
Monday, February 10, 2020

blank slate

Plant teachers are gurus that direct you towards looking within to find your strength. Like any good guru that consistently challenge and flummox you until you give up your folly of looking externally for answers, the guru has subtle ways of misdirecting your gaze. Eventually you look within and find that voice of wisdom, of love, and the one who is the joker. You learn how to access them and when they are speaking to you. You learn how to put the brakes on your mind, become the witness, and just let it flow.

You know what's funny? I drank Ayahuasca four times over the course of a week last March and pretty much every ceremony started off with a vision of a high speed drive along a race track. It was pretty cool. So cool it has taken me about a year to figure out why that vision kept recurring. My intention last year was to meet up with the Goddess and merge with her and I was not as focused on the preparation aspect going into ceremony and did not quiet the mind as well as I know I should have. I was pretty focused in my intention and was confident in navigating the Ayahuasca experience. That was all well and good however I finally realized the high speed chase was Ayahuasca teaching me about how the mind can race and repeating it. Imagine the frustration as I just didn't get it even though it kept repeating. It's the old getting hit in the head repeatedly with a blunt object trick but this time I was so hyper fixated I just shrugged it off. It’s an invaluable teaching moment though as whenever I sit in ceremony now with la Madre and I get this vision it will symbolize the need to become the blank slate. How awesome is that?

As I prepare for the next level of teachings I have made it a mantra this year to just shut the fuck up. I call it STFU - Listening to the Plants. Eventually I do pick up on the lessons and become a good student. It just takes a little extracurricular work sometimes.

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