
Monday, September 9, 2024


See how you're on the throes of being kind of tipsy when you're about to be hypnotized?
You get unsteady.
I thought being hypnotized was balancing the two into one?
Yes, to hypnotize someone you take them to the extreme and then snap them back to balance.
It's called mindfucking.
I'm nice, now I'm not.
So, to hypnotize somebody you swing quickly between two sides.
Yeah, just like the hypnotist and their pendulum.
They swing you between the two sides and then they make you pick a side.
Some people can hypnotize you with their voice.
I think I do that sometimes.
Especially if I talk slowly.
A little bit of resistance is good.
It makes you work, and it is a challenge for knowledge.
If it flows without resistance, it will hypnotize you.
I shouldn't do anything.
Then you'll get hypnotized by Tao.
Remember to see Tao, you can't be in Tao.
You can't physically see it.
Don't choose one side.
Choose both sides.
Flow into Tao and then flow out.
It's the flow.
The flow takes you to Tao and it takes you away.
So, the flow is naturally unbalanced?
You could say that.
It always flows back to balance.
Do you see how it works?
You go with the flow because the flow will maintain the correct amount of balance.
If the flow went completely into the flow, there would be an unbalanced balance.
You'd be hypnotized.
Balance isn't balance.
That's absurd.
Balance is equal part unbalance.
You're a smart student.

I remembered Jesus.
I did my part.
That dude comes on strong and tries to get you as a follower.
He's like a salesman.
He gives you the hard sell and he makes sure he hits every potential customer.
That's why you must do his bidding and spread the word about him if you want to be saved.
So, the money in the church is actually his?
When he comes back it is all his.
He comes back and rules the world because he's got so much fucking money.
He's running a pyramid scheme.
The people below him are also making money off him.
Jesus played the good guy and that was his game to rule the world.
When he comes back in his story, he's going to rule the world.
He won't come back in his story until he can rule the world.
Do you think he can do it now?
No, he doesn't have enough followers.
In the Middle Ages the church tried to force you to follow him.
Inquisitions and crusades.
That was the real Christ consciousness possessing his followers.
They were doing it for him because he was the leader of the pyramid scheme.
What's the difference between Jesus and God?
They vie for control over the pyramid.
God still gets a shout out, but Jesus tries to take over.
The first born always tries to claim the throne.
That's why God was intent on killing all the first born.
They want the power of their father.
The pyramid scheme of ruling the world is his birthright.
This is a dark view of history.
You are going to say that you think Jesus is the Devil.
I mean, he kind of is, but he's just another character in the play.
It depends on what face you're looking at.
Jesus is two-faced like everyone else.
The writer wanted to write a character that was more deceptive than the Devil.
He came up with Jesus and put a hidden twist and mystery into his story.
The writer gives it away in the New Testament when Jesus goes to see the Devil in the wilderness.
The Devil changes Jesus' story.
This is exactly how you have written the story and then you put a clue in the New Testament.
Didn't he get tempted for forty days and forty nights?
Yeah, it took forty.
Am I going to get tempted for forty days and forty nights?
Are you Jewish?
Then you probably got some other thing going on.
I'm circumcised.
Yeah, it's confusing.
Why are you circumcised?
It was the thing to do.
That's weird.
Especially end times churches that make their adult males do that.
It seems irrational.
You do it and find out the leader of the church is a degenerate making lots of money off it.
What a kick in the nuts.
Talk about having skin in the game.
That's it.
You put skin in the game from your dick.
The serious players are circumcised.

If this is a dream, it's well done.
Do you think it's a dream?
You can scare yourself or get back to being the writer.
If you ever scare yourself just switch over to Dionysos.
He's the one writing this.
It feels like the jungle here in the forest.
You let that thought into your mind.
Maybe I ran into the jungle and got lost way back in 2013?
You would have gotten lost.
Then I ran home.
Notice how you want to blame your troubles on somebody else?
You can't face up to your own mind.
Instead of believing it's them, most people want to blame something else.
The perfect character for that is the Devil.
The perfect character for blaming the alteration of your mind on is the one who gave you the potion.
All sorcerers bank on your mind doing the work for them.
They find something that will get into your head.
They give it to you, and they rely on you to be your own worst enemy.
Or friend.
It's me, the writer.
Instead, the impetus is to assign that power to someone else when it is you all alone and along.
You can blame it feeling like the Amazon jungle on a sorcerer who gave you a potion, but it's you.
It's your mind and you did it to yourself.
That's fascinating.
Yes, and everyone has free will to choose what they want to believe.
When you don't believe that it's you who controls your story, you will search for someone who can control your story.
You eventually run into the Devil.
And he changes your story.
So, what do you believe?
Trust in the writer and Dionysos.

