 7 steps.
I have a feeling the pyramid is full of games.
This is one of them.
There are probably infinite games.
I'm not going to think about it.
I will go with 7.
People think there's only 4 moves in the game and nobody gets past 4.
That's why they think it's 4 moves ahead.

You could play someone in chess to a draw and keep moving forever in an infinite loop.
It wouldn't even be a stalemate.
The game is 7.
It makes it fair.
I'm 4 moves ahead and I'm still here, so don't let that go to your head.
What's the 5th move?
Nobody knows.
Nobody has got there.
I got it.
The 4th step is God.
The 5th step is the writer.
I've done 5 steps.
People can do 4 steps and then the game ends.
The 5th step is the writer and that would logically make the 6th step whatever the fuck I want because I'm the writer.
Yes, that's the 6th step to the game.
Obviously, nobody knows what it is, so you can make it all up.
Whatever you make up would lead to the 7th step.
What is the 7th step?
It's that dog world where you make a perfect world for dogs.
You can do whatever you want.
That's why the people you want to take with you, you are giving them dog characteristics.
I compare most humans to dogs.
I see dog behaviours in people.
You've covered yourself, so you can take whoever you want.
That's the 7 steps.
It's different from your 7 stories.
You see how there's multi-dimensional stories and multi-psychological dimensions.
That was the climb, the 7 steps of the pyramid game.
Miley Cyrus' "The Climb."
So, did those people want me to go or were they just telling me to go because it's part of the game?
They were hypnotized and lost in the game.
You were supposed to go.
They were going to take advantage of knowing it was time for you to go.
They would try to grab as much from you before you left.
They would see you got to the 4th step of the pyramid, so they wanted that mind of yours which knows how to get to the 4th step.
They are mesmerized by the pyramid and want to know its secret.
That's why you always tell the Goddess that you'll meet her at the pyramids every time you play.
You were obsessed with the game, and you knew this time you were going to win.
You had to get past the 4th step this time.
You had your internal scientists figuring it out for you.
You must get to the 4th step first, and that's hard enough.
Once you get there, you must figure out how to stay without imploding.
Nobody ever got past that level.
It's get to God and gone.
I got to God, but I saw him as the Devil as well.
I could get past him because of seeing 2, though I did feel the pressure to go.
The 4th level is hard.
How'd you do it?
Nobody's ever got past that level.
Don't make a choice.
Don't do anything.
Realize the next step is that the penis is more powerful than God, so you would look towards Dionysos, figure out he's the one writing this story, and you're him.
The writer is a dickhead.
God is a figurehead.
He's an idol.
He doesn't do anything.
People try to say he's responsible for creation, however they don't know how he does it.
They say he made it up out of nothing.
The writer knows how he does it.
I write the story.
The ideas I get from her.
The Goddess.
The idea is a crazy vibration and it's Eros.

As a man climbing the 7-step pyramid, I get to the writer.
A woman has a different climb.
She can figure out the meaning she's looking for by going through the 3 stages of maiden, mother, and crone.
The 3 brings the 4th which is the witch.
They try to get to the witch.
That's their 4th step.
It stops them at the 4th step because they all want to be the head witch.
The 5th step is the Goddess.
Women think their journey ends at the witch.
Since that's what they believe, they stop at 4.
Some men get high enough and they can see her on the 5th step.
Right, that's what the 3 shamanic worlds are.
You get up to the 3rd one, which is the sky, and the next step is Heaven's Gate.
That's the end of the story.
You didn't go to Heaven's Gate last trip.
No, we were detoured.
Political unrest.
It was a sign.
Men want to play the getting to God game.
When you take the last step, you're gone.
People can see it.
You have rock and rollers who get money and fame, and they get so high that they leave.
It encourages a bunch of others to go.
That's that phenomenon.
They would also have some others around them that would encourage them to go.
Don Howard must have known it was 7 steps.
He shows you the 3 shamanic worlds and then a glimpse of Heaven's Gate with Vilca.
The real Heaven's Gate is after 7 steps.
That's what that pilgrimage teaches you.

If you are a man and are on the precipice of the 4th step you must be able to see the 5th step.
You can see a writer, but he leaves you confused.
You don't know why you see him.
I haven't written my story.
I haven't made it to the 7th step.
The 5th story is where you are the writer and write your story.
The 6th step is that story leading to the 7th story.
The 7th story is the story you will write for Eros the dog.
After the 7th story everything goes back to what it was.
The game is complete.
You're at Heaven's Gate for real.
It's a metaphor.

