
Monday, September 30, 2024

the ending

They say the remedy will destroy your mind.
I think they are correct.
They allow you to break free of the shackles of culture and become untethered by the weight of the world.
The result is being dropped into unfamiliar territory.
The default concern due to the break with manufactured reality is you naturally think you are crazy.
Those you surround yourself with will reinforce the belief you are nuts.
How do you mentally feel?
I've never been more at peace with myself, with who I am, and what I have discovered.
I'm excited for what is to come.
I've accepted my nature.
Do you think you are crazy?
It's in my nature.
It's not necessarily crazy.
I will say that what I classify as abnormal is the result of removing the shackles of behaviour enforced by culture.
I always had these tendencies, and I would repress them.
Now, I let them flow.
I'm still careful and maintain discipline.
Are you concerned?
I can see into the subconscious motivations of others.
People have hidden thoughts and desires.
The outer shell is a facade which acts as a layer of protection concealing what they really want.
I see what they want.
Does that bother you?
If I took it seriously it would.
If I play the game, it becomes a blast.
The reason it becomes fun is that the others can't reveal their intentions.
If they do, they will be ashamed and ostracized for their greed and avarice.
They must save face.
This gets back to the ability to tell stories.
You take what you know and spin it into a tale of intrigue.
You follow along and see the synchronicities and coincidences start to add up which makes your story plausible.
It's a fun game.
This is why you would descend into madness.
You would start creating your reality and then manifest that reality.
No one can handle that result.
This is how you become crazy.
Shouldn't you be crazy then because this is what you do.
I've crossed that bridge, and I know how to do this.
Why are you not completely mad?
I let it flow.
I don't try to control it.
I see the story and I let it be.
If I tried to direct the story, then I'd go mad.
It is about power.
You get control over the flow, and you are tempted to use it.
The great teaching of Tao gives you the answer.
It is hidden overtly within the ideas of Tao.
You are constantly reminded of the secret.
The secret is to do nothing.
Once you do something, the problems will become insurmountable, and you will lose.
You see the story and you let it be.
You go with the flow.
The story is crazy, and you have a laugh and marvel at your genius of how you create and weave these stories together.
Aren't you doing something by creating these stories?
The flow is your subconscious.
The flow will do all the work.
You do nothing.
Watch the movie and resist the temptation to change the story no matter how desperate or enticing it may be to take up your power to change the world.
I see what the flow is doing.
I have a front row seat.
So, I'm not crazy?
Nah, you good.

How crazy is this:
When I pass away, this whole construct goes away.
The world ends.
That's definitely narcissistic.
It's my story, so it must end.
Is that why you are going to blow it up?
The threat of nuclear annihilation is the discontinuance of your story.
That's why you're here at this time in history.
It is a puzzle which has as its ending you solve the riddle and have a lack of enjoyment over figuring it out.
What do you mean?
If the story ends you must end at the same time, so you cannot verify that the story has ended.
It's a good trick of the mind.
Awareness will inform you that the dream has ended, and you woke up.
You will give your head a shake and say wow.
Imagine coming up with all this and having it be a product of your mind?
It's pretty incredible and even more so knowing that within this reality there are infinite realities.
They all will come crashing down when I expire.
Will they?
Is it all dependent on your body?
Wouldn't the outcome be this reality ends because you lose your connection to it, but the other realities will continue?
The body is the key to this reality.
You can't return to this reality without a body.
Is that why the ancient Egyptians mummified people?
Do you have a better answer?
I figured it was because the spirit or ghost needed a body to inhabit or else they became a nuisance.
That is true.
They hang around this reality but they can't get back in without a key.
When I die you are saying I will still see what is going on in this reality?
It's possible.
However, because you are a narcissist and think the world revolves around you, when you die this reality is going away.
It will come to a sudden stop.
That would seem to suggest you will die in a nuclear explosion or some kind of cosmic catastrophe.
It will end all life and this reality will be an empty story.
Where will I be?
You have your eye on the 7th world which is a world crafted for dogs.
What about the story of the witches and sorcerers?
That storyline is running parallel to this one.
You can witness it playing out in conjunction with your own life.
I think I understand.
So, a witch will lead me to the Devil's orgy where they will prepare to sacrifice me at the same time the world will meet its fate.
Everything will end at the same time.
Yes, they will castrate you and the world blows up.
I'm picturing an orgasmic ending to this farce.
You got it.
As the writer, you know you are going to twist the ending.
The sacrifice will twist into you becoming the saviour of the world.
All will worship you and your penis.
I would keep that to yourself as it's hard to explain without coming across as nuts.
I see that.