This is dark and scary.
Yeah, but you can handle it.
You can handle all the lessons from here on in.
They do get darker.
What's darker - suicide or selling your soul to the Devil?
Seems like you have the answer.
I did nothing.
I moved through the lessons.
If you act out the lesson you fail the test.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
It would just mean defeat.
I got the Devil test a long time ago.
Yeah, but you didn't understand it.
So, getting past that point means that I can now understand the Devil test?
What's it about again?
Kind of a mystery, but not really.
You don't ask perceived higher powers for favours.
I don't know, I think I already have.
When I was younger, I did for sure, it was probably something stupid.
Yeah, you didn't know any better.
I hated when my bird died.
That was an ask that wasn't for gain.
It was nice.
You've said prayers for people.
Yeah, but I didn't believe them.
Right, so it wouldn't work.
What about your prayers now?
Are you asking a higher power?
No, I think I'm asking myself for a boon and we're equals.
Prayers are nice things to do.
Prayers aren't demands, they're just nice.
It balances out because you were probably a shit at one point.
It's good credit.
There's nothing wrong with prayers.
Okay, if you ask for money or something like that, then that's not a good use of prayer.
What if you do an exchange like you do at the plant medicine retreats?
That's reciprocity.
As you have written, there's an obligation to fulfill your end of the bargain.
How many spiritual pilgrims do that?
Not many.
Then those fuckers keep coming back.
I never asked for anything.
You think that was a trick question or something?
Why do you need something?
What do you go down into the Amazon and drink that potion for?
I was searching for the Goddess.
How retarded are you?
Everyone else goes to get something.
You wanted to meet the Great Goddess.
You're so special.
You also use prayer because you're a bit of an asshole.
It helps balance that condition out.

This path of the heart sure does go on and on.
You get the light teachings too.

You're one of a kind.
Why do you do it?
I wanted to be special and stand out from the crowd.
I don't know why.
It's how you get to God and then you keep going to the writer.
You're a one of a kind dog owner.
Yup, dogs want me to own them.
I want them to be friends, not own them.
I'll care for them.

So, what's more powerful?
Your own mind or other people's minds?
My own mind by a lot.
The mind creates duality.
The mind separates allowing the body into duality.
When the body perishes, it returns to non-duality.
The mind will always be in duality.
Can it exist in non-duality?
There's no thinking in non-duality.
It feels like all or nothing.
It's an extreme.
But non-duality is Tao.
Yes, but it's all or nothing.
You see one.
Duality you see both sides.
Non-duality you don't see sides.
Hypnosis takes away your ability to see sides.
It's bliss.
There's only one choice, so you go with the flow.
The answer is to see both choices and do not make a choice.
Or choose both.
Never choose one.
Choosing one will get you hypnotized.
Sometimes I get confused.
Because Tao is a teacher, yet it will hypnotize you.
If I balance duality then I get back to nothing.
Do I want to get back to nothing?
You mean non-duality?
There are no more stories.
It's Happily-Ever-After time.
There's suffering in duality.
There's triumph, feelings, and rewards.
Don't forget lust.
In and out, man.
Maybe you should choose both?
How about you rest in peace for a bit and then go on another adventure?
Seems like that's what we do.
Sure does, right?
So, I guess when you go back to the carnival, you'd probably want to meet up with your friends again.
I think that's what you would want to do once you saw through the game.
How do you do that?
Have you not been paying attention?
I was trying to play the fool.
I remember my lessons.

3rd dimension is the middle.
You see the two as one.
If you see life after death because the mind stays active and you see the body perish, what is the result of seeing two?
Two shows you duality.
What if I see those two choices as one?
You are confused.
You don't understand.
You are hypnotized.
You think there might be spiritual continuance, yet you know the body dies.
If you see the choices for what they are without the other one clouding your perception, then it becomes clear.
Mind continues on and the body dies.
What about those who say the mind needs the body?
To play out this story that is true.
Is this the only story?
What generates stories?
The mind.
Is there a body in all the stories?
There is a vehicle, not necessarily a human body.
So, you're saying the mind needs a container in order to live out fantasies?
That's what I'm saying.
Without the playground, it's all in your mind.
If you are stuck in one story, one playground, then you might think when it ends you are finished.
The mind is quite incredible.
Yes, I am a good time.
I'm the writer.
I have a bunch of projects on the go.
Is duality defined by mind and body?
It can be.
You need both to have an experience.
Without a mind, you are a programmed robot or a zombie.
Without a body, you are a ghost.
You need both.
It's obvious the body doesn't last.
What about the mind?
Some people lose their mind.
As the vehicle gets older the efficiency of the mind becomes impaired.
What about stress on the mind through anxiety or the effects of cultural brainwashing?
Your mind is the most valuable thing.
It's gold in a sea of shit.
Your fellow humans will come to take what is most valuable from you.
That's your mind.
They have many ways to do it, and they have a good success rate.
It's multi-faceted.
Culture is the top layer.
There are individualized local games of possession going on.
I think you see them.
You can't escape, so you keep a healthy separation.
Who is crazy now?
Certainly not you, sir.
Keep a healthy balance.
The mind is the subconscious writer, and the mind is you who have come forth.
The mind is dual in a world of duality.
If you look for a monolith in duality then into the labyrinth you go.
Good luck!

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