Don Howard was showing you 4 and showing you 7.
The pilgrimage was the 7.
The 4 was a glimpse of heaven.
The 1st time with Vilca I went up 3 levels.
I saw the 4th where the healers reside.
The healers get to God and then they stay there.
They don't go any further by being of service.
Don Howard's favourite number was 7, he must know.
The 4th step gets you to God and you're at Heaven's Gate.
That's what gets people to leave.
They get fooled when they can keep going.

You're on the 5th step.
You could take the 6th step.
You are doing nothing.
You are taking your time.
Hey, I just realized all this.
Give me a few seconds.
Plus, I know Tao teaches you to do nothing.
In writing my story, I know I must do nothing, and the opposite will be my story.
The flow will tell my story.
The puzzle of the 6th story is that the writer must write your story.
I know it should lead to a 7th story about dogs.
I can see that in the flow, and it will happen if I do nothing.
The temptation is to write the story which would lead into the 7th world of dogs because that's what I know and have promised.
I know it because it came to me in the flow.
The mind state of flow.
It's absurd but it makes sense.
You're saying in the 6th story you do nothing, and your story is written?
It all unfolds.
Is it written on a scroll or something?
I would have written it.
I would have written that when you get to the writer nobody knows what is to take place because nobody has gotten that far.
I have written that when you don't know what to do, it's best to do nothing.
The flow will make you do something.
Yes, but I'll have made no choice.
Your story will play out and then you'll take the 7th step.

The top of the pyramid is like the top of the mountain where the canine Anubis hangs out watching over everyone.
He's reminding me of the 7th world.
How did the cats not get in on this?
The jungle cats think they're God.
They got stuck on the 4th step.
The dogs made it to the 7th level.
I'll take that for an answer.

It's been 16 years, so it's been about 4 years per step.
You can see the next step when you're at that step.
That's why since you made it to the 5th step, you can see the rest of the steps.
I'm on the writer's step and I can still see the God step.
I'm writing my story by doing nothing.
No, you do stuff, you just do it when you want and then in 4 years you'll be immersed in it.
8 years from now will be the start of the 7th story.
I guess that's when humanity is going to blow itself up.

The number of years to do the pyramid climb is 28.
That's the cycle.
There's 7 steps and each step take 4 years.
Each of the 4 years is made up of 3 challenges or events.
For most, it's 12 years to get to God's step and 16 is the end for them.
Yes, in theory, however they don't follow that timeline.
That's the pace to climb the pyramid.
4 years for each step and there's 3 events within each 4 years of climbing that step.
You can see how that mirrors the moon with the sun over a year's cycle.
You can't climb the pyramid in 7 steps without following this plan.

You can see the 6th story coming, but you're in the 5th step's story.
You must finish writing whatever story you're writing.
Writing is kind of like doing nothing.
I'm writing my story but I'm not living it.
You are, but I know what you mean.
There's a time and a place to write and act.

The Orion constellation has 7 pyramids on earth.
Seven pyramid games.
I think the stories are infinite.
You could probably pick out 7 games of 7.
7 step game.
7 story game.
Then you see what else manifests in your life as 7.
You see it in mythology.
There won't be 7x7 births.
Not all pyramid games are 7 levels or sums.
They're just 7.
There's more than 7 7s, but you'll probably notice 7 7s.
It's letting you know about the 7 steps and stories.
Those are the two games you are playing.
Are there more?
Women are playing a different game.
Your stories overlap.
At first, you don't understand their story, so you don't understand them.
Once you find out their story, then you can see them playing out their story.
If they look close enough, they'll see your story.
A witch would see your story.
She's blinded and she can only see four of them.
They didn't know I'd get past the level no one can get past.

You don't have to write your story.
You just have to think of what you would have originally written.
What would you have written for yourself?
I'd want to endure suffering but not too much, and then it will make getting what I want all the better.
Then I'd question what I want.
I would see it's maybe not what I want.
I'd do nothing for a while until I figured out what I really wanted.
You'd want your cake and to eat it as well.
You'd want to be free to do what you want and still have someone control you.
That way you would find balance.
How are you going to do that?
I already see the answer.

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