All babes are the manifestation of Cupid.
Culture teaches us to bury this lust.
We bury a lot of desires.
So, if we are looking for Eros within, we look to the shadow?
It's a good start.
Is my shadow closer to my essence?
It seems that way because it is clear of cultural influences.
Indeed, he is free of culture thus why he told you to kill yourself in order to live.
To accept who you are you must become free.
Is the part of me who came forth a fraud?
No, just some of it.
If you can extract yourself from culture, you get closer to who you are.
The opposite is true where you have mixed in parts of your circumstance you don't like with your shadow.
I imagine you are looking for balance.
We all start off as pure Eros?
Yeah, he or she is the story, so of course.
Within Eros is the Goddess and the writer.
As the writer, you can see Eros and the Goddess.
That is what I have discovered.
The Goddess sees Eros and the writer.
Eros will see mom and dad.
I understand all this.
What I'm thinking about is that I start the human journey as Eros.
Then I as a man will look for God.
That's the warrior path.
It will eventually kill you and I don't mean old age.
I have this lived experience now.
I see beyond God, and it is the writer.
Okay, so I know I'm Eros and the writer.
That's what the Goddess sees.
You buried the writer with Eros.
Okay, so who am I?
A puppet.
Do you see why you must kill yourself in order to live?
Paul is a coping method.
What about the goodness in me?
A lot of it is a fool.
That's true but not all of it.
Who came forth reflects your buried desires mixed with the expectations of culture.
Don't throw away the baby with the bath.
Eliminate who you are told you are and embrace who you are.
It's the path forward.

You were hypnotized.
You didn't see the Goddess with Eros.
I only saw one.
I didn't know he was there.
He was waiting for you to separate him from the Goddess.
They waited for you.
Finally, you showed up.
I don't think anyone knew what was going on.
The story was a mystery.
You can see it now.
You see a lot of things.
Some are weird.
Some stretch the truth.
There are unbelievable stories.
Those are extreme.
The stories that contain the most believability are the stories that fit into your belief system.
The far out stories belong to a different reality which contains a different set of beliefs.
They would seem more normal in those worlds.
I think you are telling me every story has merit.
Yes, you generate the story, and your mind plays with it.
It's just a story.
Sometimes, you find a way to play out the story.
That's when you incarnate into a vessel?
The more stories you generate, the more alive you are.
You perform on many levels which are realities.
The secret to being alive is to generate stories.
If you get stuck in this reality you think you will perish when all the stories play out in this realm.
Eventually they will.
The body gives out.
If you can switch between stories, it's all good.
You jump ship when this body starts to give out.
Is that what some people try to do?
Yes, they want to get into another head in order to continue their story.
They are stuck in this reality.
They continue on here.
Can't you do more than one?
You mean stay in this reality through jumping bodies or being remembered and then perform in another level?
I don't see why not?
The different reality would become your new reality.
You hypnotize yourself into the new reality and keep going that way.
Alternatively, you can step out of the hypnotism and shuffle through all the different realities.
Then you don't have to feed off others.
You are self-reliant.
You can already see the other stories.
You know how to switch between them.
It's because you woke up.
You do it; you just don't fully realize it yet.
It's because you are taking it slow.
You know how to peer into the different stories, and you are aware you can get lost in a different story.
I'm disciplined.
I know when it gets too much, I might lose my way out of the mind.
There's a minotaur waiting for me.
What does he do?
He devours humans.
Well, that should be enough of a caution.
There's lots of bones of stranded travelers in the labyrinth.
A warning that you get when you realize it's too late.
The minotaur has a connection to Dionysos.
Of course, the divine writer contains the stories.
When you peer into them, which is stepping too far into the labyrinth, the man bull is waiting for you.
You can run from him or be a hero like Theseus.
Didn't Theseus run off with Ariadne?
Yeah, because he bludgeoned Dionysos the man bull to death.
Then he dumped Ariadne on an island, Dionysos returned as he is the eternal return, and reunited with Ariadne.
Good story.
Who are you?
Well, I'm not going to kill the bull god.
He is me.
We will be friends.
Like Happily-Ever-After friends?
No, there will be more adventures.
You have it all figured out, don't you?
What do you think?

Once trapped, people will do anything to free themselves.
That's why they perform stupid sacrifices.
I see that.
It's a good signpost on the road ahead.
Your trips have been enough.
You know that.
You have Mary Jayne and a nice container.
Keep it that way and you are good to go.
Thanks for the advice.

As long as the universe continues you will become matter again.
The universe is one big cycle.
The universe is the one story and then there's all the cycles within that cycle so the one would become the two which would become the four which I want to say eight, but I think it's sixteen. 
Lots of really good knowledge today because lust isn't bugging you.
You're not wrong.
I want to create a reason why I should have lust around.
I think you already know.
The knowledge will get too much, it will bother you, and you'll want to stop.
Lust is around to provide the resistance needed.
They are both teachers.
I know what you're going to say.
You're going to say lust is the greatest teacher.
I think he's probably tied in with knowledge and wisdom, but let's go with that for now.
So, tell me, why is lust a teacher?
He reminds you to play.
Remember he did that in Ecuador?
If you go all in on knowledge, you'll destroy yourself.
If you go all in on lust, the same.
Lust is telling you to stop being so fucking serious.
That's how you live a balanced life.
A perfectly balanced life would go on forever.
That's Tao.
Tao teaches eternal life.
Yes, in duality.
Of course, because if you're going to live forever, you must know that you're going to live forever.
If you didn't know you were living, who would care about living forever?
In non-duality no one would ever worry about living forever.
No one would worry about nothing.
There's nothing in non-duality.
Things are strictly a product of duality.
When you reduce the dualistic to one, the non-dualists take it a step further and say it's not one.
It just is.
It's no one.
You could represent non-duality as minus one.
What happens if you minus one?
You get less.
You might get nothing.
Yes, so when you're told to do nothing, you see non-duality is representing nothing.
So, within duality, the best thing to do is to do nothing, which is non-duality.
You practice nothing within something.
That ensures balance.
If the opposite happened and you are in non-duality, you wouldn't know you're in non-duality.
Tao would lead you back towards duality.
You would cycle back and forth.
You go from nothing to something.
It's the writer who twists the flow.
That is the flow.
It's twisted.
It's the story.
Non-duality is no thing and duality is some thing.
Isn't language great?
You wouldn't want to get stuck on either duality or non-duality.
If you got stuck on non-duality, you'd be an atheist, and there'd be nothing.
If you got stuck on duality, the stories would continue forever.
You would think there's an exit ramp for both of them.
There is.
Your physical body returns to nothing, and your mind continues to separate the one into two and you continue on.
How clever is that?
So, anyone who's died still exists?
You know what, they existed before their body.
That's pretty freaky, right?
We think the body is what makes the story start and come into existence, but the story already existed.
Some of the picky people would have picked their parents.
Others would have been happy to get here in a body.
I think you're telling me that the rich kids are picky.
Yeah, they made sure they got the best parents.
The weird thing is rich parents are probably the worst parents.
That's why all the rich kids end up getting into drugs and bad stuff.
You know you're not wrong, however what's your excuse?
Rich parents offload the raising of the child to somebody else, and then it doesn't work out well.
Just like child actors who are being taken advantage of because the parents aren't raising them anymore.
There are tons of vampires in the world, so the best bet to raise a child is the parents.
You'll find successful adoptions and people who mean well.
I'm talking odds here.
You shouldn't let the school system raise your kid.
No, that turns into a disaster.

Good talk.